Saturday, December 24, 2016

Karma of the Dakota Access Pipeline

Hilarion: In ancient Atlantis, there was a difficult time in which a great destruction took place. This created a high degree of radioactivity and many of the aspects of this gave rise to entirely powerful new solutions. “Let us bury these radioactive materials, let us put them someplace where they will not harm the earth.” This was proposed and it was very difficult to find the correct place but eventually, as has been described to you before, the Black Hills of the Dakotas were chosen. These are now primarily in South Dakota though some have also in North Dakota been those which have evolved over time into the fissures and the various changing of earth, to at various times be buried and uncovered.

Some of the sources of uranium and other radioactive materials dug from these hills have been helpful for humanity’s exploration scientifically of the nature of radioactivity and atomic energy. But, of course have led to the development of atomic weapons. Of course, atomic materials are not only found in the Black Hills of South Dakota. But, it is important to recognize that as people come to a deeper potential for the awareness of their ancient past, of their willingness to use and then put aside nuclear weapons. To see of this in its highest symbolic meaning that which pollutes the planet far more powerfully even than those of fossil fuels. That this pollution was that which was decided by humanity collectively, that it would not do this anymore.

This is no accident that all of these energies are concentrating now with the unfolding of this drama in the Dakotas. The pipeline is then bringing this karmic attribute for new understanding and awareness. At the same time as this you now have people relocated there in some cases by government on the reservation with their own ancient traditions and understanding who just know that this way of destroying the earth by putting a pipeline through is only going to create problems. There are leaks from pipelines on a daily basis all over the planet. It is inherent in the technology and many times they are not well reported or the cleanup efforts are those which provide some money for the localities. But, it is just in the nature of this technology, crude and difficult as it is, that this is only going to be a problem.

So, those with this ancient understanding recognize that this is moving through tribal lands in ways that are going to powerfully hurt the ancient spirits, change the ancestral understanding of the earth itself. This is no accident with regards to the Atlantean burying of the radioactive materials not far from this region.

This is the interesting aspect of this that isn't normally mentioned. Simply that, along with this deposit in the physical was this larger awareness that a thought form, an energy, “danger, be careful. Use this only with great care.” This evolved eventually into, “these are sacred mountains, these are sacred places, these are not to be defiled or destroyed. If you do, there can be great danger, there can be great difficulty just as radioactivity could be uncovered, so also this negative thought form.”

These are in flux at the current time. It is hoped that more people will come to understand this and various shifts around this will be made when the springtime approaches. Because, of course, at this time it is difficult for very much to get done with the extreme cold temperatures in this region.

But, soon this issue will show up again and it is hoped that the karma of this will make itself known to people enough that they will decide a pipeline is not the best way of our money going into the action of producing energy. Other means that pollute less: wind, solar, as by example could perhaps be employed. More research into areas that provide even less pollution such as HHO or various forms of inert gas stimulation or magnetic energy could be investigated as well. In the meantime, this remains a “hotspot,” a place where every time you think about it, look at it, try to understand what is happening you are being reminded in a very subtle way that there is more here than meets the eye. There's a deeper question to be asked, there's something here trying to make itself known.

December 21, 2016

Monday, December 19, 2016

Healing Past Life Trauma

What is the best way to access and heal past life traumas and how much do those traumas affect our lives now?

Hilarion: Most important first of all, is in the consciousness that is asking. This is far more important than the actuality, who wants to know? Who is the energy? What is the energy encompassing the questioner? Past lives have a profound and important influence on consciousness to the extent that they do so through cause and effect where you are unconsciously creating the cause. You are creating the cause simply out of a response, a knee-jerk sort of energy, an awareness that could be elsewhere, a distracted energy, etc. etc. For this you always have the wonderful rationalization, “Well, I did the best I could.” Yes. That's what Genghis Khan said and Hitler and all of the others. But, in this way the karma is to be understood at its source as that of cause and effect not that which is intrinsically good or bad. 

As hard as it is to grasp and understand it must be understood that it was done from a place with little conscious awareness of who was doing it. Once you grasp that principle it is as if those aspects that hold the karma in place begin to melt away. The aspects of the past lives where you did the best you could now bring you to be that which you are now finally willing to ask,” who is willing to have these experiences?” As a result of those questions many things can shift for you if you let them. That is really the most easy, helpful way.

There have been others who have pointed out important methods where you allow a sense of deep love and that also can be helpful. But again, who is loving is an even more important question to be asking. Now, as you approach this you therefore recognize that in the interest of greater clarification, the aspects of learning, of the karma, cosmo-ethical imperative previously mentioned then well here is the aspect to then work with knowledge. 

Past life regression usually does not have a strong emotional response. What comes through in the hypnotic state, in your awareness at a different level of consciousness, may not seem related to you, but it will be frequently very accurate. Past life regression can be done many different ways, one of the most useful is by projecting your consciousness and then saying very clearly, “I want to have a memorable experience of my most important past life.” That sort of thing you can then bring back with you, write it down, and learn about. The intelligent awareness about this is very helpful. Sometimes that alone dissolves the karma because the lesson that you were intending for your soul, for your consciousness in that incarnation, you now learn it. Thus, you have now balanced from the level of the clarification, from the level of learning. However, you also recognize that as you enter into these there is also some other part of it. Some part that truly needs love, something that needs to be told you are a friend, you are a being to understand and work with this. 

There is another who would like to speak here, we are going to hold him to this fairly briefly if possible, but he has been wanting to make appearance through this channel for the last few months.

Ian Stevenson: Yes. This is an interesting experience. You knew me in the world as Ian Stevenson. My role was as investigator to understand about the world, to reach into places where you couldn't, to help the children to understand their own way. The many in the world who have read my books, who understand this and feel it, it is a way to be touched or to reach inside themselves. I cannot do more than when I was in the world reminding you to look at those studies, read about them, awaken to them. But still, there is something much deeper. As someone who studied past lives, who studied how they affected how you made your body, the way you move from one life to the next; this is now available to you. It is as if the world knows this, it feels it. 

So here is a great secret for you: look at your body, stand in front of the mirror and look at the shape of it. Look at the marks that may appear seemingly at random; a freckle, a birthmark, something that is natural comes into your body that was there perhaps when you were young; use that as a doorway. Touch it, sense it, ask,” Where does this come from?” Sometimes this is a useful exercise just before you go to sleep that you can suddenly enter into an altered state as you pass over. But ,the moment you do this you will also be connecting to my energy. I will be able to reach to you, hold your hand for a minute.

Hilarion: Yes. Hilarion here again. We thank you for your willingness to incarnate in the future and your important preparation for this. Ian Stevenson has a wide variety of aspects of research to share with the world and many are becoming aware of the importance of this, those who follow in his footsteps are continuing this work. But, it is important to recognize that at its core it is to convince people of the reality of how this proceeds. He himself is reaching the end of his past life review. During this time period most individuals on the other side began to ask what would it be like to be incarnate again? What sort of energies might be shared? What would it feel like to be in a body again? So of course, in recognizing Jon's (channel) willingness to use his body in this way may occasionally make this available. Still though, it is important to recognize that when a person has had a tremendous focus in the world there is some continuation of this, some encouragement in consciousness, and in other people who continue this.

So here, what is continued is one of those aspects that bring spiritual maturity to your planet when you understand that you have lived before and will again. That the nature of your consciousness is then up to be examined as a result. There are so many ways in which you change your behavior, your habits, your patterns, how you live in the world, how you regard your fellow men and women, how you see them in their proper light and respect and care. It is this energy that then will likely be enhanced and continued as people investigate the voluminous and helpful work of Stevenson.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Karma of Visualizing Outcomes For Another

If we visualize Africa having plentiful food, are we controlling their experience and possibly generating karma, or is this the highest good we can do for them?

Hilarion: Of course you're generating karma, how can you help it? Every time you do anything - cause and effect, it is natural. Is it a karma that you are consciously, willingly taking on? Then go for it. That is the way to understand and work with it. As then otherwise you would just sit around and do nothing. But at the core level of sharing such positive, uplifting energies, you are simply giving more choices. 

It does not mean that those involved with these energies will choose, but the encouragement here that they will choose an energy of cooperation, of love, of planning, of a willingness to share with each other rather than to hoard, or to prevent the energies of planning and awareness for the future. What crops should be planted? How can those be best distributed? How can the energies be best loved and cared for amongst each other? Those are also important visualizations to share. Not just that they be fed, but that they also understand and grow, in other words, the prayer for clarification. Not just for consolation.

But what really makes this energizing, what really helps and what releases some of the karma is when you apply this to yourself if you are sensing the desire to experience some benefit, some assistance for someone else, someone outside of you; then ask. What part in you is starving? What part in you is unwilling necessarily to find clarification, to plan for the future, to balance the energies as appropriate? What part is afraid? What part struggles? What part is greedy? All of the problems that face Africa are a much larger aspect of that which in the microcosm, faces you and can be that which you work with. 

That isn't to say that all you have to do is shift the energies in yourself and they'll change in the world. This would certainly happen if everyone did it. But the key is that as you do this within yourself, more energy is available for more practical solutions. Suddenly, an opportunity will show up in your consciousness that you have previously ignored, an idea of someone else to help specifically, some way to contact someone in this place, some energy that might be shared.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Was Sai Baba Incarnated as Krishna in a Past Life?

Hilarion: Yes. Many changes occurring constantly as one individual incarnates from one level to the next. But their fundamental nature also changes; they let go of various aspects of their being that can incarnate as others. How else would you explain the constantly increasing population from the soul base it began with? There is division. So, in this way, you see that manifesting new aspects of being is an important part for all spiritual leaders. This does not mean they are perfect; it means that they must be human and deal with humanity. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Karma of Prostate Problems

The prostate problems have increased quite alarmingly in the western world. What is the karmic background to these prostate problems and is there anything in vibrational healing that would help alleviate these problems?

Hilarion: The karma of this relates to the many ways in which the various related sexual energies are not circulating in men and have not for a long time. Their misunderstanding of these energies, the opportunity as this collides with the feminine archetype and manifests itself in the patriarchal society only digs these energies deeper and deeper. But at the same time, these are opportunities for people to shift. 

The prostate itself is very deliberately designed to be a very sensitive organ in a man. Not just sensitive to touch and to the passage of fluids, but also sensitive to energy and to the accumulation of small particles of toxic materials. It is especially sensitive to hardened fats, meaning fats heated to over 104 degrees Fahrenheit, and especially those that have been eaten over a long periods of time which gradually accumulate and cause all kinds of problems in various parts of the body, but especially there.

The underlying reasoning behind this has to do with vortices that are created in the body that attract these fat molecules. And so, of course, at a physical level where one stops eating it, fats heated over 104 degrees Fahrenheit, and eats only those fats that have not been heated to such a temperature, there will generally be benefit. However vibrationally, there does appear to be a link to neon. And where neon can be taken in any of its forms, the elixir being particularly assimilable to many people but also as inert gas pendant, as inert gas technology in various ways. This is helpful. In addition to utilize neon in any form in the bath and for the man to be in this for at least fifteen minutes is a helpful opportunity to draw in these energies more consciously. 

Many exercises are available to bring greater circulation to this part of the body. And it is in line with humanity's need now to sit that there is, of course, increased difficulty. Because humanity's body is not so much designed for this and exercises are certainly helpful. But while sitting, recognize a circulation can still be present. As a Qigong circulation, or an energy circulation. And there can be generally some lessening of these difficulties.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Karma of Capital Punishment

What would be the "spiritually," correct stand on the matter of capital punishment?

Hilarion: Under the Mosaic dispensation, the old rule was that if a person took the life of another, then he himself must die at the hands of society. This law was given at that early time because of a desire to speed the setting aside of karma. The society of the day was such that no positive rehabilitation of murderers was thinkable and therefore any murderer who was left alive would not have any chance to improve from a spiritual point of view.

Indeed the very act of murder creates an energy field around the murderer which acts like a gate, preventing spiritualizing forces from having access to him, and tending to keep him unrepentant to the end of his life. Thus, by handing down this law, Moses was attempting to speed the spiritual evolution of the murderer by having him meet the karma from his act (by being put to death himself) so that he could be reborn into a new set of circumstances, without the inhibiting "field" around him.

However, man today understands the power of love, and understands that it is able to sweep all obstacles away--even that arising from the act of murder. Therefore, a murderer, even though his act still creates the field of negativity around him, can still hope for the possibility that he will make further spiritual progress in this same life.

Because of the shortness of the time remaining before the entry of the New Age, we think that, whenever possible, murders should be at least be offered the chance to change their violent pattern, through being exposed to love from others. It is a difficult question on which to give hard and fast guidance, since each case differs from all others. From a higher point of view, of course, it is inevitable that the karma will at some point be set aside, even though this must await another life.

"Answers,"  by Hilarion/ Maurice Cook published in 1983

Friday, December 2, 2016

Karma of Birth Control

Are contraceptive methods such as the pill, the I.U.D and prophylactics harmful to the body? From a spiritual level is there anything negative or karmic in practicing birth control?

Hilarion: This question first should be discussed from the the higher point of view because the approach in the spiritual sense will automatically answer the queries at the more earthly level.

The act of giving birth to the vehicle of another soul is among the greatest gifts one human being can offer to another. At the same time, the earth plane itself is arranged so that it can support only so many individuals of the human family at a time. Hence there must be some control over the numbers of incarnated souls on the planet at any given point. Prior to the present, the control always came about throughout he natural processes of disease and famine, and the total number of souls on the planet never before approached the "limit number" of five billion.

This figure represents the maximum for the human life form on the planet, and cannot be exceeded without dire consequences for the body of the earth itself. This limitation does not arise through exhaustion of food sources or oxygen, as might be thought. There is enough land area on earth to support a hundred times the limit number if all were vegetarians as man was meant to be. Instead, the limit comes about at the aetheric level: the mental "presence" of humanity en masse is very powerful, and this power tends to to be proportional to the population. If the earth population were to exceed 5 billion, the power of man's thought would exceed the power of the earth logos itself, and thus an imbalance would result. It is not possible for us to explain the difficulty more clearly, as the concepts required have no words in earth language.

We have digressed from the original question in order to explain a little of the background behind the question of population control. Turning to the spiritual implications of birth control, then, we can state that to decline to provide a channel for the entry of another soul is not an act which generates karma or any negative results of a similar kind. It is simply a decision made by each individual and is within the right of the individual to make.

However the only sure way to avoid becoming such a channel is to avoid intercourse entirely. The reason for this is as follows. The act of sexual intercourse is one which sets up considerable energies between the lovers-energies that seek to manifest in the form of pregnancy and birth. These energies have a great deal of power and it is very often necessary for the guides of an individual to intervene in order to prevent contraception when the life circumstances are not appropriate. This is true even where intercourse took place on a so called "safe" day. In reality there are no "safe" days. The ability of the energies we have described to keep sperm alive and viable for for several days, or to bring about the discharge of an ovum at a date off the normal schedule is remarkable. Many people who have studied spiritual matters and who understand the general functions of the guardians have the idea that is they who manipulate and arrange pregnancy, whereas in fact these guardians usually (as we have said) intervene to prevent it.

Now whenever an individual attempts to "block" the body's natural tendency to become a channel for birth, as prompted by the powerful energies we have described, various difficulties-of greater or lesser seriousness-arise. Where the prevention is strictly mechanical, for example placing a diaphragm or sheath in the normal path in the normal path of sperm seeking the ovum, the consequences are confined to the aetheric and higher levels. As we have explained in our book, Seasons of the Spirit, the act of sexual intercourse  is intended to allow the partners to interchange root chakra energy. In order to balance up or complete the lack in each person of energies characteristic of the other.

Thus, the man receives female energies, while the woman receives male energies.  When the act of intercourse is accompanied by a full sharing of the this kind, a sense of great relaxation and at- one-ment results. However the imposition of any mechanical barrier which prevents or substantially prevents the tissues from directly contacting each other will act to greatly reduce the the interchange of male- female energies. the result will be a residue of continuing sexual tension in one or both partners, and a feeling that the experience was not fully satisfying. This can build up over a period of time , and ultimately manifest in other areas of the relationship.

If the means of preventing pregnancy involves drugs or chemicals, there will arise a great conflict between the channeling energies which we described earlier and the strictly earth level forces released by the drugs. These latter are essentially material only, and thus represent "dead" processes without life in them. By contrast the energies seeking to become a channel for birth are very alive and powerful. The conflict which results almost always has deleterious effects on the body of the person taking the drugs (usually the woman). The effects are often to alter the nature of the blood to increase clotting tendencies, thus causing more pain in menstruating. Often,  headaches and other general symptoms are also found to accompany the taking of the pill to avoid pregnancy.

As to the karmic implications of mechanical or chemical methods of birth control, such are confined to the simple cause and effect mechanisms we have already described. There is no karma carried over by the higher self to another life, because the effects of the method of birth control are always manifested in the same life in which it is practiced, and usually simultaneously with the method.

It is not necessary to comment at length on the I.U.D., since the same general principles apply. These mechanical devices implanted in the womb do a great deal of damage to the energy flow paths from the root chakra and as a result, lower abdominal complications almost always are met with, if not during the time that the device is in place, then somewhat later in the same life pattern.

Finally, there is the matter of surgically cutting either the fallopian tubes or the equivalent passages in the male. As we have pointed out in a previous answer, the severing of these important passageways disrupts the flow of root chakra energy to the lower abdomen, and near term or long term physical deterioration is almost always the ultimate result. Again, the karma is simply the very results we have described at the physical level.

"More Answers," Hilarion/ Maurice Cooke published in 1985

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Karmic Lesson of North Korea

Hilarion: You could say that it's the result of all of the hard lessons of war and karmic division and struggle for millennia and this is true. One of the reasons is the powerful galactic shift from Pisces to Aquarius, a reminder to you of the true nature of your being, to move out of the shadows and into the light with a place of deep, powerful , love. Yet, this energy as you would understand and work with it is re-manifested regularly and so we see the regime change in North Korea. With a great shift of energy of this nature, many of the people there pray; cry forth with their own energy in their own way, it might not be a prayer necessarily as you understand it but still as a collective consciousness,” let us join the rest of the world. Let us find freedom. Let us make this our reality.”

It is important to recognize that the communication about what has happened in what was the great changes in the Middle East, the great shifts on your planet in the last year, the Occupy Movement and the list goes on and on, these have reached the hearts and minds of the North Korean people. They do understand these things not with the detail perhaps but the idea perhaps that this is possible.

So the tremendous opportunity that was brought forth, there is great talk of revolution, there is great talk of many changes, but it is hoped that they will also recognize the tremendous benefit of peace. The opportunity for this to be a peaceful shift through some sense of a change in the personality of the leadership, this is mirrored: a greater degree of kindness, a possibility for love is now brought forth for Kim Jong Il and will this be taken or not is the great question for the people right now.

The Korean people themselves will assist with this more than anything else. One of the great lessons karmically for these people is that by being isolated from the world a unique opportunity has presented itself. This was never the original intent of Kim Jong Il but still this opportunity for these energies to be presented, still is present. His own energy as a re-manifestation of a re-balancing of karma naturally mirrors this.

This is the idea that those who have created or been willing participants in the creation of various forms of negative karma on planet earth now have a place where they can land. Where they are able to interact with these energies in the way of suffering, starvation in particular and other energies these are the political leaders, regime changers, powerful beings in various positions who have reached some degree in which they must have physical incarnation but at the same time must not be allowed to harm others or be in position for their own karma to re-create this chaos and difficulty in their soul and in the world simultaneously.

Thus, the political leaders from the Civil War era in USA, political leaders in Nazi Germany, political leaders in Communist China, these individuals incarnating at this time in North Korea to work out and understand many of these things as common people, as peasants, to then re-create for themselves this karma. One of the powerful karmic lessons as they are studying and working with the law of karma is internal. The way in which the balancing can take place, in which a greater love might be manifested.

That is the great opportunity. The Korean people have not yet fully grasped this but this is a wonderful time to assist them. If you might imagine for yourself something loving, perhaps somebody you care for deeply. Imagine that you are embracing them or you are speaking words of love to them or they are speaking them to you. It need not be a human being you may have this kind of feeling for an animal, a pet perhaps, perhaps a child but in any way in which you have this let it envelop your heart. Let it be a feeling that you may breathe.

Recognize within it is a wave of energy that expands outward from you. You are bigger than just your own physical body with this energy. It moves out three or four feet, a meter or two away from you and bigger and bigger than that. When it reaches the end of the emerald light cylinder which we spoke of earlier that is the time to see it instantly transported to North Korea. An energy now simply sent to this place with a feeling behind it, do with this as you see fit, feel and know this love as a real possibility for engaging each other, for assisting with the changes on your world, in your lives, in your countrymen and women but also within your political leaders, then the possibilities for your race, for your reality, for your country.

This is always the issue when the Universal issue is the law of karma. Because there is this higher solution that dissolves karma, that melts it, that shifts it, that allows the karmic balance back and forth endlessly with the ages comes to a halt. The sense that both are loved, the sense that the perpetrator and the victim as one are held in the arms and in the loving hands of your own God self, your own Christ energy.

Hilarion 2011

Karma of Abortion

What is the karmic significance of abortion to the mother, the father and the foetus?

Hilarion: The karmic significance depends to a great degree on the motives and reasons behind the action which terminates the life of the foetus.

Birth into earth incarnation is viewed on the higher planes as a a great opportunity for soul advancement, for learning, and for spiritual progress. It is also seen by prospective souls as a chance to rejoin loved ones, and to participate in the fullness of physical existence on one of the most beautiful planetary oases in the universe.

Thus from the point of view of the soul that might have come into the world in the aborted foetus, the abortion is merely the shutting of a door, the loss of an opportunity to advance. However, as a general rule, souls who lose the possibility of earth incarnation through deliberate abortion are given another opportunity to incarnate very soon thereafter.

For the woman who arranges or assents to an abortion, the pivotal question is motive. If it is done for strictly selfish reasons, especially when the the woman was in a situation in which the child could have been welcomed and cared for, then the killing of the foetus is counted as an act close to murder in the scale of seriousness. The karmic burden arising in such a circumstance is normally met and set aside through the experience of being denied a child when one is wanted...either later in the same life, or in some subsequent experience on the earth plane.

At the other end of the scale of motive is the situation in which there are persuasive reasons for terminating the pregnancy, reasons not related to selfish desires. For example, where there is a threat to the mother's life or health, or where no family situation exists capable of providing a good early life to the child, then abortion is not taken to be a particularly negative act. Some karma stems from it, of course, but it is generally not of a severe nature.

The father of the aborted child is also assessed in strict accordance with his motive, assuming he forces or persuades the mother to have an abortion. It is unnecessary to explain the matter in greater detail.

More Answers by Maurice Cook published in 1985

Monday, October 31, 2016

Karma of the Japanese Tsunami

Hilarion: Because this energy becomes stronger and clearer and this sort of vibrational interchange from all the levels becomes stronger and clearer, an energy gets started on your planet that really can't be stopped easily. This energy then says that those things that are wrong, those things have created harm, those things that stand in the way, these must be swept away. These must be released.

At the same time as this just as it happens in your own human body, just as those areas of weaknesses are the ones most focused on when there is a difficulty, so often these energies have the greatest effect in those areas where there is the maximum karma. Where there is the way in which these energies must be paid in order to balance out the difficulties.

Japan has two strikes against it in this regard. It has indeed accomplished much in overcoming this but it has not taken direct steps in order to balance out this karma. So, as a result, various changes that occur on earth can focalize there, can manifest there similarly to how these affect any area of weakness in any system.

So those two aspects, one we have spoken to you in the past during World War II, not only the manifestation of kamikaze but the promulgation that it was valuable to give up your own life in order to promote a cause in order to create great harm to others. This has been taken up by many around the world, by many as suicide bombing; a direct link to the destruction of oneself in this regard can be seen. This is of course, not only the destruction of the body, but it is done in such a dramatic way that it has so much capability that it shifts the consciousness of so many.

The other is the long-standing period of strong domination that Japan has held over China that here is a country so much larger and yet seen as inferior. The opportunity to dominate, to extract from that country through fear and to then have one's way with it in so many ways, this goes on in history, a long time in Japanese history. The direct opportunity to make amends for this has always been available to Japan and yet it has not taken it on consciously. It is a similar energy that took on the idea of political payoffs, various corner cutting, areas in which poor manufacturing techniques were utilized for political gain, economic gain, lining the pockets of those who needed it in the construction of nuclear reactors.

This is not only in Japan, this has taken place all over the world. This is why right now a significant re-evaluation of nuclear power plants is taking place all over the world. As people are taking a look not so much at the political, not so much at where the money went, as simply what is happening. Are they ready to withstand earthquakes, tsunamis, various types of natural disasters, even a complete power grid failure and so on?

These are valuable questions to ask. They are of course only interim questions since the deeper fundamental question about the technology is still not fully being considered. Is this a wise use of humanity's understanding of the atom, of the fundamentals of what is happening in a nuclear reaction and so on? Is this the best use of this information? We have never recommended this as the best way to produce power on your planet, but at the same time, everyone who uses the power is then in cahoots, in a co-operative relationship with those who produce the power and the way in which this would seem so important is often false. You can live without this if you chose, but most people don't because they are willing simply to turn a blind eye to this, not listen to the earth herself or look at what is happening. So in this sense, the deeper responsibility with all of this can be felt on many levels.

But our intent here is not to provoke guilt or to bring you to a place in which you are going to go to these places and destroy them because humanity has been given this opportunity for the exploration and opportunity for nuclear exploration for a purpose. It is to better understand the matter itself, to better allow you the understanding of vibration. The power of this data has been observed that only a single atom can produce a huge amount of energy and that Einstein's equation E = MC squared is true and you understand its power.

This is difficult for many people to accept. It means that the tiniest of atoms that might compose the tiniest bit of a fingernail or a bit of your hair is that which has sufficient energy to run every aspect of all the energy you would need for your entire life for transportation for food, for communication and everything else that you use energy for. As you understand this, you have a deeper appreciation, a deeper love, a deeper respect and can eventually find opportunities to share this energy in ways that are not harmful to the earth or to other people.

Karma of The "Housing Crunch" (Native Americans Kicked Off Their Land)

Now, there are those who ask questions of a more practical nature relating to the "Housing Crunch," as it is sometimes called and of course we must ask at the spiritual level about these matters because that is what you will take with you. You're not going to take a house, be it that which you were able to prevent from being foreclosed or that which you were able to buy for all cash or that which you are able to rent. There is an important reason for this beyond that which of the aspect of physical or nonphysical because of course when you are nonphysical you still connect to earth and her people here are interesting to most of you and the things that go on here are those which take up a lot of your time and interest.

But, it is the simple idea that is one of the unique aspects that was brought forth by many of the native civilizations especially those in North America. So, it is no accident that this is where the foreclosure crisis has its roots and as it spreads elsewhere in the world this deeper reminder, the question,” can you buy and sell mother Earth?” Can you own this world? Of course you cannot in terms of what you let go behind you when you pass into the world, but, oftentimes those aspects that are somehow within your consciousness as an answer to this that you somehow cannot keep you from a deeper welling of creativity and understanding of possibility and ways in which you could then exist with less in the way of financial difficulty.

Because of course the solution to this as we have spoken about so often and the push that is behind all of this and allowed from the nonphysical realms of the positive, of the guides and helpers, the teachers, is community. A way in which you will work with others, that you will share resources. It will no longer be that of the supposed dyad, or nuclear family, or some small group that is separated from everyone else. You'll have to interact with them and in doing so create that which is of greater love, a greater sharing, a greater understanding.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Dissolving Karmic Tendencies of a Violent Nature and Yogananda's Past Life As William The Conquerer

Hilarion: What has occurred for a significant level of individuals who have engaged in behaviors of that nature, other ways of killing or hurting that are indeed quite severe and involve high levels of karma and karmic entanglements and difficulties, who after going down such a path, (on average we’re going to go with about six, about six lifetimes of this), a significant portion of the soul is removed. This may manifest as lower stature, that is relative of course if in a previous life they were 6’ 5, in this life they might be 5 foot. But, as this is a sort of symbol to them, a beginning point. They have some opportunity to see it differently through the manifestation of disease or through other difficulties of a similar nature, they may find less energy available to engage in such practices should they become possible in this life.
If however, against all of this, coming into on average a seventh lifetime of this, they then continue to engage in such behavior, it is entirely possible that the soul will stop. The energies associated with it will dissolve, they do not in their own way completely cease. They will typically begin to recycle. Perhaps coming in as kingdom of air, or as a hive insect or perhaps even as a mineral, as the kingdom of rock etc. Some may choose a life as an animal and some of all of these give some credence to the ancient Hindi doctrines that might imply incarnation in animal bodies. 
But, by and large the greater intelligence, (the awareness of the soul of itself), its own self awareness will dissolve under such situations. They simply cannot continue under such. Now this is not enforced by any external, it is as if internally the conflict between life and death is so strong that they would have the urge to hurt others to such a high degree and yet at the same time in themselves need to be alive and want to survive is a very powerful conflict within them. This would then lead to such as a larger solution. You see this sometimes in other situations with such as serial killers, or mass murderers.
But in some cases there is a turnaround.The individual comes into the world with the sufficient energy to re-examine and they have deeper revelatory experiences, memories of this seek to correct it or in some ways make shifts. You have of course the self-admitted shining example of this of William the Conqueror who incarnated as Yogananda and though you might have said William the Conqueror was a mass murderer and caused harm to many, as Yogananda he certainly had opportunity to inspire and assist and bring a great deal of enlightenment and understanding and inspiration to so many. So, then you see these sorts of energies and how they work and see that there are many different solutions.
Ultimately, it is a place of great sadness for any soul to be lost in the collective consciousness. This is in every way possible given as much assistance, new possibilities, new context to prevent this if at all possible. But, if individuals persist in such for too long the ingrained pattern is in itself that which causes the soul to dissipate. It tries to get into a body but it really can’t. It's as if this then leads to difficult and frustrating situations for a time for the soul which then it can only resolve by dissipating out of the level of self-awareness and self-consciousness. 
Now, you can also see that what will often happen here is an individual will have a turnaround. They will see a different way and it is hard for them, they will struggle with it, there will be an urge for violence, there will be some sense within them as if they are not complete unless they act in such a way. That is often where the guides and helpers step in to help them channel that energy into something else. Be it writing or movement or teaching others but something in which some outward expression and release of that energy can come forth. You see this so obviously when you recognize the relationship between anger and enthusiasm. The very same energy can motivate and bring forth powerful and helpful things that can change aspects of your society that are deeply ingrained, that need that extra enthusiasm or anger energy to shift.
This is a dangerous path at times, of course, because they must be tempted over and over in the life to re-examine their own urges towards violence and make that correct choice several times so that it can be deeply ingrained in the soul in order for this to manifest in the most appropriate way in the following life. As is often the case that life is very difficult for that individual. That is the one in which they will bring up even more of these karmic issues and seek to balance them rather than simply chart a new path for themselves. 
Along with all of this, naturally more and more love as society evolves and points out the other alternatives, more and more opportunity to shift this. We have already seen this take place. Some members of Isis watching the videos, seeing the world's response to this, at first cheering, saying, "it is our way to do this, it is a good thing," are suddenly fraught with a great deal of disharmonious, troublesome emotions. It may be guilt, it may be shame, it may be simply recognizing the path that this is going to take them on. What is going to happen to their soul doing this? Pushing them then to quit. To move in a different direction and try something that takes them out of this. Some of course are killed for this. You join such an organization knowing that you cannot leave it and this is sometimes the best way for the soul because then in the next life they will have more choices about such matters since being killed by those who were forcing you to kill is an immediate partial karmic balancing.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

How Many Lifetime Have I Had With You Hilarion?

Hilarion: That’s a tricky one. We have had opportunities to interact with you where you have known us, but not by name, 118. But, we have had opportunities where we have interacted and you have recognized us and we have spoken in ways in which you recognized our energy and so on, 5 in number and we have had lifetimes where there has been a more intensive interaction you might say, 3. Does this answer your question?

Lori: I want to know about the intensive interactions.

Hilarion: In Atlantis, opportunities to work together in different contexts politically, scientifically and with religion. Each of these had their own ways in which we could be interacting in ways that had an effect on society, on each other and so on. But, in each of these there was always the observation that the more important contribution of this would be made when we were not incarnated together, when we were not in non-physical together. That having the opportunity to do this where one was physical and the other non-physical seemed the best and that was then how the preparation for this life was part of the process. 

You see, you have had opportunities to work with many of the different masters, different beings associated with earth and its evolution and so on. Each of these in all different ways to learn and grow. So then, when you get to this one you get to the point where those energies have been strengthened, those who become aware of our energy, in the category 2 as mentioned, becomes then perhaps more interested in all of it. But, there are many right now in category one, those who are influenced and yet not consciously aware of this. This is also part of your process.

You see, when you have the awareness of an energetic connection with a particular energy ray, or an energy of a particular direction, like science, understanding, consciousness and most importantly the transformation between matter and form; this energy as you understand it because you are physical, is multiplied tremendously and it is some of this which actually then goes to the scientists, to the astrologers, to the people involved in creative pursuits using some deeper understanding of this larger picture that we can provide and so on. 

So, the question is not simply that which is independent of itself. It is that which is also the development of how this is an influence for others and it was this which we discovered. In Atlantis, in those lifetimes where we knew each other in the more personal way it became obvious that this partnership, between the dimensions could be that which could be of great value multiplied both for our learning but also for this opportunity for humanity.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

My Pre-Birth Planning Regarding Karma
Lori: I’d like to ask about my pre-birth planning. What did I learn about myself when I asked about karma before I was born and what were my goals and aims for my current lifetime? 

Hilarion: So, you have named your play, “Karma,” so a confusion shows up. You are speaking of karma with a small k? 

Lori: Yes. Oh, that’s interesting. 

Hilarion: Oh! Yes. Once you focus your creative energies on something it becomes very real. As real in fact as that which might be understood as your own personal karma. So, yes you have so many different goals and aims in this. But, most importantly was to come in and understand what it means to be human. This is, you might sense, sort of obvious with regards to other people but actually not. They will sort of blunder into that.

It was a conscious decision on the part of your soul to set up a series of lifetimes in which each one would give you a completely different taste or sense of what it is to be a human being. This would accumulate, it would pile up in your soul to the point that you would have a deeper awareness of this at a level that transcended mind and emotion; a direct awareness of this. 

It appeared that the most important reason for doing this was for some return journey. A sense of movement back to source in which that which was somehow linked with the consciousness of many, many other beings. Far more than those on earth would be in a way significantly enhanced by this knowledge, by this experience. But, in the process of experiencing this for yourself you knew the risks, that you would be altered dramatically and you would have the opportunity if you were to truly know this, to lose yourself, for the soul itself to dissipate or disappear or to in various ways devolve. 

This meant that in some lifetimes in which there were mistakes made in which so much negativity was piled up that you would be handicapped by this, that, that part of the soul would be ejected and the deeper energy available as a result would compensate for this where possible. In the ways in which this has in this lifetime, to some extent shaped, it has shown you where not to go or a way to avoid so that it would be vey unlikely that you would be involved at such a level in any of the sequence of lifetimes.

At the same time, it was difficult in the deeper understanding of karma in this larger sense to predict across many thousands of years because humankind would be co-evolving. Others with similar tasks will be contributing to their source, to the greater aspects of humanity, that which you have available to you because you have this sense of the opportunity to contribute this to source you would then naturally have the opportunity to receive this from those contributing to source before all others. 

These would make it unpredictable as to outcomes, when and where and so on. It could not be known ahead of time how this at an evolutionary, vibrational level would pan out. It was seen that as modeling by observation of other civilizations, seeing naturally where this would go, lifetimes would eventually show up in which the opportunity, to not only have a better understanding of it, but to complete it. To consciously take on these experiences in a relatively rapid manner and this sense of contribution to the collective all fulfilled.

This is the first lifetime when all of these energetics come together with that as a significant opportunity. At the same time there is the inevitable energetic holdover where every lifetime has provided you with something wonderful, something unique to the human experience. How would you be affected by this? 

There is an addiction side to this. It was one of the risks that you took in taking such a powerful, long journey. That, that aspect that felt so good, that was so fun, was so interesting, gave you so much learning, would be that which you would somehow, in one form or another repeat. In so doing, the potential to get stuck or to do that in a repeated manner in such a way that you would not be able to progress. That is pretty close to the everyday human definition of addiction.

Similarly, the opportunity to evolve so quickly that the fulfillment of this larger purpose would not take place. Therefore, what has begun to emerge in this life and to a smaller extent in recent and previous lives is the idea of the observation, understanding and the sort of intrinsic nature of karma itself. Seeing of this as if it was a being, if it was a consciousness, as if it was something that had a mind of its own. 

You knew the danger in this before you came into this life and you were briefed on this by those who are seeing the opportunity to dissolve karma with love. But, at the same time you recognized that the awareness of this would be valuable on many levels. As a result the sense of this begins to change for all of humanity. In a sense, you have contributed, though primarily unconsciously at this stage, to the observation that it is possible to dissolve karma with love. 

The reason for this is simply because of your intrinsic desire to have the overview. When you begin this process naturally each of the specifics begin to show up. Karma is cause-and-effect. So, there is that which is set into motion and you are going to run it out and understand it. From that point of view, yes you would have the usual sorts of karmic attributes that most people go through; money, love, understanding, consciousness, the Cosmo-ethic, the different things that show up in lifetime after lifetime as valuable and important. 

But, unlike others in such a pursuit or such an understanding, when you come to the life in which you seem to have completed this, when you have truly understood for yourself in a very personal way; money for instance is a lot simpler than love, you would then have at a deeper level an understanding of this and a sense of satisfaction around this and at the same time a sense of dissatisfaction that this was not enough. That even though you did understand it, you would not have the awareness of this that you had originally sought. That is because it it that which fits into a much larger piece than anything that encompasses only the human experience, the earthly experience. 

It would have to be that which would have to fit into something much, much larger. This is not directly about karma, because karma itself is simply cause-and-effect. But, the nature of karma as it affects those close to humans as well as non-humans. Thus, the guides, the helpers, the intruders, the extraterrestrials who have the greatest interest which are typically those who are fairly close in proximity or those close in this Galaxy and the awareness of these energies as it bleeds across the more recent aspects of time; that is the recent future and the recent past. 

These energies as they all interact begin to form a larger picture which can in of itself generate some questions. Because of your old habit patterns, you would tend naturally to try to answer those questions by generating lifetimes and by working with that energy karmically and coming to it at the best way you could to understand it. This, though valuable and helpful, can at times present some of the addictive qualities.

As a result, it would seem that the issue that is now up, is to understand addiction to life within the karmic context. This is very difficult for those who are entrenched in anything that is addictive at the physical or emotional level but because you have found a way to go beyond this you are now confronting it at the level that humanity needs to understand it. 

This is the overview of addiction. In this deeper understanding what comes forth is an awareness of choice. That you have the choice within you as to how to respond to that which you begin to understand, that what you partially understand and that which you fully understand. Those are as if three choices and that you are allowing yourself by the understanding of the dissolving of karma with love to forgive yourself for making the wrong choice at step one and step two. That is at the level by which you partially understand or fully understand, you have a completely different awareness of this and what stands in the way of it will typically be those energies relating to love and forgiveness and allowing that to dissolve to the point that the true nature of this emerges.

Ultimately, what will be available from this will be new realms of understanding that cannot be easily described on this side of it. It's as if the breakthrough energy or the shift in consciousness changes the very way in which you perceive. So, the best you can do with this is prepare, continue to learn and gently but persistently examine where you choose to repeat a pattern. Where you choose to do something that is easy. Where you choose to manifest an energy in a way that is based on your experience, or that which seems most appropriate. 

Ultimately, of course you see where this goes. It takes you right to the precipice of free will versus destiny. It takes you right to the very nature of existence itself. It is through that in the way in which you experience it directly that the doorway opens to return you to source. The potential to return to source does now begin to pop up. In this lifetime and in your future lifetimes this seems to grow generally more and more powerful. The way in which you would do this is not predetermined in any way. It is that which you must come to decide upon for yourself. 

This nature of understanding all of this isn't really intellectual or mental. It certainly has that as an important component. But, it is as if through something deeper, this energetic is transferred. After all, the real purpose of such an understanding would be to theorize, to be able to explain it, to work with it with other people and this is something that although you have explored this in the past you have seen clearly the limitations of this. 

As a result, it is possible in this life that you may confront a few others who are struggling with this sort of issue. It may seem at any time that it has to do with a specific karmic issue but really once you have been down that path you recognize the solution of that issue. Be it either through the dissolving of the karma through love or the balancing of the karma by utilizing some specific act or connection or energetic release does not give you the full picture. It gives you the balancing, it gives you the energetic, it gives you the awareness. It could seem then as if you could let it go and if you do there is still this other component. This energy that says there is something powerful, important to be learned here. Something to be understood more deeply. This is where it is very useful to remember our words about it and not try to figure it out. But, to simply let that fall into you and let that sense of that which needs a little more resolution or understanding envelop you.

In a sense then, the other karmic issue, not as important but still quite important has been the issue of what could be termed, “acceptance of paradox.” This is where that which is uncomfortable, but clearly is that which has to do with truth and reality, can be a part of you. You do this quite well and there are others who could certainly learn from this. In fact, oftentimes there is a avoidance of paradox within many people. They simply want it to be black-and-white or understand the right thing to do. That's fine. But eventually, a series of paradoxes show up and how you contend with this shapes your own consciousness, your own spirit, your own soul. 

The paradox of free will versus destiny is a wonderful one that you have confronted and looked at many times. At the same time, you are able to hold these and find a way in which you need not make a decision about it but recognize it as a paradox and find a way in which you can entertain and be happy with it. This is an example because if you seek out paradoxes, if you're able to sit with many at once you will find the ways in which this shifts your consciousness rather dramatically. 

This then obviously leads to then all kinds of potential issues with regard to cause-and-effect. You can set something into motion, watch how it plays out and examine all of the different ways in which that could and could not have happened or be shifted or your relationship to it, etc. Many opportunities you could say, very rife with all kinds of paradoxes. But, as soon as you enter down that path you begin to examine this in the light of that which is mental or seen in consciousness as opposed to the sense of the paradox itself. It's as if you step into it, as if you are allowing yourself as in the example given, both free will and destiny at the same time even though they may seem in conflict, can be that at a deeper level be that which is truly a part of your being. 

This illustrates for you the true nature of this that is accessed and worked with beyond that of the mind. This is the overview, not the usual way we would answer such a question. After all, many individuals are simply working out these issues. But, as soon as you are exposed to the alternate viewpoints of this, that of the records, that of how other people do it, that of the energetics of an entire civilization, not just earth civilizations, but other civilizations and how they have dealt with karma and of course the possibility of dissolving karma with love. You begin to recognize this from the larger perspective and more importantly you have the opportunity when viewing any of this to take it on in a completely different way yourself. That’s why we respond from the larger overview than from the soul's point of view you might say.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A Simple Exercise to Dissolve Karma

Now is the moment in which some of that dissolving of karma is important. What do you think it is that makes karma continue? You are holding onto it. So think back now into your life as you recall it in this world, in this life, to an incident in which you might have a little shame over. Have the sense of that but set it aside. Put it right over there ready to be accessed when you're ready for it. If you are right-handed put it to your left side. If you're left-handed put it to your right side. Now, simply be aware of somebody you care for deeply. Activate that as a love in your heart. Pour that love into that person. 

Feel it all around you and choose by your consciousness now and let go of the image of that person. But, hold that love for someone else in the world; forgiving them, loving them and noticing that energy as it relaxes you, as it has a sound perhaps like ahhh.. Recognizing now that you can use your will to direct that energy wherever you want. Bring now the sense of that incident from the side right in front of you now or that same love to that. A deep sense of forgiveness for yourself. Knowing that you did the best you could in that situation. Feeling whatever it was the shame, the anger or the difficulty. 

Now in this place of forgiveness and love, that same beautiful energy, that same loving ahhh. You have a choice in how you use your love. You can choose it any time and in this moment you have just dissolved some of that karma that might have required you to balance this at some point, in this life or in another life. Yes, it is that simple.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

My Biggest Conundrum Regarding Karma

Lori:'s my big conundrum regarding karma. I have quite a bit of information that is very negative; karma of a beheading, karma of Korea and issues of that nature. I don't feel like there's any gain from sharing that information as opposed to something like GMO’s, which is clearly something still causing many health problems and it's a problem we can change.  So, I'm wondering from a karmic standpoint, I don’t want to gain fame for myself based on something so negative. I don't care how many followers I have on Twitter. But, if we don't look at the root cause of our problems clearly we are destined to repeat them.

Hilarion: Indeed. This is good intuition because what would of course happen, because what fame is about is attraction of others to you and the kind of people that would be attracted to you would be those who would have such a negative characteristic, “tell us the next gloom and doom,” etc. The fear and such an energy, this is a type of self-fulfilling prophecy.

So, you might imagine asking this question of Nostradamus, who then took his words and hid them. Putting them in verse, putting them in the quatrains, putting them in various ways in which people as they would investigate this might uncover this. In his time, some of the things that you would perceive as negative were not seen so. So, creating them was easy. He could see how they would affect the lives of people so many years in the future and ways in which all of this could be connected to something they could see; the lives of the various popes. So you see this as a possible solution. It is not a great solution because you are obviously creating a mystery when no mystery is present. But, it does allow you an opportunity to rethink this.

You are quite correct when you're looking at all of the issues of sharing information that go beyond the physical and yet if you keep holding that question you will find a great deal of help arrives for this. For instance, if you ask then knowing this, what could I do to improve the situation? This isn't necessarily to avert the prophecy as you saw it, unless that would be for the highest possible good. But, it could be for the way in which other people’s suffering might have some benefit from it or learn from it. Those can be the activities that you then make a prognostication about or suggestions towards that or encourage or as is often the simplest; ask questions; deep penetrating questions so that others in discovering the answers will then know the right thing to do.

You see examples of this of course, in the work that we have already brought into the world. Where we would do such things as encouraging people to form community, knowing that the very difficult economic times that have been on your planet for a few years now and seem to just keep getting worse and worse will have their solutions in the ways in which communities, people interacting and learning from each other, can support, take care of each other and help each other survive. So, did we need to make a prediction that this terrible dire circumstance would occur or that one, or encourage people to look at the solutions? You might say that sometimes this is the weaker because people may not pay so much attention but they will be frequently then shown this from many other ways, other sources and will again recall some of that which was planted in the unconscious only to blossom forth again.

This is one possible solution. It also has the benefit as it teaches you, it makes you learn, it helps you grow in your capacity as a leader, as someone who acts to assist others and to do more than to speak of the matter, share the information, share the intuition or make the prediction. Those who have gone very far out with some of their negative predictions and found that they were indeed quite successful, accurate and so on have drawn to them all kinds of people with a great deal of fear and difficulty. 

Typically, they find that suddenly their predictions are wrong and this is often to save them, to help them so that indeed that path that they went down that was so difficult, bringing such negativity into their lives could stop. This is a hard way to be and often involves quite a bit of emotion as there can be quite a bit of shame or difficulty with what you predicted didn't come forth and so on. Sometimes, it is the only path available when someone has sufficient karma to be able to withstand such criticism and difficulty.

Beyond that, it is a difficult matter for one other reason: the intuition of the future is there for everyone. You're attuning to it a little bit more, to bring it into consciousness, to help people perhaps understand it better but they are receiving it, too. They may not receive it as consciously and powerfully. It's not as if  though this is in any way shielded. It is simply the available energy of the universe. As people tune into it and tap into it into their different ways they work with it in all different contexts and all different methods.

But, what that means is those energies will be recognized. People will have a sense of familiarity, they will be aware of this so if you having a clearer awareness of what is possible of these energies of the future and so on can be more helpful as a leader, as a guide, as someone to show them what to do in working with this, they are inspired. As their ideas begin to come in a little stronger, a little more well-shaped they will not be made afraid of them. They will instead have an action, they will take a step forward, they will do something that will be valuable and useful. In other words, you have acted as a sort of example, a wayshower as to what to do as these energies show up. You can see this is happening more and more.

As these energies on your planet and the vibrations increase, people become more and more aware of their possible futures, of these ways in which things can befall the planet, or other people can be involved, be they negative or positive, what are they to do with them? So, it's your personal issue, but as you solve it, the greater important energy is what others can learn from that experience.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Parallel Lives

Would you please comment on the idea of parallel lives?

Hilarion: From a higher point of view, a view not available to man's conscious mind on the earth plane, there is a sense in which all of time is but a single instant in the mind of God. Hence, according to this notion, all of the past, present and future can be looked upon as simultaneous. It is from this concept that the idea of parallel lives of the same soul derives. There are certain psychic sources, however, who use the notion to try to confuse the seeker with regard to karma and the necessity of meeting the self through the burdens which karma places upon each life.

The dark forces do not wish man to understand the full implications of the karmic law, for then individuals would be less inclined to act under the promptings of the dark forces. But, if a person does not grasp that what he sows he must reap, then he can be lulled into thinking that no consequence will follow from actions undertaken to harm another, so long as the perpetrator is not caught.

But the cosmic law of karma is always just and never fails. Each karmic debt is paid always to the last farthing. No karma ever merely disappears, although in special cases of service and dedication by some individuals, their karmic burden is assumed by other entities as a form of reward for their efforts.

The law of karma is, when viewed from the standpoint of earth-based consciousness, at odds with the notion of the simultaneity of all moments of time. Likewise ,the idea of parallel lives does not allow for a good understanding of karma. While the solution to the riddle is quite apparent to the higher form of perception which is available on the plane from which this dictation is originating, such is not true from the level of earth consciousness. For man in incarnation, the closest conception to the real truth is that which considers lives to be in an ordered sequence, with the gradual build up of traits and characteristics and the accumulation of karma which is then set aside or "met," in subsequent phases of earth experience.

Viewed from the earth level, it is extremely rare for a single soul to live in and animate two different physical bodies at the same time. This occurs only in certain instances of identical twins, where the sameness of the physical bodies allows the soul to oscillate its attention back and forth between the twins at a high rate of vibration.

"Answers," by Hilarion/ Maurice Cooke