Monday, October 31, 2016

Karma of the Japanese Tsunami

Hilarion: Because this energy becomes stronger and clearer and this sort of vibrational interchange from all the levels becomes stronger and clearer, an energy gets started on your planet that really can't be stopped easily. This energy then says that those things that are wrong, those things have created harm, those things that stand in the way, these must be swept away. These must be released.

At the same time as this just as it happens in your own human body, just as those areas of weaknesses are the ones most focused on when there is a difficulty, so often these energies have the greatest effect in those areas where there is the maximum karma. Where there is the way in which these energies must be paid in order to balance out the difficulties.

Japan has two strikes against it in this regard. It has indeed accomplished much in overcoming this but it has not taken direct steps in order to balance out this karma. So, as a result, various changes that occur on earth can focalize there, can manifest there similarly to how these affect any area of weakness in any system.

So those two aspects, one we have spoken to you in the past during World War II, not only the manifestation of kamikaze but the promulgation that it was valuable to give up your own life in order to promote a cause in order to create great harm to others. This has been taken up by many around the world, by many as suicide bombing; a direct link to the destruction of oneself in this regard can be seen. This is of course, not only the destruction of the body, but it is done in such a dramatic way that it has so much capability that it shifts the consciousness of so many.

The other is the long-standing period of strong domination that Japan has held over China that here is a country so much larger and yet seen as inferior. The opportunity to dominate, to extract from that country through fear and to then have one's way with it in so many ways, this goes on in history, a long time in Japanese history. The direct opportunity to make amends for this has always been available to Japan and yet it has not taken it on consciously. It is a similar energy that took on the idea of political payoffs, various corner cutting, areas in which poor manufacturing techniques were utilized for political gain, economic gain, lining the pockets of those who needed it in the construction of nuclear reactors.

This is not only in Japan, this has taken place all over the world. This is why right now a significant re-evaluation of nuclear power plants is taking place all over the world. As people are taking a look not so much at the political, not so much at where the money went, as simply what is happening. Are they ready to withstand earthquakes, tsunamis, various types of natural disasters, even a complete power grid failure and so on?

These are valuable questions to ask. They are of course only interim questions since the deeper fundamental question about the technology is still not fully being considered. Is this a wise use of humanity's understanding of the atom, of the fundamentals of what is happening in a nuclear reaction and so on? Is this the best use of this information? We have never recommended this as the best way to produce power on your planet, but at the same time, everyone who uses the power is then in cahoots, in a co-operative relationship with those who produce the power and the way in which this would seem so important is often false. You can live without this if you chose, but most people don't because they are willing simply to turn a blind eye to this, not listen to the earth herself or look at what is happening. So in this sense, the deeper responsibility with all of this can be felt on many levels.

But our intent here is not to provoke guilt or to bring you to a place in which you are going to go to these places and destroy them because humanity has been given this opportunity for the exploration and opportunity for nuclear exploration for a purpose. It is to better understand the matter itself, to better allow you the understanding of vibration. The power of this data has been observed that only a single atom can produce a huge amount of energy and that Einstein's equation E = MC squared is true and you understand its power.

This is difficult for many people to accept. It means that the tiniest of atoms that might compose the tiniest bit of a fingernail or a bit of your hair is that which has sufficient energy to run every aspect of all the energy you would need for your entire life for transportation for food, for communication and everything else that you use energy for. As you understand this, you have a deeper appreciation, a deeper love, a deeper respect and can eventually find opportunities to share this energy in ways that are not harmful to the earth or to other people.

Karma of The "Housing Crunch" (Native Americans Kicked Off Their Land)

Now, there are those who ask questions of a more practical nature relating to the "Housing Crunch," as it is sometimes called and of course we must ask at the spiritual level about these matters because that is what you will take with you. You're not going to take a house, be it that which you were able to prevent from being foreclosed or that which you were able to buy for all cash or that which you are able to rent. There is an important reason for this beyond that which of the aspect of physical or nonphysical because of course when you are nonphysical you still connect to earth and her people here are interesting to most of you and the things that go on here are those which take up a lot of your time and interest.

But, it is the simple idea that is one of the unique aspects that was brought forth by many of the native civilizations especially those in North America. So, it is no accident that this is where the foreclosure crisis has its roots and as it spreads elsewhere in the world this deeper reminder, the question,” can you buy and sell mother Earth?” Can you own this world? Of course you cannot in terms of what you let go behind you when you pass into the world, but, oftentimes those aspects that are somehow within your consciousness as an answer to this that you somehow cannot keep you from a deeper welling of creativity and understanding of possibility and ways in which you could then exist with less in the way of financial difficulty.

Because of course the solution to this as we have spoken about so often and the push that is behind all of this and allowed from the nonphysical realms of the positive, of the guides and helpers, the teachers, is community. A way in which you will work with others, that you will share resources. It will no longer be that of the supposed dyad, or nuclear family, or some small group that is separated from everyone else. You'll have to interact with them and in doing so create that which is of greater love, a greater sharing, a greater understanding.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Dissolving Karmic Tendencies of a Violent Nature and Yogananda's Past Life As William The Conquerer

Hilarion: What has occurred for a significant level of individuals who have engaged in behaviors of that nature, other ways of killing or hurting that are indeed quite severe and involve high levels of karma and karmic entanglements and difficulties, who after going down such a path, (on average we’re going to go with about six, about six lifetimes of this), a significant portion of the soul is removed. This may manifest as lower stature, that is relative of course if in a previous life they were 6’ 5, in this life they might be 5 foot. But, as this is a sort of symbol to them, a beginning point. They have some opportunity to see it differently through the manifestation of disease or through other difficulties of a similar nature, they may find less energy available to engage in such practices should they become possible in this life.
If however, against all of this, coming into on average a seventh lifetime of this, they then continue to engage in such behavior, it is entirely possible that the soul will stop. The energies associated with it will dissolve, they do not in their own way completely cease. They will typically begin to recycle. Perhaps coming in as kingdom of air, or as a hive insect or perhaps even as a mineral, as the kingdom of rock etc. Some may choose a life as an animal and some of all of these give some credence to the ancient Hindi doctrines that might imply incarnation in animal bodies. 
But, by and large the greater intelligence, (the awareness of the soul of itself), its own self awareness will dissolve under such situations. They simply cannot continue under such. Now this is not enforced by any external, it is as if internally the conflict between life and death is so strong that they would have the urge to hurt others to such a high degree and yet at the same time in themselves need to be alive and want to survive is a very powerful conflict within them. This would then lead to such as a larger solution. You see this sometimes in other situations with such as serial killers, or mass murderers.
But in some cases there is a turnaround.The individual comes into the world with the sufficient energy to re-examine and they have deeper revelatory experiences, memories of this seek to correct it or in some ways make shifts. You have of course the self-admitted shining example of this of William the Conqueror who incarnated as Yogananda and though you might have said William the Conqueror was a mass murderer and caused harm to many, as Yogananda he certainly had opportunity to inspire and assist and bring a great deal of enlightenment and understanding and inspiration to so many. So, then you see these sorts of energies and how they work and see that there are many different solutions.
Ultimately, it is a place of great sadness for any soul to be lost in the collective consciousness. This is in every way possible given as much assistance, new possibilities, new context to prevent this if at all possible. But, if individuals persist in such for too long the ingrained pattern is in itself that which causes the soul to dissipate. It tries to get into a body but it really can’t. It's as if this then leads to difficult and frustrating situations for a time for the soul which then it can only resolve by dissipating out of the level of self-awareness and self-consciousness. 
Now, you can also see that what will often happen here is an individual will have a turnaround. They will see a different way and it is hard for them, they will struggle with it, there will be an urge for violence, there will be some sense within them as if they are not complete unless they act in such a way. That is often where the guides and helpers step in to help them channel that energy into something else. Be it writing or movement or teaching others but something in which some outward expression and release of that energy can come forth. You see this so obviously when you recognize the relationship between anger and enthusiasm. The very same energy can motivate and bring forth powerful and helpful things that can change aspects of your society that are deeply ingrained, that need that extra enthusiasm or anger energy to shift.
This is a dangerous path at times, of course, because they must be tempted over and over in the life to re-examine their own urges towards violence and make that correct choice several times so that it can be deeply ingrained in the soul in order for this to manifest in the most appropriate way in the following life. As is often the case that life is very difficult for that individual. That is the one in which they will bring up even more of these karmic issues and seek to balance them rather than simply chart a new path for themselves. 
Along with all of this, naturally more and more love as society evolves and points out the other alternatives, more and more opportunity to shift this. We have already seen this take place. Some members of Isis watching the videos, seeing the world's response to this, at first cheering, saying, "it is our way to do this, it is a good thing," are suddenly fraught with a great deal of disharmonious, troublesome emotions. It may be guilt, it may be shame, it may be simply recognizing the path that this is going to take them on. What is going to happen to their soul doing this? Pushing them then to quit. To move in a different direction and try something that takes them out of this. Some of course are killed for this. You join such an organization knowing that you cannot leave it and this is sometimes the best way for the soul because then in the next life they will have more choices about such matters since being killed by those who were forcing you to kill is an immediate partial karmic balancing.