Monday, October 31, 2016

Karma of The "Housing Crunch" (Native Americans Kicked Off Their Land)

Now, there are those who ask questions of a more practical nature relating to the "Housing Crunch," as it is sometimes called and of course we must ask at the spiritual level about these matters because that is what you will take with you. You're not going to take a house, be it that which you were able to prevent from being foreclosed or that which you were able to buy for all cash or that which you are able to rent. There is an important reason for this beyond that which of the aspect of physical or nonphysical because of course when you are nonphysical you still connect to earth and her people here are interesting to most of you and the things that go on here are those which take up a lot of your time and interest.

But, it is the simple idea that is one of the unique aspects that was brought forth by many of the native civilizations especially those in North America. So, it is no accident that this is where the foreclosure crisis has its roots and as it spreads elsewhere in the world this deeper reminder, the question,” can you buy and sell mother Earth?” Can you own this world? Of course you cannot in terms of what you let go behind you when you pass into the world, but, oftentimes those aspects that are somehow within your consciousness as an answer to this that you somehow cannot keep you from a deeper welling of creativity and understanding of possibility and ways in which you could then exist with less in the way of financial difficulty.

Because of course the solution to this as we have spoken about so often and the push that is behind all of this and allowed from the nonphysical realms of the positive, of the guides and helpers, the teachers, is community. A way in which you will work with others, that you will share resources. It will no longer be that of the supposed dyad, or nuclear family, or some small group that is separated from everyone else. You'll have to interact with them and in doing so create that which is of greater love, a greater sharing, a greater understanding.