Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A Simple Exercise to Dissolve Karma

Now is the moment in which some of that dissolving of karma is important. What do you think it is that makes karma continue? You are holding onto it. So think back now into your life as you recall it in this world, in this life, to an incident in which you might have a little shame over. Have the sense of that but set it aside. Put it right over there ready to be accessed when you're ready for it. If you are right-handed put it to your left side. If you're left-handed put it to your right side. Now, simply be aware of somebody you care for deeply. Activate that as a love in your heart. Pour that love into that person. 

Feel it all around you and choose by your consciousness now and let go of the image of that person. But, hold that love for someone else in the world; forgiving them, loving them and noticing that energy as it relaxes you, as it has a sound perhaps like ahhh.. Recognizing now that you can use your will to direct that energy wherever you want. Bring now the sense of that incident from the side right in front of you now or that same love to that. A deep sense of forgiveness for yourself. Knowing that you did the best you could in that situation. Feeling whatever it was the shame, the anger or the difficulty. 

Now in this place of forgiveness and love, that same beautiful energy, that same loving ahhh. You have a choice in how you use your love. You can choose it any time and in this moment you have just dissolved some of that karma that might have required you to balance this at some point, in this life or in another life. Yes, it is that simple.