Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Karma of GMO's

Hilarion: "They are putting themselves in an interesting place karmically."


Lori: Can you please clarify your comment on GMO corporations?

Hilarion: You see various ways in which you see in ancient times people had ways to hold how children were viewed or seen in the world. In India, you have the most obvious example of this in the caste system. But, you have this throughout in the way in which you were born to a lowly birth or high birth and the ways in which over and over those in positions of power sought at the highest possible level to exert such energies over and over. If in doing so they could re-create these energies they would have for themselves then the obvious opportunity to maintain their identity, their power, and so on.

This sort of energy is a holdover into the corporate mentality at the current time. This is not restricted to the methodologies of chemicals and are utilized by various corporations and heads of corporations in all different manner. The various companies, through the chemicals and the utilization of these, remember their earlier phrase, “Better Living Through Chemistry.” All of these were little hints as to the ways in which this would eventually be utilized more and more powerfully.

The karma of this then would eventually be that which affects so many and in a desire to re-create those aspects of power over others would eventually come back to them. They themselves being harmed by this and the environment as it is affected by these things, then affecting everyone on your planet. This would eventually bring the karma full cycle. At the same time as these things are being developed in the consciousness particularly of those scientists and engineers who are working with this who are young is another energy bubbling up, another thought. The utilization of this or other techniques to solve this, to remove the chemicals, to utilize various completely different means such as mycology; mushrooms, to eat up, break down and release back into the environment in a positive way the very chemicals themselves that GMO’s allow into the world.

All of these different patterns are those which people in positions of power are dealing with in various ways. But, as they come to understand this for themselves they may have breakthroughs, a new understanding. This is usually what has broken the back of these energies of these giant corporations in such.

So you see the great importance of insider information in the release of documentation associated with smoking and the way in which this more than anything else enabled the various changes that were made to put smoking in a new light particularly with regards to children. Similarly, it is hoped that at some point, those insiders, those working with the energies of GMO's will come forth, speak about the truth of such matters and make the changes necessary,

In the meantime, you have the smaller attempts that people keep making to bring more information about this so that everyone can make their own decisions. Again here, you see the parallels, the way in which you could use misinformation. In particular, the influence of the church to keep people from an understanding. If you keep them in the dark as the theory goes, they’ll never see the light and understand what is really happening. This is at the core level the underlying reasoning behind resistance to labeling with regards to GMO’s. Keep them in the dark. Symbolically, naturally what this brings forth in people is the idea that they want information, they want knowledge, they want the light.

The real question then for most of them comes down to is: are you willing to pay for it? It does not matter if in point of fact there is no additional cost or the costs ultimately are actually less to be in the light as they are because there are lower medical costs. But, rather the way in which this is presented to the public every time it comes up on a ballot for state or federal is the idea that it will cost more to have things labeled and are people willing to spend more for their food?

The importance here is simple, it is not just about food. They are to understand much more than the labeling associated with the food as a result of the revelations that the labeling will give. This is therefore symbolically very important to the companies involved in genetic modification so that they can keep people in the dark and this is as much symbolic as it is real with labeling.

Beyond this at the larger level, you see the karma replaying itself and over and over people fall into the trap of, “us,” vs. “them,” of  “the enemy,” or of some way in which they are somehow fighting against and so on. Those sorts of energies have their place and they can draw you into greater awareness. But, as we have often spoken about the opportunity to dissolve karma with love it is essential that people are able to love the Monsanto executives. Especially the ones, the youths in particular, who will be the whistleblowers, who will come forth with a deeper understanding about this. Paralleling what occurred with the campaigns against smoking, brought by the US government lawsuits upon the place of private individuals and so on and so forth in earlier times.

In understanding and working with these energies, you often have to go to a much deeper place where you are loving the soul, you’re loving what the person is, rather than what they are doing. You are working with those energies in a way in which somehow the person receiving them is able to recognize them as love and shift them for themselves.

Notice here we are completely sidestepping an issue. This is one that is primarily brought on by the propaganda associated with this and the entire issue of GMO’s. Which is that they are good, that they can help, that there is benefit to them, that they will feed the world or they will somehow improve things on your planet. For those in the know, for those who have deeply investigated it on the outside and those who are producing these substances and who are working with them in various ways on the inside. They know for certain this is not true, they know for certain that this is going to create problems and the problems will be those that are clearly not worth it in the long run.

That is why we sidestepped that issue entirely, but the reminder here is that when people do speak of such matters they are speaking karmically. They’re speaking about something to do with how they see they are the leaders, they are the ones to help, that putting them in positions of power is ultimately of benefit for the planet.

This is hard for you to understand. How could somebody who is indeed wrecking harm on the world be somebody who is going to be beneficial. You have, obviously, extreme examples of this in the various dictators: Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, come to mind on such matters, though to a lesser extent Hirohito. But each of these seeing themselves in a position of power, see themselves then as able to wield for others the right decisions to be made.

This is where the karma shifts. That more people are willing to take the decision-making into their own hands and tell those in positions of power that they are not trustworthy and they must look more deeply into themselves to find their own trustworthiness. Because karmically this is where they got into trouble in the past. By holding their own caste, holding their own position of being high and mighty or whatever. They were able to make rapid spiritual progress but big mistakes along the way.

As a result of that they must come to understand this and once and for all dismantle this within their own karmic structures and most importantly their own soul. If they are going to make further progress evolutionarily. This is the bigger picture. Unfortunately, this sort of thing can take many generations and the poisoning of your planet by these various substances is going to happen much more rapidly that can be that which would be appropriate for multi-generational issues.

As a result of this, therefore, there is a big push for greater revelation, understanding, education, research, people to block this politically where they can and so on and so forth. But, karmically speaking they will keep meeting with resistance until these deeper issues dealing with the underlying life lessons of those in positions of power can be addressed somehow or other. Does this make sense?

Lori: Yes.

Hilarion: It was a brief question with a very long answer. We apologize for this but it was important to try to cover some of the important basis.

Lori: I do have one question on a word you used that I’m not familiar with. M-i-c-o-l-o-g-y?

Hilarion: M-y-c-o-l-o-g-y. That is the study of fungus, fungi mushrooms being one of the fungi that are readily seen and available. These materials in particular, the ones that have the ability to simultaneously create networks of chemical communication within the soil and remediation from the point of view of people. In other words, using the chemicals, using the substances and breaking them down have tremendous potential for cleaning up your planet.

Those who are studying mushrooms, working with fungi in various forms and the various mycologists on your planet have greater and greater understanding of this and will eventually put forth some very powerful methodologies that may be used to clean up soils on your planet and undo some of the damage GMO’s and various chemicals have wrought upon the soils. Does this clarify?

Lori: Yes. That’s very helpful. It’s interesting symbolically. The idea of a seed company and the definition of karma being, "you reap what you sow." It's teaching us such a valuable lesson about karma.

Hilarion: Of course.

Lori: Will there be other solutions coming forth?

Hilarion: Multiple solutions worked with. Most of these partial solutions, ie, labeling. Labeling will not in of itself of course stop these companies even if it is widespread. But, they will change their tact and they will work in different areas and this will bring new possibilities for people to go further and have more research and understanding. Personally, they notice for themselves that when they avoid products labeled as, “GMO,” they feel better. Some of this is of course, simply psychological. But, some of it is actually a fact due to their own enhanced physical body processes as a result of no longer having to cleanse toxic substances out of the body.

But, along the way you have many other things that can show up. Most important amongst these is a deeper understanding of organic agriculture in a cyclic fashion called, “permaculture,” where people are able to understand and work with the cycles of nature over the seasons and with various plants and animals and the way in which they can assist each other. This can easily be put into action in small communities and indeed that is where this has been initially developed. You see, such as the work of Joel Salatin as very helpful in working with this.

But, gradually people understanding this can work with it in larger and larger context until the point that it is understood that the long-term benefits far outweigh the utilization of pesticides, herbicides, chemicals and genetic modification of various things. Genetic modification as a basis for understanding has another side to it. This has little to do with the widespread use of this. That is as we’ve said overseen by those in positions of power. But, the technological level itself it is a very primitive recreation of the ultimate manifestation of genetic modification which took place in Atlantis which was the genetic modification of human beings.

Such is ultimate because it is the way that this eventually leads to this and some of this is already going on in laboratories all over the world. It is an obvious application if you are going to make a human who is superior. But, at the current time, very little understanding comes from this. So, there are experiments to gain greater understanding. Obviously along the way the application of GMO’s to more and more complex organisms is the path that is being currently utilized.

Which is karmically a recapitulation of the experiments done towards the latter phases in Atlantis where there was modification of animals and people and this which many who tune into their Atlantean lifetimes have memory of, traumatic memory of, great pain in the experiences in some of these mutants of animal and human. These energies, up for those who are in positions of scientific research and understanding to clear karmically. To research it, to understand it, but also where necessary to reveal it to the public, to change it, to heal it, to avoid it if that is the only way forward.

But, in all the ways in which this eventually comes to understanding, it is an obvious sort of path by which with the understanding of genetics in all areas more and more progress is made. Progress simply towards having greater knowledge, the appropriate application of this remains to be seen. But, you have this at the ultimate karmic level in a very simple way. Answer to your first question with regards to memory block. The development of various mutations, energetics associated with the human genes by extraterrestrials is genetic modification. This is the real karmic understanding that ultimately comes and is the reason why GMO’s have a place in human society. Literally, as genetically modified organisms, not as those which are purely for profit motive. But, those which are ultimately not only for greater understanding of course, but for true benefit to humanity.

The correction of various genes that cause difficulty would be an obvious, immediate, application of positive nature that will come very soon on your planet. Thus, gene therapy where various genes are spliced to correct inherited difficulties, gene therapy in the zygote where the child to be has various corrections made so that they will grow into a healthier and happier person would of course be the positive side to this. You see many applications of this in the future. It is not that which is inherently good or bad, but that which relates ultimately to the accumulation of greater knowledge.

What human beings have clearly shown is they do not currently have the wisdom to use this appropriately. As the immediate applications for this are ones that are harmful; that are harming the environment, people’s health and bringing greater and greater profit into the hands of the companies working with this. But, this shifts over time as more and more knowledge is gained, more and more possible applications that could ultimately be of healing value to people will show up. Will people use this appropriately? This is the greater choice that is presented to humanity for which there is no obvious answer. There will be those who would seek to use this in various means harmful and those helpful. You’ll see this written about in science fiction stories, various ideas. These will continue and people will play with this until they begin to finally get a handle on it.

Ultimately, this must be understood in conjunction with various aspects in answer to your first question. The karmic aspect, the lifetime after lifetime aspect. In other words the cosmic aspect. The part that relates to the soul and the energy of manifestation here and the way in which lifetime after lifetime more and more energy is accumulated and people are able to make the appropriate evolutionary decisions.

Along the way it is highly likely that the next phase after having more memory of your past lives shows up, is that phase in which humanity chooses to live longer and to do so without the need for this sequence of past life, intermissive, past life, intermissive. Right now that would obviously create big problems on your planet if all fifty billion souls came in immediately. You simply do not have enough resources available under the current system. Resources are there but they are not properly distributed. The result must be that other things will take place first before such can be accommodated.

But, when that happens, you can be certain that genetic modification will be an important part of this. As physical bodies are significantly improved to live longer and more importantly to release blocks to past life memory, the application therefore of such genetic shifts to humans would obviously be a helpful addition. On the downside of course to this, all of the ways in which various aspects of the power and strength of animals might be given to humans.  It could create better soldiers or people with little in the way of morals or opportunity to do harm in the world once they are sufficiently controlled by others. All of which are clearly anti-evolution and those which would not be helpful to the souls involved.


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