Thursday, November 23, 2017

Have I Ever Been An Arcturian?
Lori: Have I ever been an Arcturian?
Hilarion: Well, that's a tricky one. You spent a little training there, you did some interaction and work with several Arcturians and they have continuous existence to assist earthlings. Many people here who are studying and working with extra- physicals and learning a lot with them. So, then they transfer that into extraterrestrials.

But, Arcturians have mastered an inter-dimensional interchange of energy so that they can be both physical and non-physical. This was something that fascinated you and it was an area that they were willing to share with you. But, there was a difficulty here because of your many earthly existences, many ways of relating to things in a more physical nature; it was difficult. How could they show you this? How could they explain it? They had to just do it. 
So, you were sort of an honorary Arcturian you might say. An energy was projected to you and you were able to transfer your own energy into the physical, raising the molecular vibrations of the physical body, speeding everything up and becoming transparent for a while, you might say. Shifting various aspects that tie you to the physical while still in the physical body. This is difficult to understand in the three dimensional existence that you find yourself in now, but very easy with those who do it all the time. This was a very helpful process to show you what it felt like, to let you experience it rather than just let you see it at arms length.
But, as often is the case with this sort of thing there was a bit of trauma, not so much in the experience of actually raising the vibration. But, when you had the thought, well, what about the others? The ones I would miss, the other people on earth who need to know about this or whatever, sort of difficulty as you come back. Not that the trauma of leaving was difficult, but the trauma of returning. Some melancholy, some depression and sadness naturally resulting, some energetics at physical level were a little harder to more easily form the patterns, that sort of thing.
It is always when one goes way back, possible to see this in various contexts such as all different extraterrestrial existences. That's not what we are referring to. This was a far more recent journey that was very interesting for you. But, at the same time perplexing because when you returned you had to push out about half of the experience in order to understand what was left. To understand half of it you had to push out the other half. This is natural because of course, being in higher vibration, working with such beings, you can't always integrate such information and energy. 
But, you did say to yourself, creating a sort of soul contract for yourself that at the appropriate time you would be able to recall it. It would not be pushed out of your consciousness forever. The key to this would of course be the idea that of contact with Arcturians. The sense that such an energy was possible, that there could be some sense of something within this and here the key was simple. What do you have to give? This is the area most typically overlooked by many contactees, many people who channel and work with extraterrestrials, etc. It is so much about receiving for the good and the obvious reason is that there is so much to be received. These beings are so advanced, they have so much history, they have so much to share. So naturally, everyone would think that the experience is about taking.
But, you are quite aware of the powerful difference between the takers and the leavers. You are powerfully concerned with how important it is to share and to assist and to contribute. So then, this provocative question is not so much as philosophical or to help you understand, it is there as a trigger or key and that has to do with your genuine understanding, a full genuine, loving answer. 
What is the authentic area to explore with this about what you can contribute? The more you learn about Arcturus or work with channeled material or understand it from your own point of view, or even just find the star in the night sky and gaze upon it for a few minutes. Then, this becomes a more profound and important trigger. As you ask, you understand levels and layers of this, you contribute what you have experienced on Earth, what you learn from other people, that is one way. As you go deeper you realize it is a sense of the heart; a sense of something loving that shares something very beautiful, very helpful.
As you go deeper it comes to something else. It has to do with life purpose. The idea that your life is not only about the learning and aspects that are helpful to your soul and its development but about something intrinsic in contributing to others. A way in which the love is somehow compounded with or bound to service and that this as it is unique within you is a gift, is a beautiful thing and can be offered to Arcturians and other beings.

This, as you begin to understand it better for yourself, can be conceptualized by words, music, movement, painting, or something that to you symbolizes this. It doesn't matter what form you use to get to these beings. Finding this trigger would be helpful because then you can more easily re-experience some of what was lost from that energy and you are on earth now, so you could say in a sense it doesn't matter. It is the earthly aspects that are of maximum importance right now and this is true. But, you have had a tremendous sense at times of the creativity, the working with light, and the ability to use that light in its purest and clearest form that the Arcturians have shown you and that has been helpful.

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