Friday, February 24, 2017

Has Tesla or Einstein Reincarnated On Earth?

Can Hilarion talk about the Tesla coil Violet Ray used with noble gases and what is it used for? Has Tesla returned to the earth? Has Einstein? How long will it be before we might be aware of this?

Hilarion: These beings are what Waldo Viera calls, "Homo Sapiens Serenissimus." In their last aspect of nonphysical incarnation, likely not to incarnate; although they may choose to do so perhaps for a brief time where some assistance is necessary. But, indeed having taken on their spiritual lessons, having served humanity they are ready to move on. As such, they will likely continue to influence and assist but in a much more generalized way and indeed may indeed help others with their transformation as they also move on.

The Violet Ray energy is primarily excitation of inert gas Argon and it is simply one of many ways in which these inert gases can be stimulated to provide various beneficial and helpful healing energies. These have been studied for a long time particularly because in the Violet Ray technique stimulation is done through glass and thus one has the effect of being able to see these and fascinated with the effects that the plasmas generated can help.

However, we see that by the level of effectiveness and the time, trouble and difficulty that it takes, magnetic field, stimulation of inert gases, though not as dramatic, is that which is more effective, efficient, and easier to reproduce.

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