Saturday, May 21, 2016

Karma of Human Gene Editing

Q. The International Summit on Human Gene Editing wrapped up this week in Washington with scientists from all over the world debating where to draw the line on human DNA editing, changing our DNA so that we can never get certain diseases like leukemia. Is this discovery like genetically modifying our foods a helpful discovery to human well-being? What is the wisdom of this possible action with the human genome?

Hilarion: Long-term, we see this will eventually lead no matter which decision is made, which direction it goes and so on, in the direction we have just spoken of. Where it overturns this disease hypothesis and eventually a deeper understanding by applying the scientific method to it will show up. In the meantime, there will be much more understanding about this and many areas that don't fit together and can only be explained by a larger hypothesis.

In the short-term as these things are developed it is going to create all kinds of problems. As we have spoken about before, the karma associated with this relates to experiments of similar nature, though done for different reasons. In ancient Atlantis when animals and humans were interbred and various genetic manipulations as a result were those which gave rise to a great deal of suffering, pain and difficulty. Some of the same individuals are involved in this to clear their karma, or understand it in a new way and for this your understanding of this can be helpful. As you send them a sense of forgiveness or love or a way in which they can better understand this for themselves.

But, it is very unlikely given the importance of overturning these aspects of the disease model that guides and helpers or the collective consciousness are going to allow any such scientist to get a new job, to give it up, to go in an entirely different direction. It will be continued looking into this by many. Now, there are obvious problems with this in working out various ways in which genetics has profound effects on plant life and ways in which it has provided profit for those corporations involved in gene manipulation. There will be a continued push in such direction. But, is this a problem of genetic manipulation or of profit? As long as there is the sense of scarcity or those who need power over others then of course further opportunity to exploit even impure science, science with only some successes and not others, as long as it makes money will continue.

So, our judgment on it or yours has little effect on such individuals. But, what does have effect is when you ask the deeper question, when you're willing to ask the right question for yourself. Perhaps this adds an energy, a vibration, so that others ask and here we would call on Dr. Phil to ask the geneticist, “how is it working for you?” Because in this way they recognize that it may perhaps bring profit it may also bring great pain, great struggle, great difficulty and in some cases side effects and unforeseen consequences that bring them back to re-examine the underlying theories of disease themselves. Winter 2015

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