Wednesday, March 23, 2016

What I've Learned About Karma So Far.....

* Karma is cause and effect.

* You’re always creating karma because you’re always creating.

* All judgments are self-judgements.

* The karma limits what you can do in an evolutionary sense.

* Chronic = karmic.

* For every lifetime that you recall as victim there was also one as perpetrator.  Thus, a balance is taken between victim and perpetrator.

* The lesson is often received when you use the talents and capabilities you have to dissolve karma. 

* You must understand how you participated in creating the cause in order to change the effect.

* Evolution is not mandatory. Dissolving karma is a personal choice.

* Karma manifests as habit patterns that are carried over from other lifetimes. (karmic tendencies)

In working with these energies what you begin to find over and over is that the only reason the habitual patterns on your planet continue, the difficulties you see inevitably toward war, to population problems, to disease, to global warming and all of these things that people keep focusing on. These habitual patterns are those which ultimately have their bases in some other habit that keeps them going. The habit of the unwillingness to know the truth or to feel love, or to accept possibilities. But, the habit in itself can be changed.

* Emotions cannot be suppressed.

This is the greatest difficulty most people encounter in various ways of dissolving karma. They begin to think that somehow that which initiated it to their experience, the emotion, is bad and is to be avoided. This is not true. It is a transformative process but on planet earth emotion is present. It is a powerful factor at generating all the situations and the energies which over and over lead to cause and effect. In its boldest and most powerful way on your news you see the war, the invasion of Gaza, the deconstruction of a jetliner, all of these aspects are a direct consequence of fear, of anger, of resentment, of revenge and all of the different energies so clearly associated with the karma; meaning the cause and the effect of these things which have been going on for in some cases millennia, but most importantly in the lifetimes of those individuals.

So, you find by this new path that the emotions cannot be avoided, they are not to be in some way     repressed or avoided in their understanding. But, they are to be fully felt and then fully released. Because one recognizes that your relationship to those emotions has transformed. This is the great shift in the understanding of how the dissolving of karma works.

* Forgiveness balances karma

When you're working with it to understand it, to forgive it, to understand the nature of the cause, and to see of its true essence. But, it will usually be involved with a feeling. Some aspect of a powerful energetic within you is released when the feeling is present.

~ Hilarion