Saturday, November 21, 2015

Does Karma Created in the Extreme Have to be Balanced in the Extreme?

Hilarion: Explain "have to" as you perceive it.

Lori: To experience it so I can learn from it. 
Hilarion: Very good. Yes. Absolutely. Experience it as you can learn from it will be tremendously helpful and does not in and of itself require another establishment of cause-and-effect cycle does it? You could experience it in love. You could experience it simply as itself, no action necessary, no emotion generated. You cannot repress that, however, if you do, cause-and-effect sequence starts.

Instead, noting, observing, being aware and experiencing through observation, neutrality and then always bringing to it some aspect of your being that is associated with your observational process at the level by which you choose it consciously. Yes, the observer is always affecting the experiment, do not resist that but choose consciously how you will affect the experiment. You will cradle it in the arms of love. You will hold it in the place of the highest spiritual manifestation for all beings in all dimensions in all multi-verses or some such phrase or idea as it could reach your own heart.

In this way you have then the opportunity as a result of the experience to dissolve the karma. Literally, stop the sequence of cause-and-effect or at the minimum transform it so that the cause has a great more degree of love; interacting with it, some aspects of that which you would see as desirable in the way in which you perturbed the experiment, your observation in the way in which it is observed.

Typically though in the way you phrased this, most people would go in a different direction. They would interpret that in the “have to” you will then generate more karma. You will "have to" balance it, work with it, make it right with somebody else, learn from it as a result of your own pain, your own struggle or perhaps your own pleasure. But, in that is that sense that you are simply experiencing it so when you use your words quite literally exactly as you stated them, yes, very helpful.