Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What Other Creative Projects Have I Been Involved With In My Past Lives?

Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash
Lori: Why am I suddenly writing a musical?

Hilarion: There was an interesting play that was put together in your last intermissive. (the time between lives, AKA "the afterlife") A chance in which many from all different places could contribute. It was a little different from the way in which you see plays now. You would pretty much present it after it had reached some stage of solidity. It would change slightly perhaps from night to night but pretty much you were trying to improve it but not change it radically. But, that was the intent of this play so that a beginning place, an understanding, an awareness and a script and many important energies. There was a deliberate attempt here to chart and work with the higher history, in particular spiritual history of Earth, particularly in the late 20th and early 21st century looking at this as based upon the 19th and 20th centuries and how those energies were understood and worked with.

Then, collecting information and looking at how the audience responded, a new play was created for the following night. Various script changes could be made. Energetics could be significantly shifted. Some of the underlying ideas might remain the same but many others could change. But, the clear intent from the very beginning was all of it was up for grabs and any of it could be modified or shifted as needed.

This is quite different from improv. In improv, in the very moment the shifts can be made and it was clear intent amongst all of those creating this that those such could be applied as necessary to further evolve the larger intent. This was not improv. That it was scripted, understood, memorized, rehearsed until you were ready. You always had the option so that if things could not be prepared sufficiently that you could put forward when the performance would be. You would not have to do it on a nightly basis but in point of fact you did continue with this.

Now, of course, night and day at the higher dimensions are quite different. Generally, to say in a rather regular and repeated pattern of that which related to how people might come together with the night energies to view and be a part of a play done for community. This was done on a regular basis for what would be like, in human terms, ”about a year.” Doing this on a regular basis forced you to understand the possibilities for changes, forced you to practice over and over memorization abilities, various capacities you would have working with different characters and different ideas. But, at the same time to bring this together in such a way that the creativity could clearly be magnified, focused on and be playful.

In working with this it was a great inspiration and not just to you as you had extra-terrestrials, various nonphysical beings and all kinds of others involved in such. Think of this from this point of view, if you were to create a training, a place of inspiration, a place that might bring in new ideas or contexts for an individual who was interested in the play as a form when she would incarnate, what kind of activities would you encourage her to do on the other side?  Of course you would have the very basic ones of screenwriting or directing or looking at stage mechanics or technologies but very quickly you go beyond that.  Very quickly you understand that it is at the core basis of the form itself that you are going to get the greatest inspiration, push the boundaries and make you much better at any aspect of this that you might drop into.

So, this was a very useful, fun, creative activity that of course had a lot of fans, a lot of enjoyment, you would never know coming to such a thing. What are they putting on tonight? What energy might be shared? How might it be different from a week before or a month before or even from just the night before? This is a provocative notion and one that would probably be very difficult to manifest right now in the world successfully. But, still it was of great inspiration and importance to many.

There were other creative endeavors, some involving mutual inspiration of some individuals who might then come forth to bring music and beautiful forms of poetry, dance or other things to the world. One of these was a period of time you spent inspiring individuals for a few years, there were many involved with this and they expressed many of the important energies of the time and did so by at times reaching through channeling, to create songs, to bring through ideas that didn't make sense until they were all brought together and then could be created in a musical form. You and the others were able at times to bring inspiration and help to others and in preparation for coming into this life. It was important to you to have this as a sort of a reminder that you could from the other side, inspire, motivate, or shift the consciousness of people here in the world. For what reason? So that you would also be inspired, shifted, motivated. That your consciousness might be shifted by guides, helpers, those of creative inspiration and understanding at higher dimensional levels once you came here.

You are also had opportunity to work in a completely different area when you asked the very question, “what is creativity? What does this mean? What is the expressive? What is this energy flowing through? What is it? “ In contacting and understanding it you saw of its great similarity to something quite undeveloped, that shows up in a small child. Something perhaps at six months of age or one year of age or before it even comes to what would even be considered artistic or formed in some way recognized by the adults. It was an energy that you also sought through your own creative efforts to magnify, to strengthen, and to share.

For a brief period you acted in a very interesting way to dance with those who were seeking to be born soon. A dance that was to magnify energy that would draw through a vortex to experience in its purest form. No idea of interpretation or understanding simply the moving of the energy itself, that this could be helpful to a child who sought to become physical and eventually perhaps to be involved in movement or dance or to know that the physical body needed attention by moving. That was unimportant how it actually manifested. It was the purity of the form itself. There were many who shared in this and were inspired by it both at nonphysical and preparation for physical and physical levels.

In all of these cases these were seen as creative rather than contemplated. The pure creativity itself, the energy of the transfer and the inspiration, this was more important than that it was good, that other people cared, that it was useful or helpful and paradoxically it so frequently was. Because it was liberated in this way could be beneficial, could be helpful.These would seem to be the three activities of more intent and time. You know, creative effort at the nonphysical level is very different from creativity at the physical level as you can see.

April 29, 2015

Monday, October 21, 2019

What Is My Past Life Connection To Theater? Jackson
Hilarion: Many times it has saved your life in some situations. In others it was somewhat dangerous. Bear baiting and theater was quite common in Elizabethian times and sometimes the crowds would go over to the bear and leave you alone. Those would sometimes be times that in your anger you would stride over to the bear and as you can imagine various troubles would ensue.

Earlier than this it was often a time in which you could earn food, be taken care of, have a sense of prominence, not theater in the usual sense, but entertainment, storytelling, helping others with their own issues, and so on.

As with most of those activities in this life, which have a more profound influence, you can go back to that doorway lifetime in Atlantis to answer to this. The essence of theater was understood at the time. A way in which a deeper aspect of expression was allowed to emerge as a powerful creative light, obviously influenced by Vega, an energy from many levels simultaneously. It was a pure and powerful light. You felt great delight as a little child. You would turn it into stories, use it as inspiration for creative activities. When you grew older you recognized the pure energy would not be enough.

The interesting thing about this, that in your view, through your Atlantean lives, where you witnessed various aspects of theater, exploration of your creative expression of your connection to other people, you actually in Atlantis sent energy, the feeling of that powerful light again, somehow to the future. The equipment or technology was not designed to do that.

But your own sense of the connectivity, the bridge, the alignment, it is this energy which does indeed allow this to transfer. It is very easy to access this now. The way we have usually suggested that people connect to past selves and future selves is quite suitable. If you wish to allow that energy you simply bridge it. So if you allow that energy now, a thankfulness, a gratefulness, in Atlantis of what you did or tried to do and then taking what you learned now; in Atlantis you knew about technology, education, the heart.

This is a powerful useful message you have learned in the intervening years and which you have learned in this life. Therefore you have opened the door. When you send the sense of your heart to the being that you were in Atlantis, you send that being all those helpful energies and you open the door. Then the light that was sent forward from that time to now is more easily received.

Similarly as you project an energy to your future self, when you send a light to your future self, you enhance your ability to receive more easily the energy from your past self and so on. It is through this bridging, that all of these aspects are then enhanced and strengthened naturally.

This is the higher energy of theater. You have seen it many times when someone is in that beautiful, wonderful place,  the character has a powerful message, something valuable for others comes through. It is that energy in its purest sense which was worked with in Atlantis.

Let us give you then an example for you to play with. You are for instance familiar with intrinsic truth, and universal laws. Imagine that somehow presented as a play, people coming to it because it was so amusing, because it was so fun, because there was so much pathos, because the play transformed the nature of their being. But, also because they recognize in their life where they could make a change and that change would be profound and helpful in some aspect of who they are and that change could be different one person to another.  It is that sort of contemplation that has at times drawn your energy to this idea of the truth to be communicated.

That how could easily lie in the emotional aspect, in the feeling sense, in the sense of the modality in which it is to be shared; a movement. It can be a combination of all of these things and that is the area to be explored in addition to the understanding of the truth itself.  In other words, as you move to this next level, as the cycle now comes around again as you incorporate everything from the previous understanding. The aspects of the feeling experience, awareness of the sound experience, sense of movement experience, etc. 

It involves different parts of your own being, and will frequently involve something else, an aspect that you have also dealt with in various times in the past, a sort of letting it all go, letting it come from the heart, letting it come from a place where it isn't at all about figuring out the truth or coming up with the principal, or talking about ideas.  That was perhaps the way of the ancient philosophers which is clearly not applicable to the current day reality.

The problem with getting the big picture of it is that it might take several lifetimes.  Understanding these tendencies toward truth and working with it, combining that with what you understand, with how you might understand it, how your emotions are received, how you share from one to many and all of that, well it’s a big job. There’s a lot to it.

This understanding has eluded many beings on your planet.  Many who have come to a high level of awareness and consciousness, many masters, many guides, many helpers. Because after all, the underlying principles, the essential characteristics of truth in different ways have been spoken for a long time, are available in many wonderful books of those of the teachings of all kinds of very high vibrational beings.  But, what difference does it make?  How is it that with the understanding of that, humanity still seems to be plunging headlong into a place in which they are destroying their home?

Probably the most prominent in humanity’s history being the stupidity of war, and yet, the repeated way in which humanity for ages has turned to war for solutions. Understanding the underlying truth is insufficient, being able to communicate it is insufficient, being able to identify the ways in which that communication could be fully received would seem to be an area of potential bearing of fruit that would be helpful and that which your soul has a great deal of interest in.

This is now which you have in your own makeup; that over the intervening years, centuries, you have built this energy in. This means that at the soul level you have another aspect of truth you are now ready to drop in and it may not show up in this lifetime.  But it may be that which being in front of the public; this is something along the line of how those who do not receive and understand the truth directly, that is from the words alone, may receive it, know it, incorporate it.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

My Past Life Association With Hilarion and Channeled Information In Tibet
Hilarion: In Tibet, for you, there was a long period of great scholarship, learning about the planet and the many technologies devised at the time that would be in the general category of, "remote viewing," that allowed you to gather information. A group of you learned a lot about this but at the same time because of the nature of the Tibetan way there was a lot of willingness simply to integrate it. You learn a lot and then you would stop. You hold those energies in meditation, you work with them by all the different levels that they mean to you and others. In this way, you were part of this group, all doing this together.

This particular lifetime was one in which you gained a great deal of respect for each other and at the same time were able to re-acquaint yourself with many of the more profound truths that transcended anything that was presupposed by the Tibetans at the time. The result of this scholarship was a continuation of some of this learning into the intermissive (the time between lives) in which you began to look out into the world and asked the question, “Where could I have some more profound influence? Where could the use of this information have benefit in the world?” This called in our energy (Hilarion) and as part of this group overshadowing it in various ways in a very gentle or subtle level and then while you were physical we now made our appearance at a more concrete level for you.

In this way, in the intermissive, you and many others co-ordinating in different fashion were able to examine and look at all of these important issues and recognize that the potential to bring some of this forward could come through some unusual paths. Those unusual within the context of the world, such as channeling; such as the application of channelled information; such as the acknowledgement that the channeling process comes from the interaction across the dimensions of the physical and the nonphysical beings and so on.

So, in this way a more concrete relationship was established in regards to this information. How might this manifest in the world was not predetermined. Rather, you would just sort of see how it went. But, as more might show up, there would be way much more help and assistance if it seemed like it would go in a positive direction and in this way you would be drawn to look at it, to write about it, to share it and so on and so forth.

So, in this way you really can't answer this question without including the Hilarion influence, the influence and concept of the Emerald ray, the awareness of the energy of information as distinct from various other paths and other ways of understanding.

All of this leading in its own way to the more profound question: "What will you do with it?" On the intermissive side you may then form a new group and have other levels of information available and then guide and assist others in the world in various ways. At the physical level, you may choose to bring this forward in various ways to see how other people respond to it. But, you may also have at times frustration with this as if that which is ahead of its time, that which is not so accepted within the current status quo, etc.

Well, these sorts of energies, and the energy of frustration and the energy that is termed at times, “The Cassandra Complex,” that is a prophet who spoke the truth but nobody paid attention to her or believed. But, it is important to recognize here that you are working with this question. "What to do with it?" Your approach is very different and that is wonderful that each person who confronts this issue would have a different approach to it, a different way of accepting it, understanding it, writing about it, speaking about it, whatever. All of these could contribute in a way that cannot yet be seen. Coming together in some integrated whole perhaps, some deeper understanding that may come through in the next intermissive (time between lives).

But, in the meantime you all have been able to listen and learn from some of the hints, some of the things you found in Tibet, some of the things you have been reminded of in the intermissive about the consolation side of this quest for clarification. That consolation side is simply that somehow it will be fun. Somehow, you will have an enjoyment of the experience of the information seeking or the truth revealing or the new areas that can be explored technologically. That it could be fun. That it could be enjoyable. This might not seem very important but it is. Because it must be that which is enjoyable if it is that which is to be continued and an inspiration to others and of value in ways beyond that what you can see. That is the nature of what it is to be a human; that the enjoyment, the consolation and the clarification, well, they are one and the same in many ways in a unique way for humans.

Yes, there is the important sort of pattern that you’ve seen; the destruction, the struggle, the crying out of humanity in the midst of this, it doesn't stop. You have seen it with hurricanes and earthquakes and there are so many ways in which this can happen on every level at every side. The preservation of as many souls as possible continues.

But, the crying out, the struggling with these energies, this is that which bears heavy at times upon your heart, upon your consciousness as you look in the world and understand what is happening. You have the strength for this not to resist it but to allow it simply to flow through you. To cry with the victim, to release the tears of anguish in the midst of struggle and difficulty as if it was a part of your own and then to say, “this too shall pass.” These energies shift over time as people reconstruct, as they learn again, as they understand in a new way and so on.

Remembering this sometimes helps for the very simple reason that as you connect, as you have that release you are saying then by your consciousness so you too, in the midst of this struggle can release, can come to a place of peace. Because in that place of peace you will cope with the difficulties much better with more intuition, with more understanding with more love than you will if you are in a state of panic or confusion or difficulty and struggle.

No, you can't tell somebody when they're in the midst of it, “don't panic.” But, you can show them by having your own heart open and allowing those energies to flow through. So, that energy is recognized and acknowledged as a part of this too and it is the result of the intensification of rapid media coverage by which everyone in the world knows about these difficulties in a way that was not possible previously.

The result of this is simply that you are more connected. Such a connection can lead to new solutions, new awareness and new understanding. You may not think this is true. But, it is not only possible but that which is now the encouragement and perhaps even at times inspiration from your guides and helpers. The idea that you can find even within humanity's most difficult, darkest moments something joyful, something revealing, something that clears away some past karma but ultimately that which leads to greater love.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Karma of Immigration From Pallas Athena
I have mixed feelings about posting this information but it is not meant to shame. Each and every one of us, myself included, has caused harm to another in past lives. Oftentimes, because we were born into a society that encourages and condones violence and abuse of power against each other. Our patriotism is often rooted in a belief system of separation, "us versus them." Cause and effect (karma) continues simply because nobody questions it. When we ask the deeper questions of ourselves we change society. (consciousness)

That is the whole purpose of my musical-- to understand that each and every one of is capable of being the victim or perpetrator depending on what role we choose to play and that we always have the free will to be 100% accountable for our actions. The victim/ perpetrator cycle is the most dominant karmic cycle currently playing out on planet earth and we absolutely have the ability to dissolve this karmic pattern through love and greater understanding (conscious awareness). ~Lori

Jill: We wanted to hear from Athena, maybe a message for children and families in grief right now.

Athena: Every country with their own policies, their own ways of dealing with immigrant families must take into account and work with the heart energy that is sweeping your planet. What it is opening up in all of you is the welcoming of the children as your family. This has been known to advertisers, the people who wish to pull on your heartstrings to sell you diapers and baby food. But, now that very same energy moves into your heart and asks you, “whose children are these?”

Some have done the calculations and see that these children are the Nazi officers and they are reincarnated now and that these children coming back in are those who need to experience these difficulties. Yet, penetrating into the hearts of those with this observation still say, “we welcome you, you are our children, too.” This has a profound effect at the deepest level when you say to them, “we forgive you.” Because even a Nazi officer who is reincarnated as a child of an immigrant now experiences an energy that tells them there is a light here, there is a truth here, “I can change this.”

Because as the children grow up, they have a role to play in your world and they will eventually share their stories and their experiences of this. This gesture, the open arms that you open your arms to the child that you would love and care for and now as you open your arms a beautiful light projects from your hands and your arms and projects into the world to say to these children, “be, be alive, be conscious, be connected, be aware but especially see the truth.”

See the truth of who you are in your heart, see the truth in the people around you. Do not assume that those people in positions of power who are sending you here or sending you there are the only ones influencing this because there is a groundswell of energy; people all over the world feeling this welcoming and saying, “there must be another way.”

Eventually, this gives rise to a deeper questioning of borders themselves and what constitutes an immigrant? What makes somebody born here a little different from somebody being born just across from the border? But still, in your own heart there is a different energy. It is a song. It is a song of love and this is what the children have not lost. They have their songs. They have their little rhymes and their melodies but they are also singing a song. It is the song that says to them, “I am alive. I am in this world. I am a child of grace. I am a child of harmony. I am a child connected to the hearts of every person on this planet. “

In their dreams they are being shown this by the guides and helpers and the guides and helpers are using their own energy to project this into the dreams of the grownups around the planet all the way to the point that when they awaken in the morning they come out to sign a new bill to change something, to shift an awareness, to make things a little different.

So, we would ask each of you in your hearts, what child can you welcome? Where can you see a little one? Perhaps, it is you when you were tiny? Perhaps, it is a sister or brother that you recall from when you were growing up. Perhaps, it is the way in which you can now recall the innate child that has always been a part of you and let that one for a moment be loved. Even though that part of you was scared at some point in the past you now give that part of you now a beautiful love.

Perhaps you could give it a sound, whatever sound shows up in your consciousness this bridges across all of the subtle bodies, all throughout your planet and lets all the children know that they are not alone and that they are loved and taken care of some way or another. They can now act to shift, at first symbolically, later when they grow up and shift the consciousness of how people relate to each other.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Cellular Memory/Karmic Loop As It Relates To The Core Wound
Lori: I'd like to know more about cellular memory as it relates to the core wound because what I've observed intuitively in other people is they play out a “karmic loop,” so to speak and it occurred to me that time itself does not heal the core wound.

Hilarion: Yes. That is correct that cause-and-effect always remains: how you respond to it, how you work with it, that is the key and that is what you learn from this and take into other lives.

Similarly, how you choose to incarnate and attract this to you and that it will be an important lesson for your soul.

This is very difficult for most people to acknowledge, “You mean, I needed to incarnate as a rape victim? I needed to incarnate as a cripple? I needed to feel the effects of some terrible disease like AIDS or Ebola?” This is extremely hard for most people to accept and yet it is often one of the first things that they perceive when they pass from the world and they have the bigger perspective and look back on their lives.

Thus, you must see cellular memory not only in the victim perspective and not only in the “loop,” which inevitably involves victim and perpetrator. After all, this is the great lesson of the Universal Law of Opposite Expression. In recognizing the yin and the yang and recognizing the inevitable way in which they, “battle it out,” literally ad nauseam. There is always then this question, “must it be?” or “What is the solution?” Of course, when the aspect of two is the problem you then go to three for the solution. Or, as inevitably comes from 3,1. But, in one there is the recognition of the value and meaning that each gives to the other and that is forgiveness.

So, simultaneously then the new perspective, the new paradox is the 3,1 paradox in which you are recognizing the larger perspective which gives you the place for that forgiveness. In particular, then you would not only recognize the loop but you would also say, “Why do I need this? Why has this loop been valuable to me? In what way has it shifted me? Can I perceive and accept wherever there is one? Usually when one is the victim, there is the other; the perpetrator and in some way come to terms with this.

The moment you take that step you are getting the higher perspective. You are not looking at the observer, who is looking at this. But, you do eventually and that is where the oneness eventually shows up. In other words, as Byron Katie might speak of it, as soon as you begin to question it, as soon as you begin to look at it, you are no longer trapped within it. You are no longer at the mercy of that loop.

This is important not just for you of course, but for the people in which you have recognized this. The real trick is how you can shift their perspective so that not only do they for a moment or two look at it but now it is permanently changed for them and they can never go back. This was the impetus behind Byron Katie's process she calls, “the work.” Where, inevitably you can see if focused on the beginning points of the Law of Opposite Expression and the obvious aspect of its reflection, the Law of Reflection.

But, it is ultimately to take you to the place where you choose to use love in order to dissolve karma. This is very difficult for people who are very stuck in that loop emotionally where they are recognizing the tremendous problems with this and usually that's because it's physicalized. There was a blow, there was a bullet, there was an arrow, there was a spear and that has a physical component to it which sometimes actually shows up on the body; a birthmark; a tendency towards a particular discomfort or disease or some issue in the bony structure or whatever.

So, as they clear this there may be some shifts also at the physical level but more importantly it is a reminder to them that they chose it and that these birthmarks show up when they are very young. That it was not in something as an accident, not something as physical trauma in the womb. But, that which they chose as a reminder.

This business of choosing it is a very difficult one for some people and only increases a sense of guilt. This is more typical when they recognize the perpetrator aspect but either the guilt passes or they must shunt this aside and reconsider it at another time in life or a future life. But, the main point is only that if they can work with that without guilt— accept and work with this business of choice then it is tremendously empowering because then they know they have the choice as to how to respond and how to work with these energies and how to shift them and so on.

At the deepest level in the relationship between physical and nonphysical there is something that is created that homeopaths have been dealing with for centuries. They call it a,”miasm.” This is something that has a fundamental attribute that keeps on affecting health and is one of the few health affecting aspects that tends to re-create lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Victim/ Perpetrator Karmic Cycle
Hilarion: Naturally, those who are very much self-interested, self-centered in the way in which they are focusing on service to self rather than service to others, missing the point of this, the fun of it and so on will often find themselves in positions where they are creating havoc and difficulty and harm to others in order that they might get more for themselves.

Oftentimes such individuals have a long karmic history. They have traded places lifetime after lifetime- victim/ perpetrator- victim/ perpetrator. You see this in war, you see this with soldiers and those civilians they have killed. You see this with human trafficking where there are those who have been prostitutes and then been pimps. There are those who have harmed others with sex and those who have been harmed by this. It is a difficult cycle to break but no more difficult than any of the others. Whatever cycle you have of victim/ perpetrator there is often deep within you the awareness of this that shows up at some point in your life and you want to change it. Could there be something better? Could there be another way? These are powerful questions that your guides and helpers are whispering to you, reminding you, asking you to look at in your dreams and your contacts with so-called, "normal people;" those who are outside the circle of the harm that you are involved in.

Sometimes this does occur. People get out of the business of harm and difficulty because they have a vision, they have some way in which they can atone for their sins now offered once more. As they go into that place where they start asking: is there more? Is there some way to let go of this? Is there some way to change this?

What is also offered is the ability to dissolve karma with love. To use a greater degree of compassion and caring about the world, about yourself, about life. Naturally, for many people this is a great struggle and it brings up a lot of guilt, it brings up all of the energies of their past lives where they have struggled with these things. But, for some people, they will move through that and keep seeking, keep looking. When they do it is useful to encourage them to share this with them.

This is an extremely useful tactic to use with anyone who seems to be stuck in any of these karmic cycles, to ask the question: is it something that could be different? Show how it works for you in your prayers, in your consciousness, in your awareness? Planting the seeds that there are answers to this.

Unfortunately, the civilization you have doesn't recognize this as the major way of stopping these crimes. Instead, it incarcerates people in jails and sometimes this has the opposite effect. It starts a new crime ring of the people in jail and the things that happen between the prisoners and the jailers which are in themselves a continuation of karmic wheel of victim/ perpetrator. Here you have simply prisoner and jailer who have also traded places.

It is unfortunate that society has not received the answers and really held onto them because the answers have been there since the 1950s about rehabilitation, about changing the ways in which people relate to each other. Some of the more enlightened countries on your planet; Norway comes to mind as one of them, have clearly considered this and look for deeper ways to rehabilitate and indeed for many individuals they do make a shift, they do turn a corner and they see a way in which they can change their lives. But, it takes a lot of work. It takes a lot of caring and of course no great profit motive would be involved in this.

Prisons in many countries, including USA, are a great source of income for very low wage labor and opportunity to take advantage of others that is condoned by the government and many others. Rehabilitation has indeed moved way down on the scale of importance. Of course,  as there is love and forgiveness as there is an understanding that there is a perpetuation of a cycle which is karmic or that which you inherited from your parents. Whatever the cycle of victim/ perpetrator you can break it. When this is more understood, more welcomed and more true rehabilitation becomes possible. Yet, even so, there will be some who will not give way to this. That is usually because the experience of power over others is so deeply ingrained in their soul that it is very difficult to let go of it. It is more addicting than any drug. The opportunity to hold lives in your hand and to mold them and manipulate them is a powerful sense that you are somehow connecting again. This is especially difficult if you have a strong feeling about a particular crime. Yes, of course in a more perfect world the therapy we would invite them into would take place where the dolphins swim so that they would feel that connection directly. But, for others it is then that which they must somehow break free of lifetime after lifetime and if they cannot they may indeed have to make a major switch shifting to another lifestream or letting go of the soul or other things that sometimes happen.

But, at the deeper level within consciousness it is important to see that this is actually a minority. The so-called truly hardened criminals, whatever the act that they have been involved in, many are in places where they want to change and they recognize there are possibilities. So, one more addition to the many meditations, the many visualizations is of an expansive energy of a beautiful pink light to such individuals and other things that have been suggested in the past is this: in your own consciousness use your imagination.

June 21, 2017

Thursday, March 21, 2019

My Past Life During Renaissance and Karmic (Past Life) Blocks
Lori: Did I live during the time of the Renaissance? What was I doing?

Hilarion: There was acquaintanceship with some of the people who were involved in the arts, the awareness of some of these things in Italy, journeying to France; being aware of this in different ways in several lifetimes. In one of these, in Italy, you had an opportunity to be around others who were interested in the spoken word. In sharing some of the writings of da Vinci and others at the time there was a time of inspiration, of sharing but also of great argument. There was much difficulty in seeing what was unfolding. The Renaissance was a time in which new ideas were being promoted by the guides and helpers.

For you, a great deal of this came through in your dream life and the awareness of some of this was not clear to you. You would take actions in the world and then remember a dream; a piece of it and be inspired by this. You had opportunity to share with others, to speak of such things. But, at the same time you presented a few blocks to this and immediately after that life you created several energetic blocks for the purpose that you are going to recall this gradually. But, you constructed this because of the arguing. There were others who were right and you were wrong. The result of this was that you saw that if you focused on the spoken words themselves you would miss the point.

So, you asked for help on this. Evolutionary orientors and other beings at higher dimensions had worked with this many times. So, they explained to you how to construct the various blocks necessary. The intent was to filter so that the feeling of this; the idea that there were many things that could be turned upside down; the church; institutions of learning; awareness of how things were done in the world; superstition. All of these things could be flipped upside down, rejected. But, the fear associated with this needed to be filtered because your life could end if those in positions of power discovered your radical thinking on something for instance.

The result of this was you placed these as emotional filters so that the learning about Renaissance or connecting to Renaissance artists or other speakers might still be available to you. But, it would be the feeling sense of it more than the specifics. That would seem to explain some of this that you will therefore not have to go down those routes.

What is difficult to understand about this time period is that which actually applies to all time periods. That is to look at that which is a permanent legacy versus that which disappeared. So, for instance in the understanding of Latin, you have the pronunciation which has now completely disappeared. You have that which was written, which was on stone, or papyrus or in some cases paper. That has persisted and this has been a tremendous inspiration and acknowledgment to scholars worldwide. Yet, the pronunciation still escapes and that is the greater learning about this that the spoken word in Renaissance times was written about but the actual speaking; very little was ever taken down.

There was in fact quite a bit of this. A huge amount of it was burned or destroyed by the church. There were many who spoke of things that would only in today's language be called, “revolutionary.” Ideas that would upset and change the status quo not just to see things in a different light and draw them, that is what has persisted. But, instead the day to day living of what is important: of prioritization, of superstition; things that needed to be changed, needed to be swept away. To speak of such matters could result in imprisonment or jail or ostracization, or in an earlier time you would be branded perhaps even as a witch. But, as this began to evolve some of it began to filter its way through. You see this especially in the writings of any of the great artists, Michelangelo or da Vinci as examples. Does this help?

Lori: Yes. But, I'm a little confused about the blocks. Were they for my protection or did you say it was so I wouldn't engage in that behavior again?

Hilarion: Yes and yes. But, also what you learned is something else. You see, you have these blocks, all people do, except for the very few who have complete memory of their last sequence (past lives) without any gaps about all of the memory and all of the intermissive periods (time between lifetimes) and indeed that is clearly a rare exception. The guides and helpers are experts at creating such blocks. They do so at various levels for various reasons.

But, you specifically requested this not just for the usual reasons but also for the idea that you would be inspired, there would be something uplifting, interesting; something that would inspire you perhaps to go beyond. But, it will come in such a way that you did not have to be constrained by the ideas, or the thoughts of the times but simply by the feeling.

This gave you the sense that something new could birth within you; that some beautiful, powerful new idea might take form or take shape. This was perhaps one of the more beautiful things about Renaissance. But, to do so in a climate with far less fear brings in the protection part of it that you would therefore be inspired- but without the fear. That is not such an easy block to create, to say, ”I am going to let through certain emotions but not other emotions.” That is where your participation and assistance with this was part of it.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Is Atlantean Technology For Accessing Past Lives Going to Resurface?

 Lori: Speaking of Atlantis you had told me that when I lived in Atlantis there was technology that assisted me in looking into past lives and I did not believe in past lives during that life in Atlantis. I'm curious what has happened in the intervening years, or is it just because in my current life I know it so powerfully?

Hilarion: Yes. That comes through personal experience but more importantly you get reminded, this keeps happening when you are with like-minded people. So, you get reminded by crossing paths with those that you knew then or those who you knew casually and witnessed their death or those who you guided and assisted from the other side, etc. etc.

This is a very interesting phenomena which seems to be multiplying and repeating itself even more with each passing day. That is where those past life connections particularly from Atlantis, draw people together into communities, into learning from each other and into accepting each other and seeing of these energies repeated; like being with somebody you’ve known before or having that familiarity. Yet, this does not seem to relate very much to anything going on in this life or anything that seems particularly karmic which tends to be that which is more recent lifetimes. But, that overall sense that here you are to learn and to awaken again some of the Atlantean ideals perhaps even some of the pathways in government, in economics and how people did things in various ways.

All of this as a possibility which just never seems to manifest. It can't in this reality because there are so many things that are competing for resources on the level of consciousness and yet for those with the strong attunements to the Atlantean lifetimes to come to positions of leadership or assistance for others is inevitable. They keep getting pushed in such direction and that is where you see all of this that transcends belief. You don't have to believe in it or understand it or accept it. You simply find yourself rubbing shoulders with someone with whom you have a sense of recognition. That encourages you to go further with some of this newfangled energy which of course isn't so new at all.

Lori: Is that technology going to resurface? To look into my past lives the way it was in Atlantis?

Hilarion: Oh yes. It already has. The problem is people accepting it or working with it. Influencing of this is done very easily, as soon as somebody scries, (that is the term for this) looking into the crystalline structure or amplifying it with piezoelectric effect, etc. An entity, intruder, being, whatever typically associated with that individual that brings them an important lesson from a recent past lifetime shows up. They do not have the capacity to easily distinguish between that which is of this intrusive nature and that of the more objective viewing of the past life.

As a result, the constant influence skews this energy in such a way that they simply will not easily be able to accept it. In Atlantis, the understanding of this was also easily perceived and because of the ability to perceive at the higher vibrational level with the third eye it was obvious that a protective method would need to be employed. So, various inert gas technologies particularly with the use of argon and krypton were employed and the result of this was to sweep away the energetic influences of such intrusion. At the current time these energies help but are not 100% effective. This is because there is so much greater density; meaning some of the entities push on each other to come into the space where such work might go on.

So, in addition to inert gas utilized to reduce etheric density and push away such intrusion is then the capacity of those who have learned the techniques of raising vibration of a space relatively rapidly and when these are combined, it does appear that this technology would be successful.

The piezoelectric effect is applied to a crystal is a relatively simple method to not just energize or assist with the crystals in utilization of various energies for which it is been programmed. It is also a way in which a standing wave can get started within the Crystal. This is typically done at relatively low frequencies in the range of approximately 1 to 2 Hz and for most quartz crystals the piezoelectric effect has been observed to have most benefits above 36 V. This simple utilization of various waveforms has been experimented with and those who have worked with it in different ways have gotten varying, shifting, changing results because of this intrusive factor.

Therefore, it is simply a matter of combining the technologies to see this as more consistent. The Atlantean techniques were of course more complex than those which made use of optical computers but the basis for this is already present. It is simply a matter of bringing this forward with some degree of understanding of what might be termed,  “aetheric science,” the awareness of intrusion and the effects of inert gases. Each of these could be brought together if one wished. But, how important is that? After all, the opportunity to utilize such could be misused? Could be that which allows for instance some of the significant problems you have seen with an even simpler technology? Such as the ability to perceive engrams as utilized by Scientology.

In other words, in the right hands the technology of this nature could be delightful, helpful and valuable. In the wrong hands it could be that which is able to significantly alter the path of an individual and make them quite vulnerable to such as blackmail or manipulation. Although, these are relatively small issues by comparison to other Atlantean technologies, that of free energy or antigravity where the dangerous uses of this would have even more significant impact. It is one of those technologies that is so to speak, “on the block,” for others to look at, to play with, to learn about and to see if people can use this responsibly. If they cannot, then to withhold or slow down the development of these other more powerful technologies.

This is interesting to look at when you think about how you would use this in an appropriate manner. How you would then ethically be able to share it? This is not an issue for the non-physicals, be it guides and helpers. It is the issue for you on the ground, for people here in bodies to decide how to use this appropriately and in a way in which it would be to the benefit of all.

Safeguards for this cannot be inherently technological, they must be that which are societal, whereby recognized as appropriate because of agreement and so on. This is one of the primary differences between Atlantis and today. You could say it is entirely based on population, simply having more people around there's greater probability that there will be difficulties but in point of fact this is not correct. As in fact, if the greater population decided to use this only for good then that would also be enforced by the greater population, by simply the mass consciousness about such as you have for many things in the world.

Even though you have those who would perhaps abuse, you still have with mass consciousness the greater agreement to reduce this as much as possible in various areas with relationship, for instance to sexuality and children. Where it is pretty much agreed on in your society how this should be proceeding. This doesn't mean however, that it is that which is done appropriately and that is the key here. Even a small segment that has the opportunity to harm could be that which is taken up by others as has occurred in Scientology in such a way that great harm could be done.

In order to understand this and other technologies, clearly some new shifts in consciousness need to take place because the various technologies have already come into existence on your planet. Those that can cure the effects of global warming, those which can allow you space travel, not only to nearby planets but even to nearby star systems. Those which could bring abundance, plentiful food and health to all and although these have been revealed and people have played with them on a small scale and each of them do have these potentials for misuse. This then points out the true nature of the issue, which is not about the technology and not about the questioning with regards to their abuse, but the solution. The opportunity for that which would be accepted by all is that which would be most beneficial and that which would be most helpful.

Look for some examples of this and you would inevitably come up against nuclear power. Although nuclear power has been abused it has not reached the level that has occurred in several parallel lifetimes, very close vibrationally to that of yours, very close vibrationally at the level of parallel universes to this one. Every now and then you will see this, a great sweeping of sadness, an energetic that seems to envelop your entire planet for a short time.

People you talk to suddenly with some grief, it seems to be about a personal matter but you notice it everywhere and then it is gone. It was indeed when that parallel universe was subjected to nuclear holocaust and indeed many billions perished. Yet, in this reality this has not occurred. Indeed, you have found a way, though it is uncomfortable, though you are on the precipice, there are people talking about it and it is difficult and so on. It goes on year, after year, after year, since the 1940s and the discovery of the opportunity to destroy all of humanity quite easily, you have not done so. There's a great deal to be learned from this that can be applied to some of these other technologies. Sorry for the long answer but, it was if possible to relate back to you personally rather than objectively with regards to a mere technology.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

My Past Life Experience With Osho

OSHO: A Buddha Will Be Misunderstood (1 of 2) - YouTube

Lori:  I really want to ask about Osho. I loooveee....loove Osho ever since I saw this video. He is so mischievous and irreverent and he peels away social conditioning like a sunburn. Did I know Osho in a past life?

Hilarion: Yes. You had many opportunities as have many. This individual has incarnated many times on earth as a leader, as working with all kinds of different religious movements, learning all kinds of fascinating things about humans, attempting to bring this into people's consciousness and so on. 

The place where you had some deeper acquaintance was in a group that was formed to guide and assist those in incarnation studying and working with some of the concepts that eventually became known as “Gurdjieff.” The entire Sufi lineage, the Gurdjieff awareness and other things played an important role in shaping the ideas that Osho eventually brought into form along with many others. Osho’s mastery was of synthesis; drawing so many different areas together.

                                            "Your Society Teaches You To Be Blind" ~ OSHO        

Most of the meetings of any significance for you with this consciousness or others associated with him were out of body, either as a projection in a dream or much more commonly in various intermissive periods.(The time between lifetimes) After all, when you get to the other side and you start to take classes or learn from other people you eventually start to ask questions such as, “Who is good around here? Who really has something to teach? What classes do you recommend? “And so on. So, you would eventually then study with these individuals and others who have a lot to share and a lot of perspective. 

For you in particular, Osho was very good at posing a question that was impossible to answer. You knew this beforehand and still would allow this as if then to drift into a place of consciousness that was different from any other state you had when you would contemplate that question. Others would join you in this and in some cases thousands as he was practicing for his incarnation as the being known as "Rajneesh."

But, in all of these there were all kinds of   things that were very non-practical, very difficult for you to see how this could come into form in the physical world. Aspects that would eventually relate to a sense of freedom, a different relationship to sexuality, a completely different understanding of the energy at its purest level of man and woman. These were powerful and important ideas that Osho never was able to bring fully into form when he was incarnated. 

As a result, at some point in the future   this sequence will probably be restarted. He may incarnate to help others, acting perhaps as a guide or will choose not to incarnate and work with several energies. There are many different possibilities here, but clearly humanity has some important lessons to learn in this arena. 

But, if you trace some of this at its purist energy there are some aspects of it that do clearly relate to Gurdjieff and all of the thinking and ideas that he was able to present to others. 

In particular, the very idea of the self and in this some early experimentation when Osho was young did not lead to the results he was interested in but definitely were very helpful to a new perspective. This is where you eliminate the verb “to be,” in all of your speaking and all of your thinking and all of the ways you might use it.

This of course, can be with all of the different conjugations so you have “is,” and “was,” as well as “to be.” This is a fascinating exercise Gurdjieff would often engage his students and others to engage and look into and that which many began to recognize as a very powerful way of getting at the self and understanding this nature. 

What Osho of course recognized was difficult about this is that it would separate one and it would at times create some mental dysfunction and has a tendency towards pushing someone more into the head than the body. The body was so important for places of learning and awareness and consciousness. Yet, it is a fascinating exercise and where you may even recognize some oneness or connection to Osho as well.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Do You Have Questions About Karma?
Are there any questions about karma,  reincarnation, past lives, or past life triggers that you would like to ask? A specific issue you feel I didn't address in my blog? If so, please feel free to comment or  send me a private message. You can ask anything you want. Nothing is off limits. There are people from all over the globe reading my blog and I'm truly grateful for everyone's interest in my work. I'm kind of sick of karma at the moment (lol) and taking a little break although I will post about karmic blocks, cellular memory, the various grades of karma and many other issues.

I started writing this musical because I truly don't understand the violence of this world. It doesn't have to be this way. Abuse of power goes on because nobody questions it. Yet, I really wanted to write about my own personal experience with reincarnation, not something I cut and pasted from somebody else's book. As I wrote before, I really only wanted to write about reincarnation and not karma but that just felt like a total cop-out because of the traumatic past life experiences I was experiencing.

What impacted me the most in my process was the realization that time itself does not heal all wounds. How do we heal this, "core wound?" I experienced this for myself because I had a chronic bone disease (avascular necrosis) and I healed it by understanding karma. I learned that all healing was self-healing and that chronic =karmic. Which meant that to truly heal I had to shift something within my own consciousness. I'm in the process of starting a Youtube channel discussing Universal Laws and an Instagram account about Intuition. I have several projects I'm trying to finish. My last name is Dunn and I can't seem to get anything done. This is the big conundrum of my life. 😏 That is where my journey is taking me next.

Much love,
