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Oftentimes such individuals have a long karmic history. They have traded places lifetime after lifetime- victim/ perpetrator- victim/ perpetrator. You see this in war, you see this with soldiers and those civilians they have killed. You see this with human trafficking where there are those who have been prostitutes and then been pimps. There are those who have harmed others with sex and those who have been harmed by this. It is a difficult cycle to break but no more difficult than any of the others. Whatever cycle you have of victim/ perpetrator there is often deep within you the awareness of this that shows up at some point in your life and you want to change it. Could there be something better? Could there be another way? These are powerful questions that your guides and helpers are whispering to you, reminding you, asking you to look at in your dreams and your contacts with so-called, "normal people;" those who are outside the circle of the harm that you are involved in.
Sometimes this does occur. People get out of the business of harm and difficulty because they have a vision, they have some way in which they can atone for their sins now offered once more. As they go into that place where they start asking: is there more? Is there some way to let go of this? Is there some way to change this?
What is also offered is the ability to dissolve karma with love. To use a greater degree of compassion and caring about the world, about yourself, about life. Naturally, for many people this is a great struggle and it brings up a lot of guilt, it brings up all of the energies of their past lives where they have struggled with these things. But, for some people, they will move through that and keep seeking, keep looking. When they do it is useful to encourage them to share this with them.
This is an extremely useful tactic to use with anyone who seems to be stuck in any of these karmic cycles, to ask the question: is it something that could be different? Show how it works for you in your prayers, in your consciousness, in your awareness? Planting the seeds that there are answers to this.
Unfortunately, the civilization you have doesn't recognize this as the major way of stopping these crimes. Instead, it incarcerates people in jails and sometimes this has the opposite effect. It starts a new crime ring of the people in jail and the things that happen between the prisoners and the jailers which are in themselves a continuation of karmic wheel of victim/ perpetrator. Here you have simply prisoner and jailer who have also traded places.
It is unfortunate that society has not received the answers and really held onto them because the answers have been there since the 1950s about rehabilitation, about changing the ways in which people relate to each other. Some of the more enlightened countries on your planet; Norway comes to mind as one of them, have clearly considered this and look for deeper ways to rehabilitate and indeed for many individuals they do make a shift, they do turn a corner and they see a way in which they can change their lives. But, it takes a lot of work. It takes a lot of caring and of course no great profit motive would be involved in this.
Prisons in many countries, including USA, are a great source of income for very low wage labor and opportunity to take advantage of others that is condoned by the government and many others. Rehabilitation has indeed moved way down on the scale of importance. Of course, as there is love and forgiveness as there is an understanding that there is a perpetuation of a cycle which is karmic or that which you inherited from your parents. Whatever the cycle of victim/ perpetrator you can break it. When this is more understood, more welcomed and more true rehabilitation becomes possible. Yet, even so, there will be some who will not give way to this. That is usually because the experience of power over others is so deeply ingrained in their soul that it is very difficult to let go of it. It is more addicting than any drug. The opportunity to hold lives in your hand and to mold them and manipulate them is a powerful sense that you are somehow connecting again. This is especially difficult if you have a strong feeling about a particular crime. Yes, of course in a more perfect world the therapy we would invite them into would take place where the dolphins swim so that they would feel that connection directly. But, for others it is then that which they must somehow break free of lifetime after lifetime and if they cannot they may indeed have to make a major switch shifting to another lifestream or letting go of the soul or other things that sometimes happen.
But, at the deeper level within consciousness it is important to see that this is actually a minority. The so-called truly hardened criminals, whatever the act that they have been involved in, many are in places where they want to change and they recognize there are possibilities. So, one more addition to the many meditations, the many visualizations is of an expansive energy of a beautiful pink light to such individuals and other things that have been suggested in the past is this: in your own consciousness use your imagination.
June 21, 2017
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