Wednesday, November 14, 2018

My Past Lives As A Native American
Hilarion: There have been several of these but probably the more important of these was as a guide for Lakota. This is sometimes confused as Sioux tribe but that was not their name and in fact they did not use this word. The overview was of some importance to you to show them a sense of the children and what they could grow up to be, to show them how the tribe could interact, survive, work with others. 

You knew three different (you could call them “chiefs,)” though they were not seen as that. They were the central voices in the groups and this led you to a series of incarnations as working with other tribes such as Algonquin, some tribes in South America, some in far north, those that have been called, “Inuit,” “Eskimo,” and other names although those were not the names you used.

Each of these giving you some perspective but it always seemed as if there was a turning point. Usually, you were fairly young: 19, 20, 22 and at these ages you saw that you had learned enough and you challenged yourself: you came to a battle or a disease or an opportunity to save someone else. You made your transition very easily and you decided then that this information, this understanding would again be useful as a guide or helper. But, of course you then came up against the big problem that all of the native, both north and south American tribes faced. That of the encroaching civilization from Europeans and various difficulties of civilization, technology, pollution, disease and all the rest. 

Again, you found yourself far more useful overshadowing, guiding and helping others to come to terms with this but it was very difficult. There was simply no help for it and you witnessed the death of many thousands from the other side. This enabled you to come to some perspective that you could not have easily had if you had been incarnated as a native at that time because you would have likely engendered a lot of emotional distress that you would find necessary only to discharge karmically by incarnating within that victim/perpetrator paradigm and endlessly caught up within that cycle. 

Instead, the overview was helpful. You guided some of those in various tribes to a place of forgiveness, a place of surrender, a place of seeing things differently: you showed them dreams that were orchestrated and assisted by many from the other side where they could see the perspective from that of the Europeans and from that of the whites coming into their society. This enabled them many times to let go of the perspective that they were attached to any particular tribe. It is interesting to trace this way back because you actually had an experience with that, too.

The ancestry that has been traced utilizing DNA evidence is accurate. In that the physical people who eventually gave rise to most of the native and north and south American population were all derived from a very small group that came over the land bridge from Asia. These individuals in some ways look much more similar to the Steppe people, the people of Siberia, the people of the Middle East and of course then can be traced all the way back to Africa. But, these people as they came over were quite small in number, the ones that survived and eventually gave birth to all of the succeeding generations.

It has been theorized as few as ten but this is not quite right, but very close. There were in fact twenty-two. So, in this way you also foresaw coming with these people and recognizing these energies you foresaw what could happen in the Americas and that this was an unbalanced situation. That some greater genetic diversity or some physical shift or susceptibility to disease or other issues would be inevitable. 

Of course, you would not recognize this being in a physical body but from the other side it was easy to run the experiments and understand the science and see the perspective on this which, of course, was a holdover from your Atlantean incarnations and your understanding of this. As a result, you were never, when you were not incarnated but when looking at the overview, you never got pulled into the victim/ perpetrator issue. Thus, you were always able to incarnate with some perspective which was of course tremendously valuable to those who you would guide and assist. 

This still is a big problem, reparations, native tribal recognition, the issue of gambling and casinos, and the list goes on and on. The great difficulty between the Native Americans and the settlers here has gone on to the point now that you may be called upon at some point to assist. Here again, it might be having the greater perspective that genetic diversity is absolutely necessary for the improvement of human beings for many reasons. Be it as just disease prevention or as greater intelligence or awareness.

But, for you personally it was something else. In these incarnations where you were overseeing and assisting with others was this other energy. It was very clear to you to answer the question, “What did I learn from this?’ Here you were given many unique gifts: a sense of the earth, a sense of her rhythms; an awareness of how the earth communicates through the feet; a sense of belonging. This was of course important to anybody who has connection to other star systems. A sense that the earth could speak to you or connect with you.

This is one of the great contributions of the Native North and South American people and is that which is being lost. Some of it is inherent in the language and some of it in the customs but a lot of it is simply a sense that is handed down generation to generation of reverence and understanding of the earth that is not as prevalent in any other group or people in the world. 

Lori: Can you please tell me my name?

Hilarion: “Sees the mountains,” would be the best translation. Because there was a time when you would gaze off and as you looked into the distance suddenly into your consciousness would come something special. An artistic vision, a word, a dance; many things that had shown up at different points. 

You had no idea what you were looking at, you were just drifting off in consciousness but those around you noticed you were always looking towards a mountain in some direction. On a long treck, when the tribe was having trouble finding water you were asked to sit for a moment and as you gazed you felt nothing until someone came over and turned you so that you were looking at the mountain. Then the vision came to you and you were able to help them find water. 

So, in this way you could see that it is the special mountain. The mountain that signifies a sense of purpose or connection to earth that was speaking to you in that life. This is in some way not too far different from what happens to you now. When you gaze off into the distance, when you relax into a place of just open seeing and recognize creativity, new ideas, something gentle but persistent that pops in.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

If I Write About My Injury Will I Re-Create The Disease?
Lori: I’ve written a musical about using my intuition with the mind/body connection to rid myself of my pain from my arthritis and bone disease. I’m concerned that my nervous system and my mind won’t know the difference and I may possibly re-create the pain or disease.

Hilarion: Yes. That is sometimes a good thing. You would inevitably re-create issues until you learn them. This is detailed in our book, Body Signs. The intent is that as you learn the lesson you are then completing the cycle. The healing is complete. When you have learned it completely you actually forget about it. It has then moved entirely out of the realm of focus of your own interests.

This is illustrated in the Universal Law of Reflection. In the way in which you would attract to yourself people who have similar issues. Opportunities to help them are opportunities to help yourself. This is the more typically safe but slow way in which doctors, healers, various body workers, etc, are able to work out their various issues. The first step is becoming aware of this. Seeing how that process of attraction pops up over and over and gradually learning the deeper lesson of the law of reflection. As above so below. As within so without. You will attract to yourself, through the Law of Reflection, those opportunities for you to learn.

So the next part to this is to accelerate this. To understand it more consciously and deliberately. By working with every aspect of resistance to the Law of Reflection. Specifically, these would be your judgments. Any area where you’re holding something as less than, something that needs to be changed, something that provokes an emotion in you, etc.

There are those involved with various healing disciplines, psychic awareness, forgiveness exercises and the rest who would tell you don’t hold judgments. What nonsense. How are you to stop it when the energy shows up? Why not be looking at what it is valuable for and seeing its lesson so that then the judgment can be let go of. The intent of this is that you do so not by resisting it, not by saying," I am going to ignore that or suppress it." But, by inviting it and understanding its deeper meaning. Then you accomplish what is needed and it is no longer necessary.

Specifically, therefore the work of Byron Katie is a powerful example to work with these lessons, these judgments at a deeper level of understanding, at every level of consciousness. Then, the third level that you have already taken on, where you are working with these ideas over and over manifesting them through your own consciousness, your own body, your ability to share them with others.

If you have the capacity to get the lessons that are reflected back to you, from society, from your audience, the review of the play, the way in which other people are inspired by it, the way in which it change’s you, etc. You would naturally see the pathways from an outer to an inner that the Law of Reflection creates. But the other side to this, an inner understanding: an inner truth. You will be far more aware in the moment in which you are re-creating this. In writing the play, sharing it with others, all of those are opportunities to create your own inner awareness more and more powerfully.

Still as a result, for yourself, you would understand that you would change formation. Knowing this way in which you can express it will enable you to change more rapidly and more powerfully than you had thought possible. As you are prepared for this, as you are ready for it, as you welcome it, you will have much success and benefit, growing in many areas in your life. But to the extent in which you resist it, to which change shows up which you cannot easily work with that is where the difficulties can be.

Past Life Triggers
Lori: I would like to ask you about past life triggers. What I've noticed is that people trigger my past lives through their voice. I recently did a little experiment with someone I have had past lives with through the written word; a written letter. (this person was one of the monks I worked with in a past life). This individual was completely unaware of what I was doing 👀

It triggered emotion in me because it was beautifully written. But, it didn't seem to trigger past life memories. So I’m wondering why are my past life memories triggered by verbal communication moreso than through the written word?

Hilarion: There are two ways in which this primarily occurs. One of them is that which is the reminder by way of voice which is very easily influenced as somebody is speaking or working with you, the words they say can easily be influenced. This underlying idea they are trying to put forth that is already in their consciousness.

But, the way it comes out, the cadence, the pitch. All of these things are to some extent influenced by guides and helpers and where it is a past life trigger that it is desired, that is going to be your guides and helpers more than it is theirs. They may even do a little guide trade there for awhile letting your guides work with what they say and the person’s guides work with what you say. In this way, various energies can be shifted with the specific idea from these higher places to remind you to in some way activate. But you can also be doing this yourself.

That is, as this sort of process starts you are reminded in some way there is a powerful component of your soul that begins to come out. As if your higher self, or a higher energy begins to exert its own influence of your soul then the higher energy begins to exert its own influence. It's as if you are hearing yourself through the other person's cadence, words, pitch etc. That is an interesting sort of spirit or higher vibrational influenced aspect.

There is also however, a very basic physical component. This is the essential aspect that has been studied by so many individuals who work with sound healing. The idea is that you are going to use certain frequencies when you speak more than others. Why do you do this? There are many theories as to why this happens but you'll notice if you simply do a frequency spectrum of somebody speaking about anything that there are a limited number of pitches they use and a whole bunch of others they don't use. When you then very deliberately give them those pitches which they don't use, you will evoke an emotional state. You will shift consciousness. You will do things that in some ways may be uncomfortable or in other ways even move them into an altered state of consciousness.

This is the underlying basis of much of the study of Sherry Edwards, Tomatis and others who have studied sound healing for many years and has coalesced into a wide variety of technological advances for instance from sound energy research and others researching and working with sound to trigger past lives and trigger the various states within consciousness for people. This is more a mechanical aspect but could potentially be influenced by guides and helpers. If for instance the person speaking with you felt intuitively that they would change their voice intonation or the particular pitches they use, or the way in which those pitches were received by you was something they were more aware of then they might begin to shift.

As all of these mechanical aspects are understood you then have the opportunity to look at this yourself. To very deliberately seek to evoke these responses by noticing. For instance, if you speak into most digital audio workstation programs of which there are many free ones available such as Audacity. A simple spectrum analysis can show you the words that you speak have these unique pitches and there are so many others that are not used and in this way you can very deliberately use different sounds to see how the different responses occur within you.

Oftentimes, what is noted is that those which you rarely use are the ones that are directly associated with concepts that are difficult for you to hear. This of course makes sense because it is literally a pitch difficult for you to hear and that is why you tend to speak in the pitches you are then more easily able to hear. Similarly, you can make various assumptions about all of this.

We would say that these are the two most important factors but of course there are many others as you might imagine. For instance, if the things that are being said, that is the content can be something that can reach you on a deeper level. Oftentimes, this will go right around the intellectual mechanisms that might be present in a reading mode where you are working with the language, writing etc. and sometimes the speaking will then be that which reaches you very deeply. Oftentimes, you'll see reminders to this that can be activated such as chanting or various musical forms to help activate some of these triggers.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Hilarion on Autism

Hilarion: This condition arises in those souls who have in previous lives, failed to fully integrate themselves within society. They have, in most cases chosen to live separate and apart from other people, often leading to the life of a hermit. It was not meant that any human soul should cut itself adrift from the human family. The "cure" which has been devised by the guides of humanity is to gather the powerful thought energies of isolation and separation which the hermit soul had projected in its earlier lives and to cause these energies to incarnate along with the entering soul as part of the aetheric body itself.

As a result, any clairvoyant who examines an autistic person will immediately see the evidence of these negative aetheric energies in the aura. This behavior and the difficulty in relating to others, which are usually part of autism, stem from the influence of the powerful energies of isolation which are bottled up within their soul in this life.

Through such an experience, the soul meets itself, and sees clearly the nature of its previous tendencies. The best approach for those who must interact with with the autistic person is to constantly show love and feel love for that soul. It is love alone that can bridge the gulf which these individuals have set up between themselves and the rest of humanity.

"More Answers", Hilarion through Maurice Cooke

Friday, March 23, 2018

Soul Contracts, The Law of Karma and The Law of Progress

Please talk about the contracts we enter into before we take incarnation.  Are these given to us or something that we dream up? What happens if these are not fulfilled?

Hilarion: it is for your own evolution and in many cases this will relate to something about love and the contract will be to do this or to do that. But, if you can ask, “What do I want more than that? What does this contract fulfill and can it be done in a better way, or faster? “ Perhaps at the time when you entered into it you did not see, you did not understand that there could be something more and your guides and helpers, your Evolutionary Orientor, (the one who helps you the most, figuring out who you're going to come in as in your life and how and all of that).

Well, they let you go with this, knowing that you will likely understand that in this life. It will be a very difficult matter for those born in the 40s, 50s, 60s and even 70s to entertain the idea that you could dissolve karma with love. So, you cannot say that a contract is that which is absolute because there can be a way in which the very goal, the scope of its original intent could be fulfilled differently from the way in which you saw it. 

So, the first thing to understand with any contract is what is its intent? How could people be better served? How could evolution be better assisted with those involved with the contract if it was perhaps worked with in a different way? But, as a general tendency, as something to learn it will always be in alignment; you don't choose these things or jump into them unless they are in alignment with some aspect of your own evolution, of your own soul’s growth, of your karmic vector or that which you are here to experience and so on. 

There is no great karma associated with this if you don't fulfill it, you will just get another chance to do it again. But, generally what you will tend to do, they call it in gambling, “doubling down.” In the next life you will have greater consequences, more karma and more important issues and more people to help you and more new ideas and it will be that much more important. 

Now, there are those who would say, “With the wave of the hand or the speaking of a particular incantation your contracts are now dissolved.” There is some benefit to this, to the very idea that you can have greater freedom here. But, when they do this they do not usually also address the intent of the contract. Your contract is dissolved but the intent now manifests to you in your conscious awareness and its positive benefit on your own evolution and that of the others you entered into this contract with now becomes clear to you. That would be perhaps a better way to dissolve a contract so that then you can evolve with this and you can learn from it.

After all, if the most helpful thing about fulfilling this contract was involved in your own evolution you don't want to take that away from someone. But, in fact usually whatever others do around this is of less power and importance than with what you do. You will have value in working this out and understanding it. 

Where do you know this? Well, you can certainly receive it intuitively, you can see this in dreams but the real way this show up over and over, you know. “Oh, that one again.” Then you see that person who reminds you in so many ways of the others. “Oh, that one again.” You are in that job that seems so much like the others in a completely different way than you ever imagined possible. “Oh, that one again,” is of course, a re-creation of the Law of Progress where the issue tends to come around again and again and the Law of Karma where you are creating and re-creating those situations over and over. 

The ways in which these things keep showing up and your reaction to it. Why not go to the place in which you say, “Aha, I get another chance! " A new awareness of this emerges and having remembered what Hilarion said about love, well, could I bring love into this? Could I dissolve this karma and better understand the Law of Progress and better awaken with more love? With some forgiveness? A fascinating area to explore and that which is up for questioning when it comes to the area of contracts. 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Karma & War
Hilarion: In light of the deeper understanding of the research such as that of Ian Stevenson and others that reincarnation is indeed a fact, you can be pretty certain that if you kill in religious fervor, you're going to come back to do it in another way, again and again until you get it.

In this way you will usually substitute victim for perpetrator and perpetrator for victim which is one explanation of why the children have been so harmed, and why they karmically can balance this without necessarily taking arms themselves. But, this deeper question not just by them but by everyone collectively, "is this for the greatest good? Is this the way we want ourselves to be known and seen on earth as people?"

These are difficult questions but as you are able to confront them within yourself often there is a response. The response that says clearly, "No. I do not want this as a representation of who I am." A manifestation of love or compassion or caring. A willingness to grant the freedom and love to everyone regardless of their level of maturity on this planet. This is who I am and this is what I stand for. This is difficult to appreciate and welcome within yourself and yet, you must ask yourself is this indeed more appropriate to your identity?

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Hierarchies and Karma

Hilarion: A question has been asked about hierarchy. You see, the trouble we have with hierarchies, yes we have guides and these guides have guides. Those are the ones you might say are somewhat inspiring to film producers producing such as, “Adjustment Bureau,” and various other stories about guides and helpers shifting humanity and moving the energies here and there.

But, there is an interesting aspect of these sorts of hierarchies and it has to do with karma. The ability to see that the moment one ripple is made, all of the effects it has. Thus, a choice to only allow those energetics that would seem 100% to be the most appropriate. Meaning, the guides of the guides of the guides don't do much at all. They are going to sit around thinking about all of that karma created by the mere movement of a butterfly's wings at the top of Mount Everest and decide not to do it at all. Those energetics are those which now can shift.

Simply because you in this hierarchy choose; I want that karma. I am willing to take that risk. I am willing because I now know if I screw it up I will be able to love myself into a place of expansion, light, understanding, forgiveness and ultimately the dissolving of that karma. This is what you might say the guides have been waiting for. A willingness for you to ask. Have you ever had the experience when you ask a guide for some help that just before some assistance comes along there is a sense of a sigh, and something like, “we thought you'd never ask.” Sometimes the whisper of recognition with this is there because your intuition is alive, is awakening, is available to you and it is important to remember this.

The other action here is answering the question why do they help? Is it entirely karma they're trying to make up for those times in which they released information that caused the destruction of Atlantis or hurt a butterfly's wings? No. It is for the same reason that they continue in their quest for deeper understanding, for consciousness, for awareness. They are here for, “school room earth,” not for “hospital earth.” They are here to learn from you. What do you have to offer the guides? That is not so hard. You can think of a lot from your own personal experience, your own emotions, the things you have felt, the people you have touched, the ways in which you have shifted and offer this as an experience as where it lands in your body. As how you know or feel it or know it for yourself. But, what do you have to offer to the guides of the guides?

As you take this higher up into such you begin to recognize the hierarchy in truth. It is your concept, it is your awareness of this. This does not mean the hierarchy doesn't exist because just as the existence of so many things is so strongly enforced by the collective consciousness, those who have contemplated this then have created the collective consciousness that creates the hierarchy. We are not in any way opposed to or in favor of the hierarchy, we simply notice it. Those who would answer a question such as, what do I have to offer to the guides of the guides of the guides? Recognize how this generates the hierarchy in its truth.

So, in point of fact you will recognize these numbers frequently showing up. Sevens and twelves. You have the Council of Twelve, you have the Seven Chohans or masters, you have the One Hundred Forty- Four Angelic ones, you have the Twelve Galactic Elohim and so on.

These different guide beings in their various ways of interacting and understanding have noted a very interesting thing happening in this quadrant. An energetic associated with humanity. A way in which humanity comes to make a choice. It's practicing for this over and over with what you call, “elections.” It then lays out all of these choices and then moves ahead.

Oftentimes, it is the process itself that is so fascinating, not the final vote. What in your consciousness has allowed you to produce a Hillary and a Donald? What within you has created on this planet this sort of choice and especially in USA where the establishment of that which was seen initially as breaking free of colonial rule and opening to various opportunities for other people all over the world has shifted into the world’s policeman and into the enforcement of the rule by corporation? In the way in which these energies have shifted over time you now begin to see what the true representation of these beings is about.

Fall 2016

Monday, February 5, 2018

My Past Life Experiences With Sound Healing
Hilarion: You have had several different, completely different sequences with this. In Atlantis, there was some aspect of the technological with a sort of refutation at your end, as if to say, there is a whole side to this you have not understood. You recognized that scientifically as the change of molecular frequency and more than the actual frequency change, the directional change.

Typically, this was viewed as in the direction of the sound source and you recognized that this was not correct and the result was that you were able to assist with sound healing with others with a deeper understanding of this but opened many questions as a result.

In an Egyptian incarnation, understanding was far more ritualistic but also equally deep. This had to do with the sense of movement as if the sound would actually create a person's shifting, floating, moving in direction, turning, move through objects into earth, and other ways of apparent movement; part of this in consciousness, part as physical.

In Medieval times, there was a deep affiliation with those in groups: various monks, individuals singing together, chanting together, here again though, some of your rebellious nature began to show up.  You recognized that whole aspects of healing were being excluded. This was specifically so that the healing energies utilized would be in perfect alignment with church doctrine. Of course, this leaves out a wide swath of understanding or energy that relates to the human condition; various aspects that would not be seen to immediately connect to God.

Yet, you knew that this was false. That even issues of sexuality, struggles with people's inner identity, their own understanding about each other, relationship, and even such aspects in the secular world as business or construction, (though they might not initially seem to be connected to God) would eventually have their awareness of this if there could simply be trust of the church, of others involved, in the understanding that all things eventually come back to God.  Because this was a radical viewpoint, there were times in which you were ostracized and as a result silenced.

It was clear to those involved that you enjoyed this chanting, this ability to understand and to work with sound.  So, to isolate you from this, was then intended to bring you back to God and to give you a place in which you would understand these energies. Of course, it had the opposite effect, you looked very consciously and carefully at God's nature and understood it as way more than that of the religious aspects in which you were surrounded.

More importantly, in the non-physical dimensions, on several occasions you have had important experiences. One of the more important of these was before this life and there was preparation not so much by sound itself, this is the difficulty when you are nonphysical, sound is generated as an analog, it is not actually present.  The sound that is manifested is that which is a stimulation of your memory of sound, a stimulation of various physical effects of sound, various objects or aspects set into vibration, or looking at the effects as produced on the world, or people. But, sound itself as an actual abstract, physical, separated phenomena, does not exist as light and other electromagnetic phenomenon do not exist either.  Those aspects are created in consciousness, they are a manifestation of the ethers, but this is not actual physical.

There was a desire on your part to experiment with some of your observations and so bits of inspiration and energy that could then come into people would be part of this experience.  To share some of these energies with people in physical bodies, people who could learn of this and work with it. This was sometimes difficult because they could not get the larger experience but over and over you were able to experience love, have the sense that the essential core healing energy could provide love. In the intermissive you became aware that in a sense, much of your sound healing work, understanding of it, working with it with others when you were alive, and all the rest was sort of on the wrong track.

That it was never about the technical, it was never about religion, never about doing it a certain way, but it was about a discovery of love; a discovery of some energy that could somehow help, it could in itself manifest something positive as if that love was far more important than any of the rest of it.

This means that in this life, integrating these in many cases, very separated, disparate or you could even say opposing principles is going to be important. At any stage whatever you work with, you will discover at some point you are wrong, is not what you thought, that there is something of a higher nature, some aspect that works in a different reality, some different approach and that is right and wrong too. As if then, at first you recognize the principle as you have heard us speak of before, "leading edge relative truth."

But, there is something beyond leading edge relative truth.  It is not absolute truth.  Leading edge relative truth is opposite to absolute truth and these are held together somewhere.  That somewhere is what you discover. This can be known in sound as if a sense of a deep welcoming, a gentle loving ah or ohm, an awareness of the place in which all of the attitudes, all the misunderstanding, all the truth, the understanding, all rest in God, rest in a loving and beautiful place.

It is this that you have experienced many times, both physical and extra physical.  This is like the singing of the angels but it is much more than that, it is like the song of the universe but it is not a melody in the usual sense. It is the awareness of many levels of this at once and a way in which it becomes personal. As if it is saying just that energy, love, in its own language, in its own purest form.

Communicating this is of no importance in the sense that you understand it better or work with it better. But, it can seem very important when what you recognize is that others can help, could use, could be part of it, could contribute to it or receive it and how much it would help them.

You gave yourself a few little clues.  For instance, in the English language, with various initials, (I.L.L) for ill, reminding you, (I) (l)ack (l)ove and that various ways that sound could be helpful with this would be a helpful adjunct.

However, you also recognized that there would be opportunities provided in this life of a very practical nature with regards to sound. How you would take advantage of this would depend on many factors, but most important is the idea that many different people would be involved, that you would learn from different individuals, you would experience it in group, you would have your own contribution and you would watch it shift.

At the same time as this you have tracked our work ever since Atlantean times on various aspects of this and it has not always been easy to understand what we were up to in this regard.  But, in general you will see that all of our research, all the capacities of that which the other researchers have and worked with on the other side, all the nonphysical data, all the energy and sense of it is available to you. It is not there to push itself on you, to make you do this or that, but just with the sense that you are supported if you wish to continue in this in any direction.  That is a brief overview because it is an area in which you have been intimately involved.

But you see that in this life you could take it any direction you want, there is no particular karmic requirement that it do this or that. But there is a sort of sense within the soul that if you are then using these things in a way that is beneficial to others, to yourself, to the world, whatever that there would be a sort of positive sense. In the opposite, where you avoid this, where the energies are not well used or shared or others might need it and you  do not provide it, there would be a slight sense of disappointment.  As if something that could be done is not being done.

The difficult part though, the integration, are principles that are widely different. So, there are no easy answers to this until you understand why this has occurred. It really is about misuse, where that energy was misused in Atlantis and the ways in which sound could provide a weapon, or something harmful to people on some level.  To break it up into separate parts even parts that stood in opposition to each other, was a way in which those energies might then remain separate long enough that they would not be misused.  The time for this is over. Soon the coming together of many of these energies will take place from a scientific point of view, from a spiritual point of view, from the point of view of the nonphysical beings and the physical together.

The role you will play in this has to do with where your heart is. What is fun for you?  What you can do to inspire and remind you about this over the next few years will be the answer as to what you can contribute in this regard.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Karma, #metoo and California Fires

Hilarion: This is a powerful movement affecting many groups all across the planet. It is gradually moving out of not only the beginning points in Hollywood in Southern California but also into other cultures and into cultures where women's rights have been so severely abused and trampled for so many years that it becomes a very basis of the culture itself. This is a profound and powerful energy. But, at the same time one must recognize that there is another nonphysical component to it. Yes, of course, you would say in the collective consciousness all over the planet people are waking up to this. But, we would point to something else. 

When you examine lives, you see how people frequently alternate gender so most of the men who have been sexually abusing have been abused in their past lives. Most of the women who have indeed been abused have been abusers in their past lives. So, many ways in which people are beginning to recognize that they don't need either. That they can come to a place of harmony or love or connection and that this is possible. But, to do so they must, like a lightning rod, like the lightning coming to that rod and going to the earth, they must discharge that anger. This is not to say that it is to be dissolved or glossed over and it must be more than that which is acknowledged. 

Many women find themselves in this interesting position now where the people that have abused them have now received their “just desserts.” They have lost their jobs, they have perhaps committed suicide, they have perhaps gone to jail or had some severe problem. The women feel this and yet recognize it is not enough. It does not by itself stop the anger. One recognizes of course immediately that this is because it is merely, "the tip of the iceberg," as the expression goes. It is an archetype that they are dealing with, not one person. Because they have experienced abuse in other lifetimes and they have connected to the abuse that other women feel and they recognize the tremendous difficulty associated with this is more than any one person. That is true.

But, there is another part to this and it is the way in which they have not acknowledged in the whole of their being, that they are connected to this. When all people do this, men and women, they'll begin to recognize karma and how the law of karma works: cause and effect. They will realize that simply making amends, or doing to others in a way that you were done to, “revenge,” as the word goes, this will not in any way end the karma. It will only generate more karma. 

We have spoken about this matter in other contexts, not the #metoo movement, but other things for a few years now. The idea that as people become aware of the law of karma, as they see it and feel it, as they recognize how it works for them, they begin to grow tired of it, they begin to ask, is there another way? They look into all of the ways in which in their own heart they can shift and they recognize that there is a path out of this. 

At the moment in which the lightning rod is being discharged which is happening right now, it is very difficult to introduce this idea of that which dissolves karma of that which solves this long-term because the anger is so strong. Because the feelings of this are so profound and have existed on your planet for so long and in so many ways and because of the karma itself, it tends to get locked in, in a way in which that energy must be discharged. 

But, many of the women who are doing so have an enlightened understanding of this, a higher consciousness awareness about this that will gradually begin to come in over the next few years. The guides and helpers are inviting this and we are asking this deeper question: now that you see, now that you feel, now that you know the truth, what do you really want to happen? What do you want to happen more than that?

Oh, yes! They might say. “Oh, well, I want my abuser to apologize. I want them to receive the karma that they deserve.” But, when you ask the question, “What do you want more than that? You begin to touch on such as self, on the aspect of forgiveness and love. When you ask the question what do you want more than that? 

You begin to recognize a world where abuse does not take place or when someone is feeling the need to have power over someone else they speak about it, they recognize it and they shift it, but they do not engage it. They do not harm others. How can this take place except in the context in which there is love? There is a willingness to hear your own sense, your own feelings, your difficulty. It is alright to have your feelings and communicate them as long as you choose not to act on them. As long as you choose appropriately and more love can be present, that karma will gradually but persistently dissolve. 

It is the way in which love is that which moves so deeply into karma that it begins to change it at its core. Because at its core there was lack of love. At its core there was someone who was afraid, someone who felt powerless, someone who did not understand, someone who saw a way through by the power, by the way in which they would use that. This needs to be changed at the fundamental level in order for there to be a clearing of this, a true healing of it. 

This is beginning with some. Some women in particular and a few men are beginning to get the glimpse of this here, that simply moving the karma to the other direction, though it is helpful, though it does discharge much of the energy and seems even necessary, this is so only the beginning. More can come from this when you have the higher point of view and see what is really happening. 

There is an unfortunate negative affect to the lightning rod, to the expressing of the anger and you see this as this simple question if you use the metaphor of the lightning rod: where is it? It is a physical thing, when you think of the lightning rod. A big pole that attracts the electricity and the anger and the difficulty. Would you perhaps put it in Hollywood? That is a beginning place. Yes, of course, sexual abuse has taken place all over the world. But, it was in the big shift that occurred around the producer Weinstein that all of this suddenly coalesced. So, that is the location of the lightning bolt, the powerful energy that started it and so that energy tends to be focalizing in that energy right now.

You see the fires and the struggle associated with this, not is an energy of anybody's fault but an understanding that this energy is powerful. You will see this pattern repeated any place where this sort of thing needs to happen. In the Arab world, in several countries in Africa and in many places throughout Asia, where these energies have been long-standing and in some cases for thousands of years change needs to happen. 

But, you will also see in these places some of these secondary effects; the natural disasters, the fires in particular, the energies associated with the energy of anger as an emotion. This is there as a reminder. Can you go beyond karma? Can you come to a place eventually where you choose a more loving path to deliberately dissolve the karma because you have acknowledged that it exists?

Eventually, all of these people will die and they will be born again and many of them will come to understand this for themselves in another place. Do you want them to repeat the cycle? Do you want the abusers to be born as ones who will be abused? Or perhaps can there be a place in you willing to forgive at this larger cosmic level, at the karmic level? The question that is now just beginning to come into the collective consciousness around this issue and we don't suggest that any answer be that which is impressed-- rather, let it be a question.

In its simplest way, what do you want more than that? This question can often guide somebody who finds that whatever has occurred in the physical or in the legal system or in the way of relationships is insufficient. What do you want more than that? Where can you find your heart in this? These sorts of things are useful. At the same time over the last few years has been development of many powerful tools, many ways of introspection, better understanding, better consciousness, better awareness and one of these, “voice dialogue,” has proven itself to be very helpful. We noticed that when we look at those in which there has been success in using different techniques that you could ask the question, “why do they work?” Which one is better? For many people the idea is to try them all and work with different ones and see how far it gets you. 

Because in all cases what you are looking for is actually the same thing: a deeper revelation about your own nature, an understanding of who you are at the core. Not, as somebody else would say it but as you discover it and you truly know it. That is why you are here and that is why you took physical form to know this in a way in which you simply could not know it when you were nonphysical. So, you identify the different selves, the different parts of your own being and each of these is loved, acknowledged and you recognize how this perhaps relates not only to your physical issues but to the karma you may have generated but to your very nature. It takes you eventually to a place where you find this deeper answer to the question, “What do you want more than that? “ It takes you to a place where you realize what you are here for. The thing you are here to do. The thing that is most interesting, most healing, most fun, most profound is often linked to this deeper journey into the self. 

But, any method that allows you to come to this can be a very helpful one. For some people they simply cannot get at it directly. They have to work at it by these different techniques and ideas. Some have to take lifetimes to get there. But, there is a direct method and we've mentioned this many times and that is of course where you go right to it and you ask, “Who am I?” You ask, “Who or what is experiencing this right now?” 

Sometimes as you do this, as the answer begins to show itself to you, you do not like it. You do not understand it and you struggle with it in different ways and from this the various selves develop. The various aspects in which you can relate to it, work with it and so on. For many individuals, this is very important. They need this to learn and to do the things they need to in the world.

But, we would suggest that as you get more in touch with this not as an answer verbally, not who are you as a name, not who or what is this that you are experiencing as a description; but as a feeling, as a sense of being and as something beyond words. It is a beautiful place to come from but it is certainly in such a simple and direct approach, also somehow not easy for most people. We see that the majority simply struggle with, “I don't know.” It is uncomfortable for them. They want to know and it is as if sitting in that place of, “I don't know,” exactly where you are, this itself provides a powerful opening like a beautiful flower that finally opens to receive the sun that has always been there.

December 21, 2017

The Afterlife/ The Extra Physical Hometown: the one question Hilarion wouldn't answer for me
Lori: I've been trying to go to my extra physical hometown in the Afterlife. Can you please tell me about my extra physical hometown?
Hilarion: that is limited information since you would naturally have all kinds of predisposed notions about this that would be so easily influenced and your desire is strong: both the positive and negative about sharing such information as it could be harmful in your process at this stage. What have been your experiences so far?
Lori: Nothing. I asked my spirit guides when I go to sleep, to take me to my extra physical hometown and I never remember my dreams.
Hilarion: so it would be valuable therefore to remember your dreams. This is easily done by setting your clock to wake you up at 3 AM and grab a notebook and start writing. Grab the tape recorder and start dictating, whatever. As you are in the habit of this, it will help. The "Magic Water Technique," because of some aspects of childlike attitude will be helpful. So, you put a little glass of water beside your bed and you have a little sip of that before you sleep and as you do this you use magical incantation; wave your arms about, make a funny noise and say out loud, this magic water will help me remember my dreams, or whatever incantation you want to make up.
You can either make it rhyme if you wish and then when you wake up at 3 AM have a sip as you recall this or have an idea of it. Simple, silly. But the mind is easily tricked this way. In addition is the energization before going back to sleep that you energize. You can run energy up and down the body as in, "vibrational state," as described in books by Vieira. You can use the N.E.W technique in books such as Astro Dynamics by Robert Bruce, but energy is moved.
When you find yourself asleep that is the time for extra physical hometown, not before falling asleep. You see, the guides don't actually take you there. They can hint, they can push, they can help a little but it is your energy that takes you there. So, the key is that first you are creating a target location. Think of a place not too far away, but it must be at least 13 feet away and that is your target location. It can be imaginary but it is better if it is an actual physical location. Be it a park bench, rooftop, greenhouse, location in the park, whatever.
You imagine yourself going there as you fall asleep. When you find yourself asleep and the energy again moving just like you did when you fell asleep, that is a place you think of. Don't think about your body or your extra physical hometown, think about your target location. Sit there for a moment and then you say clearly,” take me now to my extra physical hometown.” You can be speaking to your astral body, to your guides and helpers, to God, to the nature of the Universe, it doesn't matter. Or you can re-create this in your present tense, “I am now in my extra physical hometown.”
The idea of this is to journey there. Sometimes the imagination of water will be helpful and the areas of this that can be stimulating to you, be it an ocean or a lake, a place where you had a view of the water would certainly be helpful, we are permitted to say that. To go much further would be difficult but because you have asked we are permitted to help out a little. If where possible, your visualization of the Emerald energy, and having us standing by you and holding a hand, looking in the general direction or whatever is helpful then we pledge to do so and we will continue with this as long as you ask. The intent simply being to encourage and assist in this process. 

Sorry, we can't be much more helpful than that but you are just beginning your explorations in this arena and there are many more books to read, many more areas to explore and we strongly suggest you continue with this as it has already been noted. Each thing that you are assimilating and working with takes you a further step in that direction.
In particular you might look at Terrill Willson's book, “How I Learned to Soul Travel.” Also, of course the N.E.W. section in “Astral Dynamics.” But, in addition to this you may be attracted to many of the other aspects of literature about these matters. Stephen Laberge has extensive material on lucid dreaming. This is also helpful because it shows you that you can indeed tune into the dream state more easily. Beyond this we are very much drawn to pull down some lines here and stop so that you'll have a chance to take a few steps forward as this is actually a critical period in your own evolution.