Saturday, March 19, 2016

Group Karma Versus Personal Karma

Lori:  I would like to ask you about group karma versus personal karma. So, let's say there’s a little baby who is shot to death in a car seat as a result of gang related violence. Obviously, group karma plays a big role in that?

Hilarion: Indeed. It's a tricky one because the actions of the group cannot be easily understood by those at physical level. When you're in the group especially there are so many ways in which the group karmic aspects are so easy to misunderstand. Typically, one uses various energetic means from the higher vibrational level to observe this. A color, just as you have an aura you have a group aura. A sound, just as you have certain music that you like you have group music, a similar vibration within the soul. 

There are different ways of looking at it from such a point of view. Sometimes, you run into these situations, they are somewhat rare but they do occur where there is an actual interference where the group karma is not in harmony with the individual karma. Oftentimes, this leads to a postponement of the various actions that are necessary. Sometimes it tends to draw on the energy of the group or the individual to resolve that conflict.

You see this in all of the applications and understanding of individual versus group karma to the very largest. So you see such as the predictions made over and over about the end of civilization and yet it goes on. This is one of these actions where the group karma and the individual karma can be seen to have powerful interactions. But, that is one of the more difficult ones. When you are looking at such as a child in any situation where karma is present, it becomes very difficult because of the powerful emotions and these are essentially present for the one reason that, because you yourself were a child, because you have some memory or understanding of this you immediately put yourself in the place of the child.

As such, when you were that age you had little understanding of what was happening. You probably did not have very much awareness of your soul, your higher self, the higher energies in a more literal, verbal recognizable sense. But, paradoxically you were probably much more in touch with your intuitive self, your higher self, your understanding forgiving self, that says, “yes, I am willing now to let go of my life because it is the right thing for the group.” Because it is that which will assist in my own personal development, because it rapidly balances karma that I have because of someone I hurt in a previous life or whatever reason is discussed.

But, you do not understand this in a logical and literal way. It is a way in which the soul then more easily lets go and you see this in various situations to the contrary. Where there is a situation that by all accounts should have killed the little child, the carjacking that turns into an accident and everyone dies except the little child in the car seat. These ways in which the survivability and the connection to the soul energy can be so powerful that indeed because the child needs to be there, the child is there. Those sorts of energies are difficult to contemplate at the individual level. You can understand them sometimes in terms of the group but the real key here is the way in which the soul and the higher energy of the child, the energy that really wants to make something happen of a specific nature is involved in this.

Many times you cannot fathom it or understand it and the only way you can access it is to cry with the tears of the child or move yourself emotionally to the place in which that energy which might otherwise be resisted is allowed to flow through. Then a kind of peace may begin to show up and in that the awareness and connection to that higher energy, to the soul or the higher self that enables you to understand this in the larger context.

The difficulty here is that of course, as the child, that one will never understand it in the higher context while in the body and the brain of that child. Though, it may be understood at the soul level, to truly examine this and understand it with the more intellectual, with the more awareness, with the ability to discuss it, to work with it, etc. they will probably need to incarnate again. They may examine and work with it and clear it at the higher vibrational level.

But, after a period of intermissive (the time between lives) awareness they will incarnate to work with it. That is the opportunity where they may be drawn naturally to learn more about intuition, about karma, about past lives, about many things. You will often see this as those who have experienced some of these difficulties and that this leads them eventually to a far greater awareness that is helpful to the soul on many levels and helpful to others, too.