Saturday, March 19, 2016

Could This Be My Last Lifetime On Earth? I Don't Have To Come Back Here, Do I?

Hilarion: You never do.

Lori:  That’s the best answer!

Hilarion: Yet, you do. Why do you think that is?

Lori: To experience more, to grow, evolve, to help, to eat more chocolate.

Hilarion: Not usually. That is indeed the case as you evolve and begin to recognize for instance the reality of past lives. But, no. It is an addiction. Plain and simple. You get addicted to the life here, the experiences here. Be it the simple things that are often a powerful adjunct for early incarnated souls. Such as those moving from the animal kingdom into the human kingdom. As you might see with individuals of very low intelligence or significant mental difficulties. Then, they are remembering and addicted to such things as simple smells and tastes, the simplest experiences of a hug or walking in a beautiful place.

But, as you go on you begin to recognize the deeper meaning of these and seek out challenges for yourself. For instance, if you ever felt challenged at learning something, how simple and easy it would be to learn and integrate all of that when you are non-physical. Yet, the challenge itself becomes addicting and it is that which you seek out in order to prove to yourself you can do it. It is something that has meaning for you and so on. This then adds up the addictions to that which is psycho spiritual. Proving your worthiness, recognizing your willingness to let go of guilt, manifest energies of a positive and healing nature in which you know them deep in your soul.

From the larger perspective of your evolutionary orienter, of your guides and helpers, even of your soul as is it examining and looking at all of your past lives, this is ludicrous. It is a way in which you are trying to prove something intrinsic to your nature. Yet, all of these aspects as you manifest them for yourself have within them a certain process that is within itself the desired goal, the addiction, the thing that you long for and work with.

After all, there are those who do relate very consciously and easily to the various positive and loving experiences you might have here such as an embrace. But, when you understand it at its core you do not need the physical action of this. But, on the other side you find yourself longing for it. That in itself is a gentle, simple reminder. An indicator of what is actually happening here.  It’s as if the real key to ending all of your lifetimes is consciousness but not in the way the gurus and disciples of the gurus who eventually attain enlightenment, etc. have spoken about.

Rather, it’s the personal understanding of your responsibility in all aspects of this. The way in which you have decided not to experience the full measure of the embrace. The way in which you have allowed that experience of that which is physical to in some way, in some small component or large, be denied. Be that which is kept from your being.

What is an addiction after all? It is often around this issue in which denial and that which is somehow kept from you are an intrinsic part of the desire. This is also the underlying basis by which the cessation of lifetimes occurs and this has been discussed extensively by Buddha and many of the others who have come to understand this from a spiritual perspective, that it is desire. You cannot make yourself desireless since that is a desire in of itself. Instead, it is the way in which you accept at the very core of it is what that desire does. Another way of getting at that of course, is that powerful question what do you want more than ___? What do you want more than that? When you apply that to the idea that you would end your lifetimes, that you would end the cycle of birth and rebirth that there would be some desire within that for you as an indicator to apply that.

What do you want more than the ending of the karmic wheel? This is a very powerful question and not an easy one for most people to answer. But, it is right there with the solution, with the simultaneous manifestation of the desireless karmic wheel and your opportunity to choose. What frequently occurs once you reach the place where the karma is dissolved, typically through love, through the various ways in which you have forgiven and assisted and you have worked through this issue in which there is no longer any desire. The sense that there is within your own consciousness this powerful connectivity, this deep understanding of oneness, this ability to work with these energies that you've seen from afar that the other ones as enlightened and so on manifest, is showing up in you.

Then, typically you choose one more lifetime. What will typically happen there is you will choose it based upon only one thing. It is very difficult to describe it as each individual has their own perspective on it. But, it’s something like, as a little child would say, “because,” or it's about having fun, choosing it simply for its own self, not out of karmic balancing, not out of enlightenment, not out of a desire to be any different than what you are, not have a desire at all.

That lifetime sometimes is very short, sometimes very long. But, as you experience it you experience all of it very differently. That sort of thing is very typical these days and the reason for this is underlying all of this at the very basic level of how it all started in the first place; that has to do with something about being helpful, about being beneficial. Could you deny the powerful helpful energy that would be available at the physical level if you were physical? Or might you allow that somehow in the world?

These are very difficult questions for the soul but contemplating them has value because it reminds you where to look. To cease desire, to understand the karmic wheel in a more direct way and simply to have fun. To see that the very characteristic that might give you the opportunity for this to be your last life is something you can manifest right here, right now. Maybe not in a continuous basis but more and more as greater and greater cessation of desire and karma take place. Does this make sense?

Lori: Yes. It does.

Hilarion: It’s tricky of course, to understand and then follow this from the limited perspective of being in a physical body. But, there is a place here that you can go to that simply “is,” and that is a very beautiful place to understand and contemplate this question.