Wednesday, March 23, 2016

What I've Learned About Karma So Far.....

* Karma is cause and effect.

* You’re always creating karma because you’re always creating.

* All judgments are self-judgements.

* The karma limits what you can do in an evolutionary sense.

* Chronic = karmic.

* For every lifetime that you recall as victim there was also one as perpetrator.  Thus, a balance is taken between victim and perpetrator.

* The lesson is often received when you use the talents and capabilities you have to dissolve karma. 

* You must understand how you participated in creating the cause in order to change the effect.

* Evolution is not mandatory. Dissolving karma is a personal choice.

* Karma manifests as habit patterns that are carried over from other lifetimes. (karmic tendencies)

In working with these energies what you begin to find over and over is that the only reason the habitual patterns on your planet continue, the difficulties you see inevitably toward war, to population problems, to disease, to global warming and all of these things that people keep focusing on. These habitual patterns are those which ultimately have their bases in some other habit that keeps them going. The habit of the unwillingness to know the truth or to feel love, or to accept possibilities. But, the habit in itself can be changed.

* Emotions cannot be suppressed.

This is the greatest difficulty most people encounter in various ways of dissolving karma. They begin to think that somehow that which initiated it to their experience, the emotion, is bad and is to be avoided. This is not true. It is a transformative process but on planet earth emotion is present. It is a powerful factor at generating all the situations and the energies which over and over lead to cause and effect. In its boldest and most powerful way on your news you see the war, the invasion of Gaza, the deconstruction of a jetliner, all of these aspects are a direct consequence of fear, of anger, of resentment, of revenge and all of the different energies so clearly associated with the karma; meaning the cause and the effect of these things which have been going on for in some cases millennia, but most importantly in the lifetimes of those individuals.

So, you find by this new path that the emotions cannot be avoided, they are not to be in some way     repressed or avoided in their understanding. But, they are to be fully felt and then fully released. Because one recognizes that your relationship to those emotions has transformed. This is the great shift in the understanding of how the dissolving of karma works.

* Forgiveness balances karma

When you're working with it to understand it, to forgive it, to understand the nature of the cause, and to see of its true essence. But, it will usually be involved with a feeling. Some aspect of a powerful energetic within you is released when the feeling is present.

~ Hilarion

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Did I Live During The Time of Plato?

Hilarion: Yes.

Lori: What was my name?

Hilarion: You were known as Greeka and were well-known as an oracle and someone who also had some difficulty. Others holding you in an energetic, sort of like, "the Cassandra," as an archetype, saw you as somebody to be silenced, that you could cause all kinds of difficulties. At age 23 you were killed in what was seen as a sort of accident, though the full understanding of this never came to light.

But, up to that point you did indeed affect the lives of a few hundred people with some of the things that you shared. Sometimes you would sort of lapse into a vision and where it appeared to others that you were looking beyond them. You were not seeing things as much as a mist, an energy, a cloud, a sort of diffused color and this would allow you to bring forth all kinds of interesting information, much of which people did not understand at the time but in as little as a few months later it made sense.

It is a fascinating pursuit. It can be very confusing not when you are wrong, that's easy. It's when you are right and those ideas become relied upon and others work with them then it gets very confusing. How much are you creating of these prophecies? How much of them are self-fulfilling as the expression goes. How much of it is that which would have occurred anyway and on and on it goes until at some point you simply let it all go. It was this ability to do so that was of great assistance to those around you to remind them to just let it go so that they did not have to focus on all the effects of what they had been sharing and so on.

There was a time when the oracle presented information in a very clear-cut manner. This of course exacerbated the problem when the energy was spoken in such a way that it was entirely correct. So, to couch it in verse, to make it more complicated to understand, to put some mystery around it became a tradition because then it became easier to continue such work. However, at its core there is always a translation. Not a translation from one language to another, a translation from the mysterious meaning to that which is the clear-cut, direct meaning.

When this is taken on by the client, by the supplicator, by the gladiator, by those who come to ask or whatever that is when some degree of evolution takes place. They are then shifting their own consciousness and their own way of being. This of course encouraged the tradition of the oracle speaking in greater and greater code, greater and greater difficulty, mystery, obfuscation and so on until eventually the whole process was discarded. In the meantime you have this ability, too. You might enjoy it as a miracle of lyric writing, songs to bring consciousness of particular issues into form and so on and so forth.

Lori: Were you incarnated as Plato?

Hilarion: Yes.

Lori: I'm wondering if I'm going to cross paths with the people who killed me?

Hilarion: Oh Yes!  (Enthusiastically)

 (I burst out laughing)

Hilarion: This happens all the time. You can’t keep away from those you have some karma with and they usually have been through so many different aspects of this that it's not a problem anymore.

Lori: I feel like I'm going to meet them soon?

Hilarion: Highly likely.

Lori: I think I know who they are.

Hilarion: You have this very strong urge in you that is beginning to show up to clear karma. You know this from so many levels. Sometimes you must be confronted with it in what we might term “the old way,” just so you can redouble your efforts in the new way. The old way being that of balancing and the new way of love as a general sort of context. These obviously overlap and in those overlaps you have those actions that either pull you toward the old or the new way. 

It is hoped that you will be reminded of this at every step to bring some greater degree of love, forgiveness, understanding, self-knowledge, the basic idea that you are like them in some way so that this then is cleared permanently. But, sometimes it’s so that you learn enough from it, even though you don't dissolve it. Sometimes it's because you need to transform or sometimes it's not even because of you. It's like your volunteer work, volunteering to help out somebody else and you're there for them. But, in all cases the opportunity to learn from the experience and to apply a greater degree of love, greater degree of forgiveness if you look for it, it shows up over and over.

Lori: If I was so psychic how come I didn't know they were going to kill me?

Hilarion:  Very interesting question. It is the action that occurs over and over with everyone who uses their psychic abilities. For instance, why didn't you just pick up the phone before it rang?  And every aspect that would be assumed about this. Clearly, this shows up when the individual has something to be gained by a block to understanding or knowledge in that direction. So, specifically, your death served two purposes: one was that you could then move on and do the things that you had accumulated knowledge around from the other side, the awareness and understanding that would be available to others, to help them. To do so in a far more subtle way. But, the other, the karmic aspect as you might imagine where you had harmed someone else, where an energy needed to be balanced or something needed to be more deeply understood by you and so on.

The shock of a death has a powerful repercussion in the soul. All of those aspects that show up from that repercussion cannot be fully predicted. Some of these however, would be understood by the soul and only with the soul’s permission. In fact, at some level a welcoming, would you see that this occurs. Because death is so powerful and has so many ways of getting your attention on every vibrational level. Therefore, it was actually a rather tricky endeavor to make it such that you would not see this coming. You had to be sufficiently distracted, there had to be enough other possibilities, there had to be so many ways in which this could come about. You see the exact same thing over and over in the world with other intuitives, other people of higher vibrational awareness when it comes time to their death.

Group Karma Versus Personal Karma

Lori:  I would like to ask you about group karma versus personal karma. So, let's say there’s a little baby who is shot to death in a car seat as a result of gang related violence. Obviously, group karma plays a big role in that?

Hilarion: Indeed. It's a tricky one because the actions of the group cannot be easily understood by those at physical level. When you're in the group especially there are so many ways in which the group karmic aspects are so easy to misunderstand. Typically, one uses various energetic means from the higher vibrational level to observe this. A color, just as you have an aura you have a group aura. A sound, just as you have certain music that you like you have group music, a similar vibration within the soul. 

There are different ways of looking at it from such a point of view. Sometimes, you run into these situations, they are somewhat rare but they do occur where there is an actual interference where the group karma is not in harmony with the individual karma. Oftentimes, this leads to a postponement of the various actions that are necessary. Sometimes it tends to draw on the energy of the group or the individual to resolve that conflict.

You see this in all of the applications and understanding of individual versus group karma to the very largest. So you see such as the predictions made over and over about the end of civilization and yet it goes on. This is one of these actions where the group karma and the individual karma can be seen to have powerful interactions. But, that is one of the more difficult ones. When you are looking at such as a child in any situation where karma is present, it becomes very difficult because of the powerful emotions and these are essentially present for the one reason that, because you yourself were a child, because you have some memory or understanding of this you immediately put yourself in the place of the child.

As such, when you were that age you had little understanding of what was happening. You probably did not have very much awareness of your soul, your higher self, the higher energies in a more literal, verbal recognizable sense. But, paradoxically you were probably much more in touch with your intuitive self, your higher self, your understanding forgiving self, that says, “yes, I am willing now to let go of my life because it is the right thing for the group.” Because it is that which will assist in my own personal development, because it rapidly balances karma that I have because of someone I hurt in a previous life or whatever reason is discussed.

But, you do not understand this in a logical and literal way. It is a way in which the soul then more easily lets go and you see this in various situations to the contrary. Where there is a situation that by all accounts should have killed the little child, the carjacking that turns into an accident and everyone dies except the little child in the car seat. These ways in which the survivability and the connection to the soul energy can be so powerful that indeed because the child needs to be there, the child is there. Those sorts of energies are difficult to contemplate at the individual level. You can understand them sometimes in terms of the group but the real key here is the way in which the soul and the higher energy of the child, the energy that really wants to make something happen of a specific nature is involved in this.

Many times you cannot fathom it or understand it and the only way you can access it is to cry with the tears of the child or move yourself emotionally to the place in which that energy which might otherwise be resisted is allowed to flow through. Then a kind of peace may begin to show up and in that the awareness and connection to that higher energy, to the soul or the higher self that enables you to understand this in the larger context.

The difficulty here is that of course, as the child, that one will never understand it in the higher context while in the body and the brain of that child. Though, it may be understood at the soul level, to truly examine this and understand it with the more intellectual, with the more awareness, with the ability to discuss it, to work with it, etc. they will probably need to incarnate again. They may examine and work with it and clear it at the higher vibrational level.

But, after a period of intermissive (the time between lives) awareness they will incarnate to work with it. That is the opportunity where they may be drawn naturally to learn more about intuition, about karma, about past lives, about many things. You will often see this as those who have experienced some of these difficulties and that this leads them eventually to a far greater awareness that is helpful to the soul on many levels and helpful to others, too.

Could This Be My Last Lifetime On Earth? I Don't Have To Come Back Here, Do I?

Hilarion: You never do.

Lori:  That’s the best answer!

Hilarion: Yet, you do. Why do you think that is?

Lori: To experience more, to grow, evolve, to help, to eat more chocolate.

Hilarion: Not usually. That is indeed the case as you evolve and begin to recognize for instance the reality of past lives. But, no. It is an addiction. Plain and simple. You get addicted to the life here, the experiences here. Be it the simple things that are often a powerful adjunct for early incarnated souls. Such as those moving from the animal kingdom into the human kingdom. As you might see with individuals of very low intelligence or significant mental difficulties. Then, they are remembering and addicted to such things as simple smells and tastes, the simplest experiences of a hug or walking in a beautiful place.

But, as you go on you begin to recognize the deeper meaning of these and seek out challenges for yourself. For instance, if you ever felt challenged at learning something, how simple and easy it would be to learn and integrate all of that when you are non-physical. Yet, the challenge itself becomes addicting and it is that which you seek out in order to prove to yourself you can do it. It is something that has meaning for you and so on. This then adds up the addictions to that which is psycho spiritual. Proving your worthiness, recognizing your willingness to let go of guilt, manifest energies of a positive and healing nature in which you know them deep in your soul.

From the larger perspective of your evolutionary orienter, of your guides and helpers, even of your soul as is it examining and looking at all of your past lives, this is ludicrous. It is a way in which you are trying to prove something intrinsic to your nature. Yet, all of these aspects as you manifest them for yourself have within them a certain process that is within itself the desired goal, the addiction, the thing that you long for and work with.

After all, there are those who do relate very consciously and easily to the various positive and loving experiences you might have here such as an embrace. But, when you understand it at its core you do not need the physical action of this. But, on the other side you find yourself longing for it. That in itself is a gentle, simple reminder. An indicator of what is actually happening here.  It’s as if the real key to ending all of your lifetimes is consciousness but not in the way the gurus and disciples of the gurus who eventually attain enlightenment, etc. have spoken about.

Rather, it’s the personal understanding of your responsibility in all aspects of this. The way in which you have decided not to experience the full measure of the embrace. The way in which you have allowed that experience of that which is physical to in some way, in some small component or large, be denied. Be that which is kept from your being.

What is an addiction after all? It is often around this issue in which denial and that which is somehow kept from you are an intrinsic part of the desire. This is also the underlying basis by which the cessation of lifetimes occurs and this has been discussed extensively by Buddha and many of the others who have come to understand this from a spiritual perspective, that it is desire. You cannot make yourself desireless since that is a desire in of itself. Instead, it is the way in which you accept at the very core of it is what that desire does. Another way of getting at that of course, is that powerful question what do you want more than ___? What do you want more than that? When you apply that to the idea that you would end your lifetimes, that you would end the cycle of birth and rebirth that there would be some desire within that for you as an indicator to apply that.

What do you want more than the ending of the karmic wheel? This is a very powerful question and not an easy one for most people to answer. But, it is right there with the solution, with the simultaneous manifestation of the desireless karmic wheel and your opportunity to choose. What frequently occurs once you reach the place where the karma is dissolved, typically through love, through the various ways in which you have forgiven and assisted and you have worked through this issue in which there is no longer any desire. The sense that there is within your own consciousness this powerful connectivity, this deep understanding of oneness, this ability to work with these energies that you've seen from afar that the other ones as enlightened and so on manifest, is showing up in you.

Then, typically you choose one more lifetime. What will typically happen there is you will choose it based upon only one thing. It is very difficult to describe it as each individual has their own perspective on it. But, it’s something like, as a little child would say, “because,” or it's about having fun, choosing it simply for its own self, not out of karmic balancing, not out of enlightenment, not out of a desire to be any different than what you are, not have a desire at all.

That lifetime sometimes is very short, sometimes very long. But, as you experience it you experience all of it very differently. That sort of thing is very typical these days and the reason for this is underlying all of this at the very basic level of how it all started in the first place; that has to do with something about being helpful, about being beneficial. Could you deny the powerful helpful energy that would be available at the physical level if you were physical? Or might you allow that somehow in the world?

These are very difficult questions for the soul but contemplating them has value because it reminds you where to look. To cease desire, to understand the karmic wheel in a more direct way and simply to have fun. To see that the very characteristic that might give you the opportunity for this to be your last life is something you can manifest right here, right now. Maybe not in a continuous basis but more and more as greater and greater cessation of desire and karma take place. Does this make sense?

Lori: Yes. It does.

Hilarion: It’s tricky of course, to understand and then follow this from the limited perspective of being in a physical body. But, there is a place here that you can go to that simply “is,” and that is a very beautiful place to understand and contemplate this question.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Karma of Nations

**This information was recorded July 12, 1989 during a Q&A of a public chanelling.

Q. Was there a master plan as far as the karma of the different countries of the world to somehow evolve the human species? How each country has its attitudes and where are we now with the United States? China? Holland? Europe? How is it working?

Hilarion: in the dawn of Western civilization, the sense that there would be variation, that there would be many opportunities given, many different directions and so on as was then occurring in the Grecian times. Then, to be translated and inspired during the Middle Ages and then expanded during the Renaissance and then brought into various ways of formation in the world. Then in that sense at the energetic level, there was a master plan. This is to be a variation. There is to be energy here and there and in all these places.

Then, what is also evolving with this is the sense of truth about the entire experience. So, when you look at a country such as the United States and you see all the positive things that they have done for the world, the way in which many individuals who are otherwise oppressed or in places of difficulty were able to grow here, have their families here and so on and so forth good karma has been done.

But, the reverse is also true. Individuals are also looking at the tortures and difficulties inflicted upon the native civilization here in the United States then pushed out because of the nature of Western civilization itself as it grew in the United States and because of the way people did not understand other people. So then, you will see that within each great seed there is also a seed of negativity. A seed that is waiting to be developed or understood or released and each time a country does that, then there is greatness. There is a great new expansion and it is possible that the next country to do this will also have tremendous expansion into such as outer space. This may even occur in the next thirty years in Japan. Because there in an understanding of societal interaction now, a seed is being planted that is to be shared with the world. This may then allow the shackles of negative karma from the past to be released so that the Japanese may then move to life instead of death which has occurred so often in so many ways in World War II.

So, it is then that there are individual incidences that occur along the development of each individual country. It is not a master plan in the sense that it is to be then said that this person will go hither and that person will go yon. It is instead that by gradual development countries with particular attributes and attitudes will be developed and an individual that needs to experience those particular attitudes and attributes; those particular ways in which there are certain benefits or difficulties will then by the nature of what they need to experience in their own lives will incarnate in those countries.

Thus, they will learn that particular attribute or experience by nature of being there. There is enhanced probability that they will get it. But, what if they don't get it? Then they will return there until they do. So, you often have examples of individuals who have incarnated many times in a given country. But you will also notice that many individuals who have a sense of past lives as being multicultural and extending into many countries have indeed learned those lessons from those individual countries and from those individual experiences.

Many times those lessons are not very direct. They are not experiences as if what I need to know about living in Japan is about harmony with the group. But, maybe just a tendency in that direction and the main thing was to be learned such as acupuncture or some martial art or something like that. Then the life in the United States, then the life in Holland, so that by each way something was learned about some particular aspect of being. So it is more to the individual that there is great importance but you will see then that there is often a need amongst entire humanity for a concentration of effort in a particular area for a limited amount of time.  When this tremendous concentration is necessary a large number of souls from perhaps differing countries or backgrounds from other lives or that same country incarnate in that country to get that lesson.

So, the tremendous explosion of energy in China is now developing. Those who have fought democracy in the past, those who have fought it in themselves in the way of sharing of life with others, of appreciating what they have done and seeing how they can assist others, in their ways of sharing power and knowingness have incarnated in this country to deal with these lessons from many sides. Those who have oppressed it in others and atoned, those who wish to balance it, those who wish to continue the oppression, all of these are there to work out these lessons. By the population alone you know there must be an awful lot of beings who have to work out that lesson. Is this not the case then, overall?

You will see that historically China has maintained these places of great power over others from the feudal system, from the various lords, from the emperors, from all of these ways of power, concentration and energy perhaps seen as more important than human life and so then the general direction has taken place. But, this tendency for individuals to need to work out this attitude with regards to power over others and the individual's voice being important that is a theme that has been shared throughout civilization for the last 5000 years in so many different ways. Those who have not learned that lesson then are incarnating and coming together to really understand it in China.

So, it is then with each country there are certain specific tendencies, certain ways of greater freedom or helping others or sharing of these things that are then tendencies and continuing sorts of things in each of the different countries. As you look at them for yourself you may come to these ideas. We mention them a little bit in the book “Nations.” But, there are so many more aspects to this. Many of them are very positive. In every country in the world something wonderful to contribute that would be nourished and assisted as well in the coming times. We would ask you then as one who knows a bit about Holland in your own personal way to answer this question for yourself before we would interpose our vision of it. But, you would also see that the freedoms that are often encouraged in other people by those who have lived in this place are those things that are often deep-seated and assist many others. So then, does this answer your question?
