Friday, December 29, 2017

Parallel Lifetimes
Lori: Am I currently living any parallel lifetimes?

Hilarion: Yes. You have in those which we can detect currently living at the current time 1,989,439,000 or so alternate lifetimes at this moment. Each of these are contributing to some extent to this and you are contributing to those. Those alternate universes which comprised, what could be understood as the multi-verse often have powerful moments within them in which a powerful shift in perspective, some new energy or some major event, sometimes a cataclysmic event has significant influence that bleeds over into this universe.

In doing so, those aspects can often be helpful; contributing to some deeper understanding of your own life. But they can also at times be confusing simply because you recognize that the possibilities, the things that could be are not those which are showing up are those which instead distract you or pull you away from that which you might see as most valuable and important.

It's often helpful when considering the multi-verse to see how those alternates can be a benefit to you but for the most part have very little interest. How many times have you thought about contributing your knowledge, assistance, understanding, and awareness to your alternate selves in the present? It is highly likely that they will not be contributing much to you.

Once you have this awareness, all of this changes. The opportunity to seek out and receive assistance does tend to balance because things are happening in the multi-verse, in the present time and this does tend to balance perfectly with your willingness, ability, sharing, and other aspects that contribute to these alternates of yourselves.  The more you are willing to allow this the more likely it is that they will come upon this on their own.

For instance, in a few of these alternate universes at this very moment a consultation is taking place where they are asking about this very matter and we are responding in such a way that could be helpful or useful. The hard part about this naturally is the ability to conceive of it. To see so many alternates and to see these changing in so many different ways to have a direct experience of this is of course almost impossible to contain within your brain, within your consciousness, within your awareness of what it means to be an individual. That's fine because that’s exactly as it should be, because such energies are those which indeed are manifesting at all levels simultaneously.

As you are able to focus on this universe, on this sequence, this life, you'll gain the most value. It is probably within humanity's future to better accept and work with these alternate universes. But, at the current time it is difficult enough to focus on one much less the many and that is why the expanded understanding of this is probably for humanity's future. But, on the nonphysical levels it is so much easier to traverse the vibrational universes that are close to this one and explore them for the one singular purpose of trying stuff out. Let's see how it has worked out in that universe. Let’s see the possibility in this other one. What about if the people we were guiding or assisting tried this or that? Instead of it simply being that which is a computer simulation it is actually that which is occurring. From this data can be gleaned and can be useful as it is shared.

So, this means that at the physical level, just as every aspect of the nonphysical does eventually become physical, this opportunity to explore these multiple possibilities is also available to you. It can be helpful when you're chewing on a problem, when you are working with an issue that you ask. Has this been addressed in some other alternate me? Could that be shared with me now? Sometimes such can show up simply for the asking as a vision, as a creative visualization, as an energy that it is fun to contemplate and this could of course be very helpful.

Lori: Are any of these lifetimes human?

Hilarion: Yes. Most of them.

Lori: Wow!! Is that rare?

Hilarion: No. Parallel lifetimes are fascinating because they can take place in parallel universes quite easily. Parallel lifetimes in the same universe is quite unusual and presents some problems if the two people meet and that is indeed quite rare. But, in multiple universes or what is often termed multi-verse, the opportunity to play out various scenarios then is useful in this universe and so as these energies unfold you have the opportunity to see not just from conjecture but from the emotional ramifications of this.

What is noted is that emotions tend to connect across parallel universes and sometimes this can especially be helpful when one is attuned to the dream state or working with various creative energies in a meditative way. These emotions then show up. So, you have lived through nuclear holocaust, though many around you died, you survived. You have been successful on Broadway, you have been a near success, with a dismal failure on Broadway. You have had opportunities to be with others involved in various communities and have had opportunities to create a family, work with other people in different contexts and be involved in politics. These lifetimes, the energetics were quite different and this is fairly unusual.

What tends to happen for most of the relevant parallel universes is the manifestation of energies quite similar to your own. If you were suddenly popped into that universe you wouldn't even know there was a shift until you dug into the history books or paid close attention to what was happening in the more subtle realms of international politics. But, for you, you have experienced out some of these different energetics for the specific purpose that the emotions themselves can be available to you as a tool, as something to give you a sense of what to do and what not to do. Where to focus your energy if you wish.

The difficulty with this, of course, is because it is emotion, it is not that which is easily understood by the intellect, nor is it that which is easy to predict. It isn't exactly the same thing as a feeling except in one area and this is the area where the emotion that is sensed is positive. A sense of something truly valuable, helpful, loving. Whatever that positive energy is it can often be there to direct you and assist you with the sense that even though other things in the world aren't falling into place, this one will. Does this clarify?

Lori: Sort of. I’m still confused. I have parallel lifetimes as a human on earth, right now?

Hilarion: Yes.

Lori: Can you tell me who?

Hilarion: Again, we are referring to parallel universes. You are speaking of this universe?

Lori: Yes. Anybody in Brooklyn?

(long pause)

Hilarion: Sorry, we had to scan about 7.8 billion people.

Lori: Ok. Sorry. But, thank you. I appreciate that.

Hilarion: Yes, you have one who is living out a similar lifetime. Her name is Hu Yuan Chan and she is living in a suburb of Beijing and is working in realms of different ways to combine theater and movement from various cultures including that of Japan and China.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

What Do I Do When I'm Off Planet? Where is My Point of Origin?
Hilarion: You have worked through a variety of different locations, but you repeatedly have had all kinds of opportunities associated with Lyra, the Lyran system and opportunities to understand and work with beings that have come through there. In all of these you have had opportunities to understand and work with creative forces. Such creative forces were fascinating to you when you were out of the body, in their pure energetic form.

You were never able to fully understand them, very few beings are. But, you were able to see them as connecting beams of light or silver or gold cords or a sense of energetic movement in one location and another. In this way you have found a way to work with these energies that touched your soul very deeply. A sense that such creativity could somehow be manifested was the next question.

How best to do this? As difficult as it might be, still, somehow earth seemed suitable. USA in particular. Opportunities to work with these energies and have a deeper affiliation with them enables you to change them and this was the thing you saw over and over. When you were non-physical, the ability to change and re-circulate the Lyran energies was not nearly as (this is difficult to say because it’s not a physical term) as strong, as clear, as persistent as it was when you or anyone else were in a physical body. When in a physical body, the alteration of the creative energies has an explosive force. Something that jumps from one consciousness to the other and this is not limited by any means to earth alone.

So you see this in the manifestation of every creative endeavor on earth, which has its ripple into the universe. Of course, if that which is being shared is too primitive or unimportant to a given civilization it is ignored. But, many of the issues of emotion, of significant shifts in consciousness, of a willingness to mature spiritually, these things do have their powerful resonating effects in the universe. It is this fascination as earth as a nexus, as a center of this which has drawn you here over and over when you have sought out the creative process. So really you have to see this in a dual way. That the non-physical Lyran energy is beautifully balanced with the earth energy.

Creativity has been a very important part of your life. Each of your guides have different areas to contribute in this arena. However, Derdeka and Kareena (spirit guides) seem to have special ability to allow you to bring through a creative source.

This is because you had an opportunity to study with them in an association with the sixth planet orbiting the star Vega. Vega’s ability to continue to impart different forms of creativity to many people on earth remains an important area to study.  Where you can locate Vega in the night sky, where you can tune into its energy, where you can receive different aspects of this. Then, you may find additional benefit and at the same time an attunement to the entire creative process that the guides help with.

This is an area that the ancients understand as what they called, "the muse." The ability of the guides, to bring through creative spark, different energies, etc. is very important. Never to be overlooked. Always a way in which an energy of a positive, helpful nature, combines with that which is purely fun, entertainment. Expressed for the sake of others. Bringing the opportunity for deeper awareness naturally. Sometimes this isn’t your own awareness. That is the purpose of this creativity, this expression, is to inspire others to discover their deeper awareness. It is this which you have in common with all of these guides. A strong sense that other people awakening is important. That this will be valuable.

Path of assistance is a powerful truth path, one that will repeatedly give you deeper understanding of your own ability to help others and your capacity to improve the world. This therefore will also be what you share in common by whatever means, not just creativity with these other guides.

Karmic Wheel
Hilarion: There are those who recognize the karmic wheel and understand, through many lifetimes associated with Buddhism or other aspects of reincarnation, what this really means. But, they are still here. They are here because they are waiting for you. Those who now understand and receive the energy of their highest potential can allow this with those of the greater spiritual patience, an acknowledgment of their souls’ energy for the manifestation of something new on your earth—a true evolution of humanity. 

But, what form this will take? How you will bring it into form must have to do with some of the most positive and beautiful aspects of your society, of your appreciation of each other, of your love, of your sensuality, of your romance as well as your capacity to assist to bring the dual aspects of "school earth" and "hospital earth," into one. This could be exciting. It could be fun. It could be pleasurable. This could engage the consciousness of collective humanity sufficiently to bring it forward.

There will still be a few, feeling this, seeing this, who will mistake it for doing. “Come on, you! Get with the program! Get out there and help somebody!”, or “Let’s make this a really great new age.” But at its core the opportunity to return always to the creative force must be known in order for that force to manifest in such a way that it actually touches your soul, actually makes a difference in your life. That is one of the wonderful meanings of Vesta (astrology), as it progresses into your natal chart, it can light off different opportunities to see things in a new way.

But, at the same time there are energies that build in your consciousness, helping you at times to see the darkness, the difficulty, the struggle. In relationship this relates specifically to the Law of Reflection. And the greater symbol here is Venus. Now, lit up by the sun, brought into consciousness for all to think about, [it] continues its work with you now.  The symbol of Venus, reminding you to take those energies inside, to bring them out into the world, to share them in a positive way for yourself. ‘What have you truly deeply learned about relationship?’

Now in the past we have answered many questions relating to relationship in many different ways, helping people wherever possible to look back on why you invited relationship in the first place. It is pretty tough sometimes, isn’t it? It makes things go pretty fast and ‘what is the darned hurry about it all anyway?’ is what the soul does ask you at times, for one specific reason. In the place of beingness, in the place of simply knowing the breath, there is no hurry. It is the energy of infinity with you. And where you can share this with your relationship, with those you are close to you can be reminded of the energy spark you began with.

Most individuals in relationship spent a good time working this out in the time before they were born, which is called the intermissive period. You got together. You tried it out. Perhaps you had done this many times in the past. But this time, as you looked into this world, you realized there would be many more billions on the planet than ever before, many more opportunities, many more possibilities for distraction and so therefore you also opened up greater energy floodgates than ever before. These could be stereotypes. When the rage comes out, the buried fear or trauma, it can look as if the other person is at fault. But what you also told each other was (on advice from your guides/helpers, the energy that you knew in the face of God’s laws) that the law of reflection always holds. That what you were truly looking at in the moments of deepest despair, anger, or the greatest ecstasy and love was God’s manifestation of you through the other person.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Have I Ever Been An Arcturian?
Lori: Have I ever been an Arcturian?
Hilarion: Well, that's a tricky one. You spent a little training there, you did some interaction and work with several Arcturians and they have continuous existence to assist earthlings. Many people here who are studying and working with extra- physicals and learning a lot with them. So, then they transfer that into extraterrestrials.

But, Arcturians have mastered an inter-dimensional interchange of energy so that they can be both physical and non-physical. This was something that fascinated you and it was an area that they were willing to share with you. But, there was a difficulty here because of your many earthly existences, many ways of relating to things in a more physical nature; it was difficult. How could they show you this? How could they explain it? They had to just do it. 
So, you were sort of an honorary Arcturian you might say. An energy was projected to you and you were able to transfer your own energy into the physical, raising the molecular vibrations of the physical body, speeding everything up and becoming transparent for a while, you might say. Shifting various aspects that tie you to the physical while still in the physical body. This is difficult to understand in the three dimensional existence that you find yourself in now, but very easy with those who do it all the time. This was a very helpful process to show you what it felt like, to let you experience it rather than just let you see it at arms length.
But, as often is the case with this sort of thing there was a bit of trauma, not so much in the experience of actually raising the vibration. But, when you had the thought, well, what about the others? The ones I would miss, the other people on earth who need to know about this or whatever, sort of difficulty as you come back. Not that the trauma of leaving was difficult, but the trauma of returning. Some melancholy, some depression and sadness naturally resulting, some energetics at physical level were a little harder to more easily form the patterns, that sort of thing.
It is always when one goes way back, possible to see this in various contexts such as all different extraterrestrial existences. That's not what we are referring to. This was a far more recent journey that was very interesting for you. But, at the same time perplexing because when you returned you had to push out about half of the experience in order to understand what was left. To understand half of it you had to push out the other half. This is natural because of course, being in higher vibration, working with such beings, you can't always integrate such information and energy. 
But, you did say to yourself, creating a sort of soul contract for yourself that at the appropriate time you would be able to recall it. It would not be pushed out of your consciousness forever. The key to this would of course be the idea that of contact with Arcturians. The sense that such an energy was possible, that there could be some sense of something within this and here the key was simple. What do you have to give? This is the area most typically overlooked by many contactees, many people who channel and work with extraterrestrials, etc. It is so much about receiving for the good and the obvious reason is that there is so much to be received. These beings are so advanced, they have so much history, they have so much to share. So naturally, everyone would think that the experience is about taking.
But, you are quite aware of the powerful difference between the takers and the leavers. You are powerfully concerned with how important it is to share and to assist and to contribute. So then, this provocative question is not so much as philosophical or to help you understand, it is there as a trigger or key and that has to do with your genuine understanding, a full genuine, loving answer. 
What is the authentic area to explore with this about what you can contribute? The more you learn about Arcturus or work with channeled material or understand it from your own point of view, or even just find the star in the night sky and gaze upon it for a few minutes. Then, this becomes a more profound and important trigger. As you ask, you understand levels and layers of this, you contribute what you have experienced on Earth, what you learn from other people, that is one way. As you go deeper you realize it is a sense of the heart; a sense of something loving that shares something very beautiful, very helpful.
As you go deeper it comes to something else. It has to do with life purpose. The idea that your life is not only about the learning and aspects that are helpful to your soul and its development but about something intrinsic in contributing to others. A way in which the love is somehow compounded with or bound to service and that this as it is unique within you is a gift, is a beautiful thing and can be offered to Arcturians and other beings.

This, as you begin to understand it better for yourself, can be conceptualized by words, music, movement, painting, or something that to you symbolizes this. It doesn't matter what form you use to get to these beings. Finding this trigger would be helpful because then you can more easily re-experience some of what was lost from that energy and you are on earth now, so you could say in a sense it doesn't matter. It is the earthly aspects that are of maximum importance right now and this is true. But, you have had a tremendous sense at times of the creativity, the working with light, and the ability to use that light in its purest and clearest form that the Arcturians have shown you and that has been helpful.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

What Was My Very First Lifetime?
Hilarion: That is a difficult question. You would think that would be very simple because it is that which would seem to be tracked but the nature of this has to do with conglomeration, separation and so on. One can see oneness; a single soul that which is the initial spark of humanity existing in a similar function to, as you understand it today, the kingdom of the air. In this there was a oneness but at the same time an opportunity for separation. This was indeed your first incarnation. 

This is not to say that it was an incarnation at all in the truest sense because there is not by any means death in the similar sense. But, there was some individualization and during that time period which existed indeed millions of years ago was an awareness of consciousness that you are somehow here. You exist. You are alive. You can observe other consciousness's and yet those other consciousness were almost as much as you. 

In this way, the big question began, “Who am I? What is the nature of existence. The I am, existence question.” It is this deeper holding of the question itself that promotes the individualization and as a result of this you then went through a sequence that led you eventually to an incarnation in the series of dinosaurs. There was a preference for Triceratops; some of these with other creatures; even one incarnation as an early mammal, one of the early equine series in that time period.
But, as a result of this there was a powerful focusing on many aspects of violence and understanding the body, understanding things having to do with the very nature of being. There were of course intertwined with this several so-called, “vacation lifetimes,” where you incarnated as a mountainous region and understanding of this was important to you. You had a brief period working with this but as soon as you had any acquaintance with this you were so curious about the animal life that you quickly transferred to this. 

So, the attunement to this has a certain romanticism to you. The sense of the mountain itself, not so much what it looks like, as much as what it feels like. Then the awareness of coming back into various forms of animal life. 

Then, after a period of incarnating in several star systems, working with Pleiadian energy at various junctures, understanding of Sirian (Sirius), of working with several guides and helpers associated with the earth, you began a series of incarnations in human form in which you became more aware of what it was like. Certainly, there was a lot of struggle. In some of these incarnations there was an attunement to violence and death that was simply about survival.
But, along the way you began to glimpse at various times extraterrestrials who came to earth to help and you would learn and understand about worship. You would work through different aspects in your own consciousness but eventually you came to an appreciation of the intellect. That those in other tribes who were successful as a result of their intellect and their understanding and awareness of the simplest things in life through nature, fire, water, construction, doing things, making things different, the use of tools; all of this eventually gave to you a deeper appreciation.

Then, you begin a series where there was incarnation associated with the developing civilization in Lemuria. The island of Lemuria had within it a number of individuals who had come along a similar path.They were part of your soul family, those you were close to and yet at the same time there was an awareness that it was not necessary to incarnate in this fashion.
So, it was easy for you to move in and out of a body as a way of understanding. After awhile with this, you became fascinated with the budding Atlantean civilization and this began the series of incarnations which eventually led you to where you are now. 

As all of these sorts of energies can be understood through your current filter it would likely be misinterpreted. Many times that which would be seen as a conglomerate, a soul that is more than any single individual would be interpreted by you as an individualization and that is not true at all. It didn't feel like it and it didn't seem like it. The very nature of moving in and out, that is of incarnating itself. Many aspects of this were not at all what they would seem today. 

It would appear that you would have something physical, something strong, something associated with reality. But, it isn't actually that the level between what is perhaps the physical and non-physical was some way blended. That is how you would look at it today. In point of fact, there is a oneness to all of it that is simply born out by science that the nature of all of it is empty space. The majority of that which you would call, “reality,” or “solid,” or “real,” is empty space. Most of that is illusion. It is that which is constructed as the energetic matrix and you relate to it as being hard or real and as a result of that, it becomes so for you. This is very difficult to break free of to the point that you are able to accept this in your reality as long as you are in a body. 

This influences profoundly so much of it and that is the underlying reason that drew you in the very first place in the kingdom of the air; to choose to incarnate and to have a body and to make things more real for yourself. It brought you into a place in which you could respect this and understand it and work with it and in this way better know yourself.

Now, that is why we rarely answer this question, why some would ask, “what was my first lifetime?” and all of that. It is a blending and a gradual maturing bit by bit more than it is a singularity.
You could ask, “What was the first lifetime where I had a name?” Certainly you would not have had a name as a mountain or in the kingdom of air or as a dinosaur; despite what some of the theories might say about this. But, in the way in which you named yourself in coming into a physical body you had an awareness of life though it was somewhat animal in nature. There was self-awareness and in this you named yourself, “Hua,” which would be pronounced today but spelled HUA. As this, you had opportunity in working with other people who recognized you and called you by this name. At that time there were others who did not have names and it was the primary distinction that you found which of course relates to individualization and an awareness of how those energies might move and change. 

There were times when you, even after this incarnation, had incarnations without a name. But, as you were able to individualize and recognize this, the choosing of a name became important as it is even today.

What Exactly Is A Karmic Vector and What Is Going On With Mine?
Hilarion: Vector by definition: magnitude that is in its illustration its size, its amplitude, how strong it is and direction. The area that it is focused in. In its simplest form, this relates to forces that act upon working with some aspects of the physical body. 

But, the karmic vector is that which relates to the actions of your soul. In what direction is it trying to accelerate? Evolve? Learn? How strong and in what areas as it focuses in, does it draw in the assistance of others? Does it strengthen 

itself in forcing this energy forward? 

We mentioned this already with the service path. As that which gives the direction in the most simplest of binary fashion: the plus or minus similar to the number line which has the positive numbers and the negative numbers. So many are focused on the negative numbers but as you're focusing toward the positive and seeing of the benefit of service to others you then begin to further define and work with this. 

Thus, your karmic vector focuses on the ways in which communication, be it through information, bringing through new ideas, finding more profound ways to affect people's consciousness etc. might be that which brings forth a greater truth. 

In this sense, you could say that the karmic vector’s direction is very much focused on the truth. But, along the way you have observed the important interactions with your karmic vector by which your consciousness affects the way in which you are working these things out. The way in which the observer so to speak affects the experiment. In this way you understand the relative nature of truth and so the further definition of this is the understanding of this at a deeper level within you. 

The magnitude of this, now we have focused on the direction, now the magnitude of this seems to be mostly powered by the energies that are associated with compassion, with love, with something that when in a physical body is activated by the heart. That it is the heart energy that provides over and over the impetus to go forward with this. In this fashion the manifestation of truth with love, or love with truth will show up in various ways as the direction that all of this energy tends to move. 

It is not necessary to do it that way, of course. Heart energy can be omni-directional and work in so many different areas to assist others, to find soothing or caring, to form relationships, to work in energetic fashion in so many different areas and so on and so on. But, in the way in which your karmic vector seems to over and over pierce through, make a breakthrough, move these energies more profoundly in one direction or another. It appeared that your focus on something became so very important. 

As a result of this you have a great deal of respect for the very nature of focus. To see a project through to its completion, to work in a particular area, to do things in a way in which you can by repeated focus make something happen. This sort of thing has been very important and will likely continue. 

You could see that karmic vector is more of an expression than a specific. But, we like to use these terms in a way so that people might acknowledge a little more of the logical and mathematical side of seeing things since this often leads to other things. In this case, the most important aspect has not been asked about. Someday, people will ask about the interaction of multiple karmic vectors and they will ask about karmic vector space as that which is constructed in multiple dimensions similar to the way in which vector space can be constructed in three dimensions. But, you do not have that limit as you can have so many different directions and the ways in which these interactions can lead to a resultant vector. 

Because that is the purpose of the vector model and analogy in math. That two vectors interact in some way in which a third factor is formed which is the complete, not partial, but the complete sum of the component parts. In this way, you understand, through karmic vector: relationship. A relationship in which various energetics can form something new. There is no limit on this, it can be two vectors or 20 or 5000. As these can interact in their ways something new can be observed and worked with this. That is a hint of what is to come with the karmic vector concept.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Karma of Hypnosis

Is hypnosis, whether done by another or oneself, ever dangerous? Are there karmic consequences of using hypnosis on another when that person is not aware of it?

Hilarion: Hypnosis is merely a tool for man to work with. No tool is good or bad in itself; always it is the motive and the purpose within the heart of the user which determines whether a tool brings good or evil. A hammer can build, and it can destroy. A knife in the hands of a great surgeon can save lives-in the hands of a murderer it can slay. So it is with hypnosis. This technique has great possibilities for mankind, for it can unlock many of the buried memories of past lives which have blocked progress in the present experience and it can provide the gifts of self approbation and confidence where these are lacking.

But, on the negative side, it can be used to enslave others whose minds and whose resistance are not strong, just as it was used in Atlantis. Indeed, many of the therapists who employ the hypnotic technique in their work today are the same ones who abused this great gift in Atlantis, and who are seeking now to make up their failings by using it again. But, this time to give back the health and the happiness which once they took from their fellow man.

As to the matter of karma, it is important to understand that this comes from action. Negative karma derives from actions which harm or limit another in his development. Whether the other is aware of the hypnotic effect has little to do with the question of karma. What is important is whether harm was done, and also what was the motive in the heart of the one who used hypnosis without the conscious knowledge of the subject. 

Answers, Hilarion / Maurice Cook

Monday, July 24, 2017

Karma of Tibet and China

Credit: Frederic J. Brown
There’s a question about Tibet and China in the near future.

Hilarion: Well, there is this likelihood as things tend to go, that the political sphere will allow things as they've been to continue. What has happened is that the many people in USA and in Europe who are aware of the injustices and the difficulties that have been perpetrated on the Tibetan people by the Chinese: the taking of lands, the destruction of temples, all of this; they have seen of this and have not participated in stopping it. To do so, of course is relatively simple: stop buying anything made in China. When you do so, lodge your discontent with how they have treated the Tibetans and indeed if everyone on the planet did this it would probably take less than two weeks for reparations to be made.

Yes, it's true that would be a gesture, the harm that has been done cannot to a large extent be undone. But, there would at least be an acknowledgment because China is very dependent on goods being sold to everyone else on the planet. But, people have not done this, even though it has been suggested, even though there has been a lot of information about this because you think that you are more addicted to your goods from China than is actually the case. This is the continuation of this energy. It just keeps going and going, so you go with it.

So, it is also that the governments who could have taken a stand against this did not. Partly because of the economic situation where China owns real estate, bonds, government obligations of all types and so on. You could say they are running the show. In point of fact, of course, they are missing something very important. The Tibetan people, far more than most other countries have a devotion to consciousness, spirituality, awakening and things that would be of tremendous value to the Chinese. A tremendous value to everyone on this planet.

Indeed, it has been a part of their own spiritual development alongside of their own material development in the way that some other countries have worked with this. But, to a large extent the uncovering of service to self has been a tremendous motivator so that the religious leaders, instead of garnering tremendous power for themselves, have to a large extent shared it with the others.

But, karmically speaking many of these individuals are balancing out energetics from the past. So, it is seen that the best hope is that there will be more and more acceptance of some of these ideas of spirituality and consciousness and understanding and over and over penetrating past the dogma, past the accounts of a single individuals but to that which is agreed upon and understood by many. So, that this will become so widespread and understood that the Chinese will have to accept it themselves. Just as has occurred over and over when any country moves in to take over another country as has occurred from Mongolia into China as has occurred from your own experience in the USA of Europeans taking over the Native American lands and of the constant movement into native cultures everywhere on your planet.

Well, there is an assimilation that takes place and eventually there is some acknowledgment, some willingness to give back. Here, when you look at it what the Tibetans would want you to give back, well yes, there will be land, there will be some repatriation perhaps, some money, but the most important thing is the spiritual teaching. The wisdom and understanding about the nature of consciousness, the nature of being-ness and the ways in which the Tibetans have in so many ways shown people ways of service to all and understanding of the collective consciousness beyond that of any other religion.

So, in this way it may be assimilated and it may be that which is of positive value and there may even be a small movement at some point in the future to give back some of Tibet to the Tibetans. But, by then of course, as is always the case, the assimilation goes on and on. Just as it has in these other countries and other examples as we've given and the result is that, it never is that of what it was before nor should it be. But, that of something beyond that, that can be a benefit to all.

That is about the most hopeful way we can answer the question given the tendency, since the world did have a chance to step in and stop this but did not do so. Thus, the result has been a great deal of hardship for the Tibetans and the way in which so many in China have indeed taken over the lands and places in which these people did once have a unique and independent culture. But, we see however that the larger gift of this is the idea that many in the world are listening, reading and learning about some of the Tibetan ideas and this of course, would be helpful far beyond China.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Money & Karma

Hilarion: Bringing us to a question that has been posed about a good business that would incorporate or welcome some aspects of spirituality, of consciousness, of awakening. Does there appear to be a contradiction in terms in understanding this? The very nature of business itself is focused on profit, on bringing money. All of the things that you are going to leave behind. But, the very nature of awakening, the consciousness, the awareness, the love, these are the things you are going to take with you; you will learn from this and grow.

So, it would appear in learning from what has been successful in marketing, in making lots of money for people has been the promise of this awakening of this consciousness of more love, etc. All of the important spiritual ideals that you can list as important in your own life. If this is promised then it is that which would appear to engender a lot of attraction, a lot of money, a lot of possibility.

Karmically, you always recognize the problem with this. Because if it is only a promise and you don't deliver on that, then karmically you're doing a great disservice to others, you’re even fooling yourself. It is very difficult to do that which would guarantee some of those important spiritual values. Even some of the lesser ones such as friendship or listening or helping others. These can sometimes be difficult to provide in a marketing sense.

This at the core is the opportunity for new business; for a way in which this poor fit between profit and true potential or consciousness could work together somehow in the world. It must be more than a promise. It must be that which delivers. It must be the way in which an individual for themselves is naturally going to, as a result of whatever is offered, be able to enhance or bring up their own consciousness, etc.

So, naturally you come into areas of education, areas of coaching, areas in which you are communicating with others to help them to a higher level of consciousness. But, along the way it is very helpful if a continuous evaluation of oneself takes place.

Am I only promising or am I delivering? This is a very difficult place and there are very few, even of the greatest gurus and teachers that have ever done this. They bring their information forward and let it go and this is perfectly appropriate if there is little in the way of karma engendered. Specifically, as soon as money gets involved, karma isn't usually very far behind because after all what does money signify but the idea of debt and borrowing and promises and all of these things that have symbolic meaning to their reminder to you of your own karma.

So, if it is that which is being offered freely you can pretty much go anywhere you want with it, karmically speaking. But, if it is that which money does play an important role or even specifically if you are designing your enlightenment or education or awakening or consciousness or coaching business to bring in money, then the karmic issues must show up. In the sense that whether you say so or not, you are making a promise; you are loaning your consciousness to the other person in a sense and to be true to this it is important to understand two things: there are two paths that now illustrate and understand for you by your own nature what is really going on here.

This is different. It used to be the only path of the karma. You would create a promise, an issue, you would deliver or not and have to deal with it later where there was a problem or an imbalance perhaps even into the next life or into the next and on and on it would go.

But, the other possibility here is that even when you don't deliver there is sufficient love, there is sufficient forgiveness, there is sufficient energy associated with love that the karma is dissolved. This is pretty tricky because it's saying that it is possible to do business in a way that does create problems, expectations, debts, various issues and this would not have significant residue if you had enough love.

The jury is out on that one, one might say as to how this might be an application of the ability to use love to dissolve karma when you know ahead of time that you are creating karma. But, it is an intriguing one to think about for one simple reason: that at some point when the love is strong enough, when it truly does melt and reach and connect, it does something spiritually much more profound and powerful than what you had promised. It is showing your own self-revelation.

It often at such a level then would require an individual to give back any money that they had taken in simply and purely out of their own forgiveness. It might require them to go into a position of deep service or assistance to someone else. The way in which this manifests is that which people may begin to think about even more now that this idea of dissolving karma with love has been introduced.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Karma, Human Trafficking and the Victim -Perpetrator Cycle
Hilarion: For the individual who asked about human trafficking, we ask her to go into her own mind to a time in which she could acknowledge the possibility that she was the perpetrator of this. That in a position where she feared for her own life, listening to her masters or the bosses or the people in her family, she brought concubines into the society. She brought others who would willingly submit to acts of depravity or difficulty as she would view them. To do so out of fear is understandable, fear of your own life being lost. 

But, recognize the possibility that there was within you an addiction to this, that it became a powerful energy to see of the energetic influence you had on others. How you could bend them to your will and how you could bring them into a place in which you made a lot of money, or gained a lot of power, or other people looked up to you or you gained tremendous respect and eventually even rose to the top in this profession overturning your bosses and maintaining control.

If you can forgive yourself now bringing all of the love, all of the pink light to know that you did the best you could under those situations and had you known what you know now, you would have done differently. But, then you did not. You see then in that forgiveness there is a powerful energy, that it is a forgiveness that you have given to yourself many times since that lifetime, of course. But, still a little of this has hung on for you. A little of the sadness associated with it, a little of the guilt so that when you see human trafficking in this life you feel for it, it touches you deeply. Forgive that, too. Forgive every aspect within your own consciousness that allows you to see yourself as a victim, even though you have not been a victim. As a perpetrator, even though you have not been a perpetrator. It is by your imagination here as then by circumstance, as by what could've happened, go I. Is a thought about this.

This deeper level of forgiveness begins in your heart with each breath there is an expansive energy, a loving energy. That loving energy goes to everyone who has been in a similar situation, not as a pink light or a visualization or an imaginative but, as your own energy of your own forgiveness, a powerful transformative energy that says even as I forgive myself so you, too. Perhaps, this “you too,” is not yet a forgiveness. It is just a questioning, looking at it and asking is there a better way? Knowing that there has been a way for someone else. Perhaps it is a deeper forgiveness, perhaps it is a readiness to let go of this difficulty.

Now of course this sort of visualization and imaginative journey can take place with any crime. The interesting thing here is a deeper answer in some way to the question, "why do you forget?" When you go from one lifetime to the next why do you forget what has happened to you? For many individuals if you did remember it, it would be so horrifying, so frightening and so for this we give you the little hint.

Is there some issue in the world that takes your attention? Some issue where you feel perhaps there was a great injustice, something about what you feel self-righteous? You know your issues. It may be any of a thousand different things; a particular crime that really gets your goat. A particular injustice that really gets you steamed up. Guess what? That's the one that you have a sensitivity to for a good reason. Because that emotional holdover that which was not released or forgotten; the emotional side of this, it is with you. It is with you not usually from just one lifetime but from several and you can pretty much bet with nearly 100% accuracy that you were the perpetrator, perhaps as well as the victim. So, in this way the perpetrator energy is with you now in a new context with an opportunity to release it with the greatest degree of love and forgiveness and caring.

Hold a little baby in your arms and project a beautiful, powerful loving light to a person you care for deeply and imagine yourself swimming with the beautiful dolphins or enjoying the interaction with a guide or helper animal. Feel that love in your heart from any of these or any other situation you can imagine and now very deliberately turn that loving energy onto that past life as perpetrator as you might imagine it could've been.

No, you have no evidence of this but just take perhaps this moment on faith that it's there somewhere and forgive. Project that same energy, that same loving, that same embrace, that same joyful energy and experience it deeply as if that energy and that love can heal across the centuries and allow that energy now to dissipate in a new way and it touches anyone who has been struggling with this issue and enables them to perhaps look at it again. Perhaps, even in this life contemplate again their life, their actions, their crimes, their willingness to shift to a life more of service to others, than of service to self and how that might be enjoyable, might be fun, might even be loving and expansive; might even have given them more than they could have with power over others or more money or more respect not earned, but demanded.

These are difficult to do perhaps for the simple reason that you don't have the facts. You don't have the history of that life as perpetrator and it's a good thing. Because many individuals would be paralyzed knowing this, unable to engage in further relationship or understanding; seeing how far off into areas of mistakes and difficulties they were. If that's hard for you to imagine, well, have you ever thought of the dinosaurs and imagined their lives? Well, many of you have had these experiences. Your primitive soul did exist on this planet in the bodies of the dinosaurs and they were here for millions upon millions of years for so many lifetimes of violence, of the tearing of the flesh or the running away from the flesh terrors. In all of this then, all of these powerful emotional energies are with you, too.

We suggest this as a reminder because we have been speaking for a long time about the opportunity to utilize love in order to dissolve karma. Once you begin to recognize that crimes against humanity, crimes for which people are hurting people are those which can have this karmic attribute perhaps then this new energy can be introduced. This new possibility and perhaps you can go with it and take it to a place even deeper and share about this with the idea that your experiences will then be known to others.

June 21, 2017

Monday, March 6, 2017

Karma and Suffering

Hilarion: So then, this question about suffering, why is this allowed at such a powerful level? It is neither allowed nor disallowed. Part of the rule for free will is that you get to choose how you respond. Most of humanity's responses have been to the consequences of humanity's responses. That is, you are continuing the cycle of karma, cause and effect. It is not to say karma is good or bad, not to say there are "Lords," deciding. Simply, cause and effect. But the effect is what you are responding to. As we have described in the past, destiny is confusing. It is as if, then, you understand it at its deepmost level, a sonnet. You write the words, but the rhythm, the specific number of stanzas, the words themselves as they are brought together in the form of it--this is the destiny. This is predetermined.

Your responses, then, to your world would not be, perhaps, seen in a very positive light, now would they? That is, your response to war has been, frequently, more war. Your response to the gathering of power into the hands of a few has frequently been the gathering of that power into the hands of fewer still. The response to starvation, suffering and difficulty has been a minimal effort to assist, followed by waves of energy that usually concentrate in the hands of a few; resulting in more suffering.

This sequence needs to come to light. People need to understand it. This is the positive part as others viewing you, assisting you, as your own consciousness and looking at things, chooses earth. Not because the suffering has decreased, but because the education has increased--more knowledge, more awareness, less ignorance, more clarification. This is very clear and obvious across your entire planet.

It is a simple thing to see. It is a trend. It is not enough to stop the suffering. Yet, will it be successful? That depends. You already have within you, built up powerfully as a result of the suffering, one key intrinsic feature into your nature: The ability to love, the ability to love deeply, to know it on some level, that you feel it. Not just sense it or become aware of it--that is enough in itself--but you really feel it. This is beautiful. It is, of course, troublesome if such is used to distract you, which is one of the key elements of advertising, television, and many things that reuse that love aspect to pull you away from what you are here to do with that love aspect. But, as that may be so, still, it exaggerates it or strengthens it so that you know its value, and that is good.

Ultimately, though, you will have the choice to combine love and knowledge, to take what you have been educated in through your experiences on earth, in how you understand the needlessness of suffering; how you understand it at its core and choose then with what you know about what is possible by using technology, using simple means to care for others, using the spreading of more education, using whatever it takes from what you have learned to change it. That is a possible response, and it is the only response that is allowed in the sonnet as it is created. The simple reason is that never in other times has such an equal balance of love and knowledge been allowed into being as powerfully as is now occurring on earth.

Not that it hasn't been tried. Each time it was, for the most part, various disasters resulted; explosion of the planet, nuclear war, pollution to the level that the planet had to be abandoned, or other means by which the thoughtforms were sufficiently reduced that only planetary transmigration was a viable option. That means that the souls in the time between lives (intermissive, that is the definition of the time between lives) decide, "It ain't worth it anymore." They don't come to Earth, they go somewhere else. You've done this, too. In fact, under many situations and circumstances, those planets that were destroyed were planets that you were on.

In many cases, you assisted in the observation or learning about the process. In other processes, you came to understand this larger picture and saw that here on Earth, it was going to be tried again, but this time would be something a little different. There would be the manifestation on your planet;  death. The body would give out and in the time between lives, a powerful emotional force could be placed so strongly into the soul lifetime after lifetime, and more specifically intermissive period after intermissive period, that in each subsequent lifetime, though the human being would not recall the specifics, they would feel the emotion. They would know that love.

How they would use that, how they would use that to draw together consciousness, how they would use that to make the world a better place--to coin a much overused euphemism--would be the choice, the response, the words of the sonnet that the individuals could write. A difficult choice. But if you think about it from the point of free will, in which the soul, having known this powerful merging of the knowledge and the love, of the clarification and the consolation, of the aspects at the deepest level to the soul of coming to a vibration that related not so much to the self or to the planet as the solution--for after all, you don't look to Earth for your solutions, nor do you look to yourselves. You look to each other. That this would bring a sort of togetherness, a, you might call it, etheric bonding. It is a very beautiful sort of energy that is possible. It is what is so interesting, so attractive, so beautiful about Earth, and why so many beings on so many levels, physical and nonphysical are interested in what's happening in this place in this next period of time.

The exact period has been described by some prophets. That's a business that has really been through a lot of changes lately. Indeed, as the expression goes, "those who use crystal balls are bound to eat glass." But you are sure to find in your discoveries of these awakenings that you are to contribute to this more and more with each passing day. For this reason it appears that a 17 year period is now being opened to you on many levels. Some of these energies to come at different points in this evolution. But it is useful to recognize that a very powerful bringing-together of energies somewhere around 2013 (perhaps as early as 2011, but most likely around 2013) appears to chart many of the courses under which your planet will respond, and the responses will be those which affect many, not just on your planet but many parts of the galaxy.

These are energies that have to do with the changing of the very nature of time and space, so the being that you will be in 2013 is loving you, communicating with you now in this moment. He or she is sending energies that will influence how this will unfold. One of these key influences must be to shift you out of the "doingness," as the answer--a tricky proposition when all around you on your planet this is emphasized. It has been called the male aspect of being. It is the female aspect that in some ways, then, gives birth, opens the beingness. But, that "doingness," clearly is done as much by women as men. Yet, at the same time it is that which men have learned to respond to most singularly. That is, you want the guy to talk to you, and all he wants is to do something. This specific response must be understood at its core, that in some ways men realize how they have messed up your planet, and they're sort of stuck in that. So, for many reasons, then, women are the ones that many will look to for the new answers, for the new ways of seeing, but most importantly, [for] the return to beingness.

This is a challenge on many levels, no matter who you are. Right now, (1999) those who are most challenged, and we do mean right now, not so much looking into the millennium, year 2000, or any of that, but this very moment, those particularly challenged by this are the animal forms on your planet. These beautiful beings in this moment of darkness, in the time of Winter Solstice, struggle at times to understand what will happen next. They do feel and know the cycles, but this is often the time in which there is maximum shortage of food, maximum difficulty in understanding what will happen next, and the shortages and difficulties become most troublesome.

This is, of course, compounded by humanity's fear, humanity's negative thoughtforms, and humanity's struggle. So, for a moment, we would ask you to reverse this trend. Go to the place of beingness in which you know a bit of your animal nature. Pick an animal as your friend. It could be one you are intimately familiar with--sometimes called an animal totem or animal guide--or one you are not. But send some energy and some love to that being. Let that one approach you, merge with you, be you for a moment, so that you might share with that being the idea that there is light ahead, that you have been through these cycles many, many times. That you know that though there are changes afoot, still, you treasure, welcome, and learn, from the nature of the animal self; the part of you that is like that beast. But, the part that appreciates the beast on its own. You see this as a fellow traveler on your planet, and a beautiful symbol or representative of the diversity on your planet.

So then for a moment, open to all of the guides of that animal to pour through you, for the nonphysical side of this to move through you as a physical, yet also nonphysical, intermediary into the physical form of the animal. So, now for a moment the deer on your planet are nurtured, the eagles are soothed, the dolphins are spoken to, the whales are praised and known, the squid are told that they belong here, too, the insects are able to know their place, the lions to know how they reflect and know the others and on and on through all the beings that co-inhabit this planet with you. Each knows that they have a contribution to make, and that that contribution comes at an instinctual level, at a level of inner knowledge.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Karma of Suicide

Hilarion: The question of suicide is a complex one. Generally speaking, the suicide is taking his own life in order to end the pain of existence-or at least what he perceives as pain. Usually, this is emotional or mental pain, rather than physical. When the life has been cast away for such a selfish reason, the law requires that the post-life experiences be somewhat more limited than is usually the case, and generally, the soul is allowed less options in determining the nature and circumstances of the next incarnation.

Also, there is an unavoidable requirement for the soul that has taken its own life while in incarnation, to be presented with precisely the same test in the next life, i.e. the same temptation to commit suicide. In the next life, that temptation will be even stronger, and the forces impelling him to take his own life will be even more difficult to resist. At the same time, the incarnated personality who must endure this harder test will also be given more support, with which to fight the temptation, which usually means being on the receiving end of more love and support during the childhood phase.

The idea that such souls go into a kind of limbo has some validity, but it must be realized that always such limbo experiences are of the personality's own making. The experience of being in a fog without anything substantial around one arises simply from the expectations of the individual that, after death, there will be nothing. Since the astral realms always conform themselves to the mental expectations, the person will be presented with exactly what he expects: nothing.

In time, since the individual is in his astral body, which he can feel, he will ultimately realize he must in fact be existing. When this happens, he can be contacted by rescuers who specialize in such work, and be coaxed out of his self-imposed fog or limbo. If only the person had realized before death that he would survive the killing of the body, such a limbo state would not arise. And in all probability, the person would not have taken his own life. Most suicides believe that death is the end of consciousness, and it is this obliteration which they are seeking in their desperate act.

 "More Answers," by Hilarion/ Maurice Cook

Friday, February 24, 2017

Has Tesla or Einstein Reincarnated On Earth?

Can Hilarion talk about the Tesla coil Violet Ray used with noble gases and what is it used for? Has Tesla returned to the earth? Has Einstein? How long will it be before we might be aware of this?

Hilarion: These beings are what Waldo Viera calls, "Homo Sapiens Serenissimus." In their last aspect of nonphysical incarnation, likely not to incarnate; although they may choose to do so perhaps for a brief time where some assistance is necessary. But, indeed having taken on their spiritual lessons, having served humanity they are ready to move on. As such, they will likely continue to influence and assist but in a much more generalized way and indeed may indeed help others with their transformation as they also move on.

The Violet Ray energy is primarily excitation of inert gas Argon and it is simply one of many ways in which these inert gases can be stimulated to provide various beneficial and helpful healing energies. These have been studied for a long time particularly because in the Violet Ray technique stimulation is done through glass and thus one has the effect of being able to see these and fascinated with the effects that the plasmas generated can help.

However, we see that by the level of effectiveness and the time, trouble and difficulty that it takes, magnetic field, stimulation of inert gases, though not as dramatic, is that which is more effective, efficient, and easier to reproduce.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The End of Karma?

Hilarion: There are those who have predicted the end of karma (in 2012) and even others who have asked about it. That would be as if saying that some natural law is going to stop, that somehow cause and effect will no longer be connected. That of course is not going to happen. But, a greater understanding of how karma in the sense of that which remains as that which must be played out, that the only way the cause can ultimately relate itself is through a manifestation of the effect in your life. This is changed.

Indeed, it was a great powerful message of the wayshower in ancient times that this energy is shared and understood and released by love. As you love deeply, the karmic aspects that would require you to balance are dissolved. Those energies which can shift are clearer and able to be changed. For some individuals what this means is they refuse. They will not make a trust, understanding or capacity to love that deep in their lives.

The opportunity to look at this issue, to more deeply access it in your day-to-day life, to bring into your consciousness this possibility that you really could end karma in that sense for you personally. This is the deeper meaning that we see associated with this powerful change point around the December period mentioned. (2012) But again, you must always ask the simple question every time any future event that has a positive quality associated with it, "Why wait?"

Indeed, right now is there someone you could love more deeply? Someone you could bring into your heart more powerfully? Some energy of love that you could manifest within you that you could transfer somewhere in the world simply for the purpose: forgiveness. Letting go of the karma, allowing, loving, seeing the possibility and letting it go.

In this way of understanding it, the secondary aspect has greater and greater power as you get closer and closer to that time period. It is as if a powerful burst of a cosmic light, a powerful energy from that place, not an energy that is physical. But, a nonphysical energy that pours back through time and from that point also forward in time that is saying to you, you can love more, you can have a sense of greater compassion, forgiveness, letting go. You can find the heart of the matter and speak to it. Allow that forgiveness in your heart to be shared with others and you don't have to wait. That would perhaps be a little more esoteric interpretation than the questioner had asked for.

Of course, there will be those who will recognize that the prediction of that which is a major transformation for all of humanity for instance, to become nonphysical is probably not in humanity's best interest. But, in the collective consciousness, at such a time, such a tremendous opportunity to know what is in humanity's best interest? What is this all about and again to anyone who would make any prediction about what would be available at that time particularly that which you would describe as positive, why wait? Why not take that on right now?

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Victim-Perpetrator Cycle

Lori: I know someone who has a very strong desire to visit the house of Anne Frank. What is her connection to this?

Hilarion: Oh, yes. Not just to much that occurred in that time period. She had opportunity to work with others by rescuing and helping and sometimes refused out of fear. It is a sort of re-creation of those energies. Visiting some of the places connected with the Nazi Regime will be a profound and helpful experience to her but it was much more than that. After all, when you are involved in that energy there is a karmic sequence and indeed in World War I she died, but on the other side as a German defending the Reich to the homeland, to protect and to work with others in ways that they could be made safe. To see this flip-flop lifetime after lifetime is very important. One of the things she came to work with this time around is to have this sense of deeper forgiveness, an awareness of a positive, loving light that could be very helpful.  She will experience it in many different ways for most of her life and it is hoped will finally come to a place of deep understanding about this. 

Any extreme indicates the powerful karma to the opposite extreme. It doesn't matter what it is, it is the blending of the Law of Opposite Expression with the Law of Karma and then what you recognize is anyone who has great sympathy or connection to a victim, or of course feels victim themselves, then has had sympathy or powerful connection to perpetrator or was perpetrator themselves. Understanding this ultimately gives rise to its end. That is a way in which the forgiveness is complete and there is no need to continue the cycle, this is a difficult thing for many people to understand when they are experiencing it within their generation.

So, what you are seeing now is a skipping of a generation. It would be her Great Grand parents and therefore the balancing can then come now. Not just through the genetic lineage or understanding the energies of the world, but in the heart of those who were involved in these processes.

For her, one of the most difficult times occurred in 1944 when she was confronted with the opportunity to help a fleeing family or find that the price to this was tremendous, the death of loved ones to her, and she chose that this family would be taken away. What she never came to understand about this, and one of the reasons that it still remains, is that most of the members of that family, save one, escaped. The result of this was that they did have a deeper understanding in themselves because they also had experienced in the past as perpetrator of great struggle and difficulty, all the way back to World War I as well.

One must therefore recognize the perspective in this for oneself emotionally. A sense of forgiveness, or love, many people have experienced this visiting Auschwitz-Birkenau or any of these places that are known historically as very scary or horrible places. Because what they find when they visit them today is a very different experience, a sense of peace, or quiet, an energy there that is deep below the surface, that is asking for forgiveness, for positive, uplifting, swirling light.

Many, many people going there have a deep understanding of this and have projected a healing light. It has been uplifting, angelic and helpful to the souls that are still trapped there. But the point is to go now in this generation beyond the balancing, to the place in which that deeper peace can be established within the soul for self forgiveness, not so much for the acceptance and light for the others but for yourself.

Hilarion : There are several factors at work here, but most important of these, is the aspect of the nature of the principle of Karma, which is Cause-&-Effect. This is rarely properly understood, when one is so deep in the emotion of the situation. Yet, when you step back and note the Law of Karma, how it tends to work, you'll recognize that wherever there is a difficulty, it has been deliberately selected by your soul, by your consciousness. It is that which releases by balancing, and that which typically balances in a similar manner, though typically in the opposite direction to how the karma originated.

Thus, wherever there is a victim, there is a perpetrator. If you look at this subjectively, from the point of view of looking at other people, how they have worked in the world and what they work with, it is easy to grasp this because you do not then have the deeper emotional connection getting in the way.

But, you must recognize therefore, that in every situation where you see yourself as a victim, you are a perpetrator. If you take out the karmic aspects that links it only to time, as if to say once you were a perpetrator, then it is a little bit easier to get a handle on it now. Because of course, the individual that you are working with, is the one who is most capable of balancing this karma as rapidly as possible.