Wednesday, August 31, 2016

My Biggest Conundrum Regarding Karma

Lori:'s my big conundrum regarding karma. I have quite a bit of information that is very negative; karma of a beheading, karma of Korea and issues of that nature. I don't feel like there's any gain from sharing that information as opposed to something like GMO’s, which is clearly something still causing many health problems and it's a problem we can change.  So, I'm wondering from a karmic standpoint, I don’t want to gain fame for myself based on something so negative. I don't care how many followers I have on Twitter. But, if we don't look at the root cause of our problems clearly we are destined to repeat them.

Hilarion: Indeed. This is good intuition because what would of course happen, because what fame is about is attraction of others to you and the kind of people that would be attracted to you would be those who would have such a negative characteristic, “tell us the next gloom and doom,” etc. The fear and such an energy, this is a type of self-fulfilling prophecy.

So, you might imagine asking this question of Nostradamus, who then took his words and hid them. Putting them in verse, putting them in the quatrains, putting them in various ways in which people as they would investigate this might uncover this. In his time, some of the things that you would perceive as negative were not seen so. So, creating them was easy. He could see how they would affect the lives of people so many years in the future and ways in which all of this could be connected to something they could see; the lives of the various popes. So you see this as a possible solution. It is not a great solution because you are obviously creating a mystery when no mystery is present. But, it does allow you an opportunity to rethink this.

You are quite correct when you're looking at all of the issues of sharing information that go beyond the physical and yet if you keep holding that question you will find a great deal of help arrives for this. For instance, if you ask then knowing this, what could I do to improve the situation? This isn't necessarily to avert the prophecy as you saw it, unless that would be for the highest possible good. But, it could be for the way in which other people’s suffering might have some benefit from it or learn from it. Those can be the activities that you then make a prognostication about or suggestions towards that or encourage or as is often the simplest; ask questions; deep penetrating questions so that others in discovering the answers will then know the right thing to do.

You see examples of this of course, in the work that we have already brought into the world. Where we would do such things as encouraging people to form community, knowing that the very difficult economic times that have been on your planet for a few years now and seem to just keep getting worse and worse will have their solutions in the ways in which communities, people interacting and learning from each other, can support, take care of each other and help each other survive. So, did we need to make a prediction that this terrible dire circumstance would occur or that one, or encourage people to look at the solutions? You might say that sometimes this is the weaker because people may not pay so much attention but they will be frequently then shown this from many other ways, other sources and will again recall some of that which was planted in the unconscious only to blossom forth again.

This is one possible solution. It also has the benefit as it teaches you, it makes you learn, it helps you grow in your capacity as a leader, as someone who acts to assist others and to do more than to speak of the matter, share the information, share the intuition or make the prediction. Those who have gone very far out with some of their negative predictions and found that they were indeed quite successful, accurate and so on have drawn to them all kinds of people with a great deal of fear and difficulty. 

Typically, they find that suddenly their predictions are wrong and this is often to save them, to help them so that indeed that path that they went down that was so difficult, bringing such negativity into their lives could stop. This is a hard way to be and often involves quite a bit of emotion as there can be quite a bit of shame or difficulty with what you predicted didn't come forth and so on. Sometimes, it is the only path available when someone has sufficient karma to be able to withstand such criticism and difficulty.

Beyond that, it is a difficult matter for one other reason: the intuition of the future is there for everyone. You're attuning to it a little bit more, to bring it into consciousness, to help people perhaps understand it better but they are receiving it, too. They may not receive it as consciously and powerfully. It's not as if  though this is in any way shielded. It is simply the available energy of the universe. As people tune into it and tap into it into their different ways they work with it in all different contexts and all different methods.

But, what that means is those energies will be recognized. People will have a sense of familiarity, they will be aware of this so if you having a clearer awareness of what is possible of these energies of the future and so on can be more helpful as a leader, as a guide, as someone to show them what to do in working with this, they are inspired. As their ideas begin to come in a little stronger, a little more well-shaped they will not be made afraid of them. They will instead have an action, they will take a step forward, they will do something that will be valuable and useful. In other words, you have acted as a sort of example, a wayshower as to what to do as these energies show up. You can see this is happening more and more.

As these energies on your planet and the vibrations increase, people become more and more aware of their possible futures, of these ways in which things can befall the planet, or other people can be involved, be they negative or positive, what are they to do with them? So, it's your personal issue, but as you solve it, the greater important energy is what others can learn from that experience.