Hilarion: In a more difficult period, the Middle Ages, this was a big problem for society all throughout Europe. Indeed in some books such as the Alphabet and the Goddess, various historical explorations of the Middle Ages, deeper insight and understanding and awareness into the witch trials, one begins to have a better glimpse of the nature of this. One of the aspects that truly worsened it was the enhanced communication. Initially just through verbal and through song, later through the press as people began to share information about what they believed were witches.
Of course at that time, the church was heavily involved in this, utilizing fear of witchcraft as an excellent way to gain power over many church members. It became all pervasive. Almost something you would be aware of at all times in your consciousness. There are many similar things that are occurring in your world today; the very nature of automobile traffic in having to confront it and deal with it every day of your life and all that it represents, the profound implications it has for pollution, for various commercials on television, even if one doesn’t own, drive or work with cars. It is having a profound influence on your planet. It is in some way comparable because automobile accidents are a leading cause of death, hence the whole fear relationship.
At the same time there was an undercurrent of fear about being discovered not necessarily as a witch but being one who helped others who were then eventually discovered and this did occur for you. Indeed you had several instances where you were accused of aiding and abetting others who were ultimately found out to be witches. This was a profound shock to you, because after all you knew them simply as friends. As people who could be trusted, who could be seen as valuable.
As a woman in those lifetimes there was one point of view on this, but as a man, you had the most difficulty. You were not likely to be accused of being a witch yourself. There were few men accused of this. But, many times you were imprisoned, given various tasks that were quite odious, various responsibilities that involved harm to others and other matters that were clearly unrelated to the actual practice of witchcraft and around the nature of having to take a stand, be in a position to be seen, to be heard to do the right thing. Many times it was clear that if you took the choice of doing what you would now know is the right thing, you would be killed.
In order to survive you had to be in a position along with the majority against somebody who might have been at some stage been your friend, or been a person who you respected or at least you knew who couldn’t possibly be connected to the devil.
As you began to understand those energies better you were then clearly placed in a great deal of conflict. After all, you could not easily reject society and still be within it? As a result, the best thing for you was to quiet down. Keep to yourself your ideas, your anger, your indignation, and in the ways in which you could help others, by expressing what you were allowed.
This is a much more difficult aspect of censorship than that which might be experienced for instance in Stalinist Russia or Communist China or monarchies in ancient times where anyone who spoke against the king would be killed because this was all pervasive. You never wanted to be accused of being a witch or aiding and abetting a witch yourself. The result of this was an all-pervasive guilt energy.
For several lifetimes after this you found ways of releasing guilt. Finding energies in which that guilt would be then somehow purified, brought to a place of pure shame, you could feel it, without the message that you had done something wrong and release it. This has been an important effort as a result of the wars, revolutions and other aspects of society that have come along since the time of the witch hunts.
The result of this is that it is not so much a matter of guilt. It is rather the whole idea that self-expression at some level is dangerous. That being clear about who you are is somehow punishable. And worse a way in which that clarity could produce punishment for those you love and care for, or punishment in ways that was quite unexpected.
In working out some of those issues, what you eventually come to is that any judgment is always a self-judgment. Your realization of this at various junctures was not clear in those lifetimes in the middle-ages where this was a profound impact, later though, you realized this over and over. That principle, a re-instatement of the law of reflection in a very practical sense is quite valuable now. And will always be seen as traceable to underlying emotional underpinnings that hold those aspects in place, those aspects of denial or guilt or difficulty that an individual has in confronting those judgments or issues they have on others.
This therefore was why your soul chose such a path. That, yes there would be a price to pay in regards to the soul’s self-expression, but the benefit to this is that when you were clear on this, when you had learned enough, when you had overcome so strongly any hesitancy about sharing the information, you would then have the sense, a sort of self-filtering that it was the right thing to do. You would only go forward with it because you knew it so powerfully.
Now, of course as you can imagine an energy of this nature has many echoes. You were in positions of power to harm others, to do things you might regret, various ways of self- censorship, self-judgment, etc.
But, it is as if where this really came to a head to be cleared and not just by you, but by many people at that time was around this issue of witchcraft because after all what does it mean to be a witch? At its core meaning it is about that which is unknown; that which is not understood. And therefore must be categorized good or bad, God or devil.
It was the desire to be so clear-cut that was being played upon by the church and the way in which that energy could be seen and understood by people was always through the eyes of others, through those in positions of authority, the church, the government and so on. Gradually, though with more maturity all of this has given way to scientific investigation a deeper understanding of factual matters and so on.
Yet, the mysticism, the unknown, the aspects that cannot be explained by science, still remains. And it is this which continues to draw your attention. Areas for instance as reincarnation itself, that which is not easily explained or understood unless one has a much larger view on all things. And again from the perspective of the doorway lifetime, the larger view is that which you had in Atlantis, had as awareness and as a need to reduce such a view in subsequent lifetimes.
It was therefore also from that time period that you gave yourself some of the inner permission to speak from the heart. That would not be an accurate transposition into the Atlantean times heart because the heart was not understood as it is today. It is generally a good translation as to how it is known in today’s understanding and it is that place which you are reminded to speak from in some ways to compensate or to balance all of those who suffered or struggled with their inability to speak their own truth and that truth to be accepted by others.
For instance, if a child was suffering and a woman would put her hands on the child and produce a loving and healing energy, the child would survive. The healing was accepted and useful and was indeed seen as valuable, but she would be accused of witchcraft. She might be put to death for what she had done. You saw that the ends did justify the means. You could not fathom why people would do this. The fear and the energy associated with this lodged within you as a question. You were not able to answer it in that lifetime but you have been looking at it in different ways ever since.
Old habits die hard.
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