Q. What is the spiritual attitude toward divorce? If one is divorced, what can be done to reduce the karmic effects?
Hilarion: Divorce is merely the sundering of a relationship. Every relationship is fated to be sundered at some point in time, even if this is by the death of one partner after many happy years. Thus, from a karmic point of view, divorce as a fact is neither good nor bad. What produces karma of a negative kind is a bringing of mental, emotional or physical pain to another being, whether this is done through the process of divorce has little to do with the degree or nature of the karma.
As to the best attitude, it is this: The souls of men were meant in this phase of humanity's development to come together in pairs, male and female, in order to allow each other to grow through interaction with the other. When this growth becomes repressed or halted due to the interaction between the couple, then it may be better, from the point of view of spiritual expansion and learning, to separate the two souls.
On the other hand, the learning might be best accomplished by having both souls stick together despite the problems, so that they may seek a common solution. Normally, the souls decide whether the experience is to be continued or not. For the conscious mind of the person involved, the best approach is to seek always to make the burdens of the other lighter, even in the midst of the pain of separation, for this will ensure that the karmic burden generated by the difficulties is minimized.
But even here, a word of caution is in order, for those who treat others kindly merely for the selfish reason of minimizing their karma are not really learning kindness from the heart. All acts of goodwill should be done for their own sake and never from any personal motive.
"Answers," by Hilarion/ Maurice Cooke
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Karma of Anorexia
Please comment on anorexia nervosa. Why is it so widespread at the present time and why does it seem to affect mainly young females? (This condition is marked by loss of appetite, serious drop in weight, and often an obsession with exercise).
Hilarion: The condition of Anorexia Nervosa is a direct result of a past life in which food was over-emphasized and illness resulted from over-eating. The previous life of gluttony would usually have caused marked obesity and complications arising from the over-weight would normally have led to death at a relatively young age. Very often a soul learns the most by contemplating the manner and cause of its death in a life just ended, and in the case in question a very clear connection would have been made by the soul between the gluttony and the loss of the physical body through death.
This would have been all the more traumatic in view of the attachment to physical pleasure which the glutton exhibits. Hence, the soul would view over-eating as having a lethal aspect and this concept would have been brought into the present life at the subconscious level.
A triggering experience is required in order to raise the subconscious memory to the conscious level. This comes about typically as a confrontation with someone who is obese and quite ill. The convergence of these two factors (illness and obesity) awakens the slumbering memory of the past gluttonous life and its untimely end, and the individual may react, or rather over-react, by embarking upon a drastic weight-reduction program -even where there is no obesity to begin with-often coupled with an obsession regarding exercise.
The reason why this condition is noted almost exclusively with young females is related to the access which women have to their subconscious memories, and to the emphasis which modern society places on slimness for women, particularly in advertising. It is hardly possibly for a young woman to avoid the idea that a slim figure is a must, and when the triggering confrontation is encountered, the combination is sometimes enough to initiate the obsession in question.
***From the book "More Answers," by Hilarion/ Maurice Cooke
Hilarion: The condition of Anorexia Nervosa is a direct result of a past life in which food was over-emphasized and illness resulted from over-eating. The previous life of gluttony would usually have caused marked obesity and complications arising from the over-weight would normally have led to death at a relatively young age. Very often a soul learns the most by contemplating the manner and cause of its death in a life just ended, and in the case in question a very clear connection would have been made by the soul between the gluttony and the loss of the physical body through death.
This would have been all the more traumatic in view of the attachment to physical pleasure which the glutton exhibits. Hence, the soul would view over-eating as having a lethal aspect and this concept would have been brought into the present life at the subconscious level.
A triggering experience is required in order to raise the subconscious memory to the conscious level. This comes about typically as a confrontation with someone who is obese and quite ill. The convergence of these two factors (illness and obesity) awakens the slumbering memory of the past gluttonous life and its untimely end, and the individual may react, or rather over-react, by embarking upon a drastic weight-reduction program -even where there is no obesity to begin with-often coupled with an obsession regarding exercise.
The reason why this condition is noted almost exclusively with young females is related to the access which women have to their subconscious memories, and to the emphasis which modern society places on slimness for women, particularly in advertising. It is hardly possibly for a young woman to avoid the idea that a slim figure is a must, and when the triggering confrontation is encountered, the combination is sometimes enough to initiate the obsession in question.
***From the book "More Answers," by Hilarion/ Maurice Cooke
Karma of Asthma
Q. Are there any particular life lessons to be learned through the asthmatic condition? Can it be alleviated?
Hilarion: The physical affliction known as asthma is a karmic flow in the aetheric body which from time to time interferes with the physical breathing apparatus. The trigger for the asthma attack can be emotional or it can be due to particles of a certain kind in the air. However, the nature of the triggering influence has little directly to do with what is being learned by the asthmatic through undergoing this condition.
Asthma derives from misuse of energy. There are many souls who have been given access to considerable power and energy in past incarnations, but who have misused it for personal gain, or to bring pain to others. Whenever this occurs, an automatic flaw in the aetheric pattern for the body arises, and this brings the weakness about. Thus, through the operation of this automatic process, the victim of asthma is deprived from time to time of access to air (oxygen) and without this access he is rendered weak and sometimes totally incapacitated. This condition is meant to to remind him, at the level of his higher self, that he yet must work out the problem of the right use of energy. Also, of course, the deprivation of energy is the karmic repayment for having misused energy in the past.
***From the book, "More Answers," by Hilarion/ Maurice Cooke
Karma of Asthma
Karma of Human Gene Editing
Q. The International Summit on Human Gene Editing wrapped up this week in Washington with scientists from all over the world debating where to draw the line on human DNA editing, changing our DNA so that we can never get certain diseases like leukemia. Is this discovery like genetically modifying our foods a helpful discovery to human well-being? What is the wisdom of this possible action with the human genome?
Hilarion: Long-term, we see this will eventually lead no matter which decision is made, which direction it goes and so on, in the direction we have just spoken of. Where it overturns this disease hypothesis and eventually a deeper understanding by applying the scientific method to it will show up. In the meantime, there will be much more understanding about this and many areas that don't fit together and can only be explained by a larger hypothesis.
In the short-term as these things are developed it is going to create all kinds of problems. As we have spoken about before, the karma associated with this relates to experiments of similar nature, though done for different reasons. In ancient Atlantis when animals and humans were interbred and various genetic manipulations as a result were those which gave rise to a great deal of suffering, pain and difficulty. Some of the same individuals are involved in this to clear their karma, or understand it in a new way and for this your understanding of this can be helpful. As you send them a sense of forgiveness or love or a way in which they can better understand this for themselves.
But, it is very unlikely given the importance of overturning these aspects of the disease model that guides and helpers or the collective consciousness are going to allow any such scientist to get a new job, to give it up, to go in an entirely different direction. It will be continued looking into this by many. Now, there are obvious problems with this in working out various ways in which genetics has profound effects on plant life and ways in which it has provided profit for those corporations involved in gene manipulation. There will be a continued push in such direction. But, is this a problem of genetic manipulation or of profit? As long as there is the sense of scarcity or those who need power over others then of course further opportunity to exploit even impure science, science with only some successes and not others, as long as it makes money will continue.
So, our judgment on it or yours has little effect on such individuals. But, what does have effect is when you ask the deeper question, when you're willing to ask the right question for yourself. Perhaps this adds an energy, a vibration, so that others ask and here we would call on Dr. Phil to ask the geneticist, “how is it working for you?” Because in this way they recognize that it may perhaps bring profit it may also bring great pain, great struggle, great difficulty and in some cases side effects and unforeseen consequences that bring them back to re-examine the underlying theories of disease themselves.
hilarion.com Winter 2015
Hilarion: Long-term, we see this will eventually lead no matter which decision is made, which direction it goes and so on, in the direction we have just spoken of. Where it overturns this disease hypothesis and eventually a deeper understanding by applying the scientific method to it will show up. In the meantime, there will be much more understanding about this and many areas that don't fit together and can only be explained by a larger hypothesis.
In the short-term as these things are developed it is going to create all kinds of problems. As we have spoken about before, the karma associated with this relates to experiments of similar nature, though done for different reasons. In ancient Atlantis when animals and humans were interbred and various genetic manipulations as a result were those which gave rise to a great deal of suffering, pain and difficulty. Some of the same individuals are involved in this to clear their karma, or understand it in a new way and for this your understanding of this can be helpful. As you send them a sense of forgiveness or love or a way in which they can better understand this for themselves.
But, it is very unlikely given the importance of overturning these aspects of the disease model that guides and helpers or the collective consciousness are going to allow any such scientist to get a new job, to give it up, to go in an entirely different direction. It will be continued looking into this by many. Now, there are obvious problems with this in working out various ways in which genetics has profound effects on plant life and ways in which it has provided profit for those corporations involved in gene manipulation. There will be a continued push in such direction. But, is this a problem of genetic manipulation or of profit? As long as there is the sense of scarcity or those who need power over others then of course further opportunity to exploit even impure science, science with only some successes and not others, as long as it makes money will continue.
So, our judgment on it or yours has little effect on such individuals. But, what does have effect is when you ask the deeper question, when you're willing to ask the right question for yourself. Perhaps this adds an energy, a vibration, so that others ask and here we would call on Dr. Phil to ask the geneticist, “how is it working for you?” Because in this way they recognize that it may perhaps bring profit it may also bring great pain, great struggle, great difficulty and in some cases side effects and unforeseen consequences that bring them back to re-examine the underlying theories of disease themselves.
hilarion.com Winter 2015
Friday, May 20, 2016
Karma by Hilarion
Could you please give a definition of what you mean when you use the word "karma?"
Hilarion: The question which has been asked about karma has largely assumed karma to be negative karma, that is, karma which results from actions taken which were against the Creators Laws. (Most people think of karma in this way). This is the reason why we have also taken the same point of view in our books. More broadly, however, karma simply means the law of cause and effect and where the actions taken by an individual are nurturing and supportive of others, so the karma which is accumulated is of the same vibration and comes back to lighten the life and the lives which that individual will be living subsequently.
Turning to the negative kind of karma, we may explain by saying that every action which a human being undertakes is in a sense, always with that individual as if it were adhered to him. As such, if these actions were negative, if they resulted in pain or distress to another creature of any kind, they act as a literal hindrance for the harming soul, for it is literally a burden which the soul carries about. In order to cut away from the soul that negative or dark complex which resulted from the action, it is necessary normally for the soul to pass through an equivalent episode of pain or difficulty. If that can be brought about in the same life or a subsequent one, then the negative karmic consequences of the original act can be removed.
** From the book, "More Answers," by Hilarion/ Maurice Cooke
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Karma of Suppressing Information Regarding Climate Change
Lori: What is the karma of people who suppress information regarding climate change?
Hilarion: The question about karma, those who would deny that this is the tendency that the earth is going towards; We see that these are primarily in two camps. There are a few, and this is actually surprising to many of you. There are very, very few who truly do not believe that this is taking place. Many who claim that this is not taking place know that it is and indeed do make such claims simply so they can gain political power so they don’t have to deal with the issues, so that they can hold a position in which others will vote for them and so on and so forth.
This will come out more and more over the next coming months as various internal memos related specifically to Exxon Mobil become available to the public showing of how they knew of all of the problems that fossil fuels would bring. At the same time as they continue to promote those polices that maintained them in the face of objections to all aspects of global warming. But, these and other tiny examples will eventually give rise to what you recognize as a greater truth and that has to do with the willingness of humanity to hold an evolutionary goal that is larger.
This is the real nature of the karma of those associated with climate denial. They themselves are unwilling to embrace their own evolution. They have foreseen what is possible. A giving up of some aspect of their own individuality perhaps. Some struggle to gain some position of greater power but, it is their sense that there is scarcity and that they will perish here so their sense of their commitment is to do the best they can in the little bit of time remaining here and so on.
All of this of course, derives from those who have been convinced very powerfully in a past life that they could not make progress; that they were at the bottom of the rung of the ladder of economic, political, social outcasts or whatever. Many such individuals then have a great deal of difficulty accepting that there is significant opportunity for abundance and at the same time helping and loving each other on your planet.
Karma however must always be seen in the correct context and that is the one we have been speaking about. Guides have been helping with energies which have been working through so many levels. Because, simply trying to balance karma by doing right when you did wrong before is not very successful. It takes a long time and you tend to overdo it one direction or the other and it just continues on and on. Instead, focus on forgiveness, love, and understanding. Having some sense of this in yourself, then projected to others and then by encouraging and welcoming them to find it in themselves. In other words, dissolving karma by love.
Hilarion: The question about karma, those who would deny that this is the tendency that the earth is going towards; We see that these are primarily in two camps. There are a few, and this is actually surprising to many of you. There are very, very few who truly do not believe that this is taking place. Many who claim that this is not taking place know that it is and indeed do make such claims simply so they can gain political power so they don’t have to deal with the issues, so that they can hold a position in which others will vote for them and so on and so forth.
This will come out more and more over the next coming months as various internal memos related specifically to Exxon Mobil become available to the public showing of how they knew of all of the problems that fossil fuels would bring. At the same time as they continue to promote those polices that maintained them in the face of objections to all aspects of global warming. But, these and other tiny examples will eventually give rise to what you recognize as a greater truth and that has to do with the willingness of humanity to hold an evolutionary goal that is larger.
This is the real nature of the karma of those associated with climate denial. They themselves are unwilling to embrace their own evolution. They have foreseen what is possible. A giving up of some aspect of their own individuality perhaps. Some struggle to gain some position of greater power but, it is their sense that there is scarcity and that they will perish here so their sense of their commitment is to do the best they can in the little bit of time remaining here and so on.
All of this of course, derives from those who have been convinced very powerfully in a past life that they could not make progress; that they were at the bottom of the rung of the ladder of economic, political, social outcasts or whatever. Many such individuals then have a great deal of difficulty accepting that there is significant opportunity for abundance and at the same time helping and loving each other on your planet.
Karma however must always be seen in the correct context and that is the one we have been speaking about. Guides have been helping with energies which have been working through so many levels. Because, simply trying to balance karma by doing right when you did wrong before is not very successful. It takes a long time and you tend to overdo it one direction or the other and it just continues on and on. Instead, focus on forgiveness, love, and understanding. Having some sense of this in yourself, then projected to others and then by encouraging and welcoming them to find it in themselves. In other words, dissolving karma by love.
Friday, May 13, 2016
How Many Lifetimes Have I Lived?
Hilarion: As a human, in this sequence, we count 927.
Lori: What do you mean by, ”in this sequence?”
Hilarion: Well, you pretty much see yourself as human in these, working with the essential energies of what you understand as your own consciousness and nature. You've had other sequences working as dinosaurs in various incarnations and understanding life from an extraterrestrial viewpoint, incarnating as mountain region. Very different sequences, not conscious, aware that you are incarnate in that sense in most of those lifetimes. No sense of this as lifetime as you understand it. Such sequence as birth, death and the view from outside the life in preparation for this life, these sorts of things are common to the 972. Does this clarify?
Lori: So a person doesn't just have 972 lifetimes as a human?
Hilarion: Oh yes, there are all kinds of variations, all different ways in which all of this takes place. But, there tends to be some fairly commonly taken approaches and usually most people will get principal value by remaining in a particular form over and over so humans tending to incarnate as humans occasional off world incarnations only to come right back to this planet. Far more common in most of the individuals who are aware of the nonphysical realms; who are for instance interested in channeling and who might come and ask us for advice or assistance.
Similarly, most focusing on these sorts of everyday aspects of life, spirituality and so on might be less likely to incarnate as animals. Because some of those sequences, though helpful, are principally to instill a sense of deep survival and physicality in those individuals because that is what they needed more than other things so you do see all kinds of variations. But, generally you're going to see that people tend to for the most part work with time in a fairly linear sense.
There are naturally, occasions, these have been written about for instance in the Seth books; where consciousness and souls choose to incarnate in multiple forms or out of time sequence, or to work with energies in various different ways. It is hard when you're in a physical body, so surrounded by linear time, to imagine such things. But, you can pretty much see that is what most people do is work with it in linear time simply because it's easier to understand, easier to receive.
But, it is important not to limit because there is an interactive nature associated with what is the individuality that you call a soul. This interactive nature is very much under change right now. The very souls that you have similar vibration to, those that are sometimes spoken of as being in your soul family, as they increase their vibration and as you increase yours in speed and intensity and the lightbody energies which are available.
That which creates you, defines you as an individual, it changes. The very nature of the soul, it naturally blends and connects to those other aspects that are so similar to it. So you would not see then this so easily defined by as a human life stream for instance or as a particular type of person or place or with goals considering it a sequence and understanding it as an energetic and a vibration really makes more sense. Does this clarify?
Lori: Yes. My lifetime right before this one... was I a woman or a man?
Hilarion: You were a man and you had the opportunity to apprentice with some of the great artists, impressionists and others, perplexed and intrigued at the same time.
Lori: I’m wondering if I shift from a man to a woman frequently? Is it difficult to switch gender? (My viewpoint on this is that the soul is genderless).
Hilarion: Very common for many individuals where a soul path has been helpful to you in learning this. Typically, when you don’t learn very much from a lifetime and some of it may have to do with gender issues, you’ll reincarnate in the same gender to try and work out some of those issues. But, the switching of genders is fairly common because of the benefits it typically gives to the individual. Staying in one gender for a very long time can sometime provide some difficulties as you might imagine in the appreciation and understanding of the opposite gender.
Lori: How many lifetimes have I had as a man? How many lifetimes have I had as a woman? On earth?
Hilarion: About equal would be the best way to look at it.
Lori: My lifetime right before this one. Where exactly was I living? I would like to go visit there.
Hilarion: All throughout France but especially Paris.
(I went to Paris when I was in high school. That's where I had my first deja vu experience. I knew I had been there before. I knew my way around which is very unusual for me considering I have the worst sense of direction).
Lori: What do you mean by, ”in this sequence?”
Hilarion: Well, you pretty much see yourself as human in these, working with the essential energies of what you understand as your own consciousness and nature. You've had other sequences working as dinosaurs in various incarnations and understanding life from an extraterrestrial viewpoint, incarnating as mountain region. Very different sequences, not conscious, aware that you are incarnate in that sense in most of those lifetimes. No sense of this as lifetime as you understand it. Such sequence as birth, death and the view from outside the life in preparation for this life, these sorts of things are common to the 972. Does this clarify?
Lori: So a person doesn't just have 972 lifetimes as a human?
Hilarion: Oh yes, there are all kinds of variations, all different ways in which all of this takes place. But, there tends to be some fairly commonly taken approaches and usually most people will get principal value by remaining in a particular form over and over so humans tending to incarnate as humans occasional off world incarnations only to come right back to this planet. Far more common in most of the individuals who are aware of the nonphysical realms; who are for instance interested in channeling and who might come and ask us for advice or assistance.
Similarly, most focusing on these sorts of everyday aspects of life, spirituality and so on might be less likely to incarnate as animals. Because some of those sequences, though helpful, are principally to instill a sense of deep survival and physicality in those individuals because that is what they needed more than other things so you do see all kinds of variations. But, generally you're going to see that people tend to for the most part work with time in a fairly linear sense.
There are naturally, occasions, these have been written about for instance in the Seth books; where consciousness and souls choose to incarnate in multiple forms or out of time sequence, or to work with energies in various different ways. It is hard when you're in a physical body, so surrounded by linear time, to imagine such things. But, you can pretty much see that is what most people do is work with it in linear time simply because it's easier to understand, easier to receive.
But, it is important not to limit because there is an interactive nature associated with what is the individuality that you call a soul. This interactive nature is very much under change right now. The very souls that you have similar vibration to, those that are sometimes spoken of as being in your soul family, as they increase their vibration and as you increase yours in speed and intensity and the lightbody energies which are available.
That which creates you, defines you as an individual, it changes. The very nature of the soul, it naturally blends and connects to those other aspects that are so similar to it. So you would not see then this so easily defined by as a human life stream for instance or as a particular type of person or place or with goals considering it a sequence and understanding it as an energetic and a vibration really makes more sense. Does this clarify?
Lori: Yes. My lifetime right before this one... was I a woman or a man?
Hilarion: You were a man and you had the opportunity to apprentice with some of the great artists, impressionists and others, perplexed and intrigued at the same time.
Lori: I’m wondering if I shift from a man to a woman frequently? Is it difficult to switch gender? (My viewpoint on this is that the soul is genderless).
Hilarion: Very common for many individuals where a soul path has been helpful to you in learning this. Typically, when you don’t learn very much from a lifetime and some of it may have to do with gender issues, you’ll reincarnate in the same gender to try and work out some of those issues. But, the switching of genders is fairly common because of the benefits it typically gives to the individual. Staying in one gender for a very long time can sometime provide some difficulties as you might imagine in the appreciation and understanding of the opposite gender.
Lori: How many lifetimes have I had as a man? How many lifetimes have I had as a woman? On earth?
Hilarion: About equal would be the best way to look at it.
Lori: My lifetime right before this one. Where exactly was I living? I would like to go visit there.
Hilarion: All throughout France but especially Paris.
(I went to Paris when I was in high school. That's where I had my first deja vu experience. I knew I had been there before. I knew my way around which is very unusual for me considering I have the worst sense of direction).
What Are Some Other Past Lives Affecting Me Today?
Hilarion: Well, it is a very interesting area to explore because what it actually does is it teaches you about your ego. This is the difficult part for most people. You see that the entire process of delving into this brings up, “why?” If you can admit this and understand it and work with it, it can be a powerful doorway into clearing and understanding many aspects of your own ego. The aspects of that what you would call your personality, those things that would help you understand yourself, etc. This is why the temptation is so strong amongst those who give such information to tell you, you were Cleopatra in the last life or a previous life or well, you name it, go down the list of the famous people. Well, how many Cleopatra's can there be?
So, in the way for you to understand this, you have had association with some of the individuals in the past such as Wordsworth, to bring forth new ideas and shift things for people. You have had other associations with several healers, learning from them and their work. But, especially a woman known as Dolores in the Middle Ages in England who influenced many aspects of utilizing herbs and various aspects of the earth, learning of its direct communication and many other things. You were Dolores' assistant working with this and there were times working in this way you were persecuted. It was dangerous to connect to others because you would be branded as a witch. But, you were able to survive most of this and watch friends, loved ones, suffer greatly at the hands of those who tortured and hurt those who they believed to be producing, "the work of the devil."
In Atlantis, an important lifetime that allowed you to learn a great deal about what was humanity's highest potential. During this time period using the name La Ra you found an aspect of silence that allowed you to understand things in ways that no one else could. The silence part was difficult to explain so your best shot at it was to invite others to be in silence, to understand it or work with it. You were largely unsuccessful with this because you realized that it could not be transferred, it had to be felt in a way in which it gave voice, it gave birth to the exact opposite to what the silence gave.
During this time you had a completely different relationship to music. You began to understand it or feel it in ways that you had not previously and although this did take you into some of the musical elite in that time period you recognized that this would be actually a sort of dumbing down of some of your real skills. It was not about the complexities of the form it was somehow about the transposition between silence and music and between the energies associated with both, many discoveries that were fundamental to your soul were launched.
You had two lifetimes of significance in China that allowed you to discover some aspects of family that you had been missing. These beliefs were powerfully forced on society, the interdependence on a family, the way in which they saw each other and so on was quite stifling and was that which you broke free of several times. But, also that which gave you a deeper sense of belonging to humanity, a sense that was necessary for your own soul’s development because there were times in which holdovers in particular from Atlantis allowed you to feel separate.
Another lifetime, in ancient Greece, one of the meetings you had was with a being who was fairly famous at the time, who is known today as, "Cassandra", a great priestess, prophet, someone to understand; but whose words were not accepted, not received by others. This was perplexing to you, because the truth itself was that which would seem to be so obvious as helpful.
Yet, in questioning this you launched yourself into a series of lifetimes in which you would feel, understand, that you would receive, but you would not be so interested in ferreting out the truth. This has given you a significant experience in this cycle and then can find a way to stimulate the feeling sense, the kinesthetic, for instance. This is one of the reasons why when you share the principal of what is true with somebody, they may perhaps reject it, understand it, but not live by it, shunt it aside or set it into a place where they do not understand it.
This is now which you have in your own makeup. That over the intervening years, centuries, you have built this energy in. This means that at the soul level you have another aspect of truth that you are now ready to drop in and it may not show up in this lifetime. This is something along the lines of how those who do not receive and understand the truth directly, that is from the words alone may receive it, know it, incorporate it. That "how," could easily lie in the emotional aspect, in the feeling sense. In the sense of the modality in which it is to be shared, a movement. It can be a combination of all of these things, that is the area to be explored in addition to the understanding of the truth itself. In other words, as you move to this next level, as the cycle now comes around again you incorporate everything from the previous understanding. The aspects of the feeling experience, the sound experience, sense of movement experience, etc.
Another sequence or tendency began to emerge that in each lifetime you would deliberately set up for yourself some balance between the separateness and the connectedness to humanity. As you would imagine frequent lifetimes off world, various aspects associated with various star systems: Sirius, Deneb, Aldebaran, other stars relating to this, others as yet unnamed, a couple in another galaxy and so on. In each of these such tremendous degree of progress in areas of understanding the universal principles. You worked with the pure energetics, understanding things from a completely different point of view and always the tendency ending in this life in that area, longing for Earth; wanting to be physical, to embrace, wanting to connect to something in a way that simply seemed impossible in that reality.
As a result, you were always told in those places that you could learn a great deal from the earthlings, primitive and foolish as they were. They did understand things in a way in which you knew it deeply, felt in what you would understand now in the physical body, the heart and those energies that are unique. Always drawing you back to lifetimes of the emotional impact, physical struggle, karmic interaction etc. etc.
But, always those experiences which had a more visceral powerful impact upon the soul and this was the final deciding factor for you in every case. That every lifetime you looked at in relationship to earth had a more profound and deep effect on the soul than any lifetime you lived off world regardless whether you felt connected, part of a family, separate or whatever.
The mere fact of incarnation on earth had its role to play. It is significant to note that you have also had a few incarnations, indeed some fairly recently in which life was cut short; a couple of miscarriages, a couple of abortions, a couple of deaths at a young age. Part of this has increased your understanding of a child, not as a parent would, but as a child would and what it is like to struggle to gain life to be in the womb, to alive yourself into existence with beautiful energy of simply being. These are expressive ways that cannot be understood from the adult perspective and yet can be felt from aspects of the child that you can be more in touch with than most people. One reason for this is that you understand in an intrinsic way the preciousness of life itself.
Now, of course this involves karma and the aspects of past lives. As they build in karma they do not come to any resolution on this easily but they do build up energy. What is to be done about this? How are people to relate to this? What is the aspect that can be touched by this? The potential solution that has been proposed to you in several intermissive periods, that is the time between lives, which is simply let the children decide. Bring that energy into existence so that the children can understand and this may be that which eventually does show up in your life. That which is going to be very helpful as others may be able to run with it in ways that you had never imagined.
But, in the meantime it is useful at times when you are in touch with an emotion associated with sadness or grief to also access from the child's way simultaneously, that grief, that sadness, through tears, through relaxation, through some way in which that energy flows and that powerful sense of a desire to come into existence, to be born, to be alive, to have that energy that is forceful, that says I am going to become physical.
This is important and often overlooked when people are examining and working with past lives not because there's a great deal of learning that takes place. Since, of course not getting to too much age in life you don't get to learn a lot, but in the sense of physicality itself and how it is precious and important role to play in simply showing you how important it is to be here.
Now of course you cannot be thorough about this without delving into so many and the intent of the question; engaging your consciousness beyond ego to help you in coming to the idea of entering into these yourself. Imagine what it is like to be in these civilizations, imagining what life was like then, enabling some of the feelings that came from times in the past to come into you in a sort of free-form, musing. But, still conscious awake meditation can be a useful way of extracting information, having a deeper sense of what was taken from those lives and so on.
So, in the way for you to understand this, you have had association with some of the individuals in the past such as Wordsworth, to bring forth new ideas and shift things for people. You have had other associations with several healers, learning from them and their work. But, especially a woman known as Dolores in the Middle Ages in England who influenced many aspects of utilizing herbs and various aspects of the earth, learning of its direct communication and many other things. You were Dolores' assistant working with this and there were times working in this way you were persecuted. It was dangerous to connect to others because you would be branded as a witch. But, you were able to survive most of this and watch friends, loved ones, suffer greatly at the hands of those who tortured and hurt those who they believed to be producing, "the work of the devil."
In Atlantis, an important lifetime that allowed you to learn a great deal about what was humanity's highest potential. During this time period using the name La Ra you found an aspect of silence that allowed you to understand things in ways that no one else could. The silence part was difficult to explain so your best shot at it was to invite others to be in silence, to understand it or work with it. You were largely unsuccessful with this because you realized that it could not be transferred, it had to be felt in a way in which it gave voice, it gave birth to the exact opposite to what the silence gave.
During this time you had a completely different relationship to music. You began to understand it or feel it in ways that you had not previously and although this did take you into some of the musical elite in that time period you recognized that this would be actually a sort of dumbing down of some of your real skills. It was not about the complexities of the form it was somehow about the transposition between silence and music and between the energies associated with both, many discoveries that were fundamental to your soul were launched.
You had two lifetimes of significance in China that allowed you to discover some aspects of family that you had been missing. These beliefs were powerfully forced on society, the interdependence on a family, the way in which they saw each other and so on was quite stifling and was that which you broke free of several times. But, also that which gave you a deeper sense of belonging to humanity, a sense that was necessary for your own soul’s development because there were times in which holdovers in particular from Atlantis allowed you to feel separate.
Another lifetime, in ancient Greece, one of the meetings you had was with a being who was fairly famous at the time, who is known today as, "Cassandra", a great priestess, prophet, someone to understand; but whose words were not accepted, not received by others. This was perplexing to you, because the truth itself was that which would seem to be so obvious as helpful.
Yet, in questioning this you launched yourself into a series of lifetimes in which you would feel, understand, that you would receive, but you would not be so interested in ferreting out the truth. This has given you a significant experience in this cycle and then can find a way to stimulate the feeling sense, the kinesthetic, for instance. This is one of the reasons why when you share the principal of what is true with somebody, they may perhaps reject it, understand it, but not live by it, shunt it aside or set it into a place where they do not understand it.
This is now which you have in your own makeup. That over the intervening years, centuries, you have built this energy in. This means that at the soul level you have another aspect of truth that you are now ready to drop in and it may not show up in this lifetime. This is something along the lines of how those who do not receive and understand the truth directly, that is from the words alone may receive it, know it, incorporate it. That "how," could easily lie in the emotional aspect, in the feeling sense. In the sense of the modality in which it is to be shared, a movement. It can be a combination of all of these things, that is the area to be explored in addition to the understanding of the truth itself. In other words, as you move to this next level, as the cycle now comes around again you incorporate everything from the previous understanding. The aspects of the feeling experience, the sound experience, sense of movement experience, etc.
Another sequence or tendency began to emerge that in each lifetime you would deliberately set up for yourself some balance between the separateness and the connectedness to humanity. As you would imagine frequent lifetimes off world, various aspects associated with various star systems: Sirius, Deneb, Aldebaran, other stars relating to this, others as yet unnamed, a couple in another galaxy and so on. In each of these such tremendous degree of progress in areas of understanding the universal principles. You worked with the pure energetics, understanding things from a completely different point of view and always the tendency ending in this life in that area, longing for Earth; wanting to be physical, to embrace, wanting to connect to something in a way that simply seemed impossible in that reality.
As a result, you were always told in those places that you could learn a great deal from the earthlings, primitive and foolish as they were. They did understand things in a way in which you knew it deeply, felt in what you would understand now in the physical body, the heart and those energies that are unique. Always drawing you back to lifetimes of the emotional impact, physical struggle, karmic interaction etc. etc.
But, always those experiences which had a more visceral powerful impact upon the soul and this was the final deciding factor for you in every case. That every lifetime you looked at in relationship to earth had a more profound and deep effect on the soul than any lifetime you lived off world regardless whether you felt connected, part of a family, separate or whatever.
The mere fact of incarnation on earth had its role to play. It is significant to note that you have also had a few incarnations, indeed some fairly recently in which life was cut short; a couple of miscarriages, a couple of abortions, a couple of deaths at a young age. Part of this has increased your understanding of a child, not as a parent would, but as a child would and what it is like to struggle to gain life to be in the womb, to alive yourself into existence with beautiful energy of simply being. These are expressive ways that cannot be understood from the adult perspective and yet can be felt from aspects of the child that you can be more in touch with than most people. One reason for this is that you understand in an intrinsic way the preciousness of life itself.
Now, of course this involves karma and the aspects of past lives. As they build in karma they do not come to any resolution on this easily but they do build up energy. What is to be done about this? How are people to relate to this? What is the aspect that can be touched by this? The potential solution that has been proposed to you in several intermissive periods, that is the time between lives, which is simply let the children decide. Bring that energy into existence so that the children can understand and this may be that which eventually does show up in your life. That which is going to be very helpful as others may be able to run with it in ways that you had never imagined.
But, in the meantime it is useful at times when you are in touch with an emotion associated with sadness or grief to also access from the child's way simultaneously, that grief, that sadness, through tears, through relaxation, through some way in which that energy flows and that powerful sense of a desire to come into existence, to be born, to be alive, to have that energy that is forceful, that says I am going to become physical.
This is important and often overlooked when people are examining and working with past lives not because there's a great deal of learning that takes place. Since, of course not getting to too much age in life you don't get to learn a lot, but in the sense of physicality itself and how it is precious and important role to play in simply showing you how important it is to be here.
Now of course you cannot be thorough about this without delving into so many and the intent of the question; engaging your consciousness beyond ego to help you in coming to the idea of entering into these yourself. Imagine what it is like to be in these civilizations, imagining what life was like then, enabling some of the feelings that came from times in the past to come into you in a sort of free-form, musing. But, still conscious awake meditation can be a useful way of extracting information, having a deeper sense of what was taken from those lives and so on.
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