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It was a complex process that needed a high degree of flexibility associated with it. At the same time it became quite clear that there needed to be a switch mechanism, something that would be akin to what would currently in your programming be called, “backdoor.” Some way in which it could be turned off in which a person could have enhanced memory. It was recognized that some degree of perseverance, karmic balance and a sense of the future would be necessary. You see this in those rare individuals that have good memory of their past lives. They have a strong commitment to their own future evolution in spite of what they recall. This is the most difficult aspect for most people in the current day. The development of this memory blocking mechanism had to be flexible enough to work across many centuries of development of humanity.
So you cannot just focus on such mechanisms for today’s world. But, in today’s world, it does seem that the most powerful energies associated with the maintenance of the block, the way in which the person will keep that block in place has to do with their own self-evaluation. The opportunity to look at their life and say very consciously and very clearly, “I want to know even if, and in this way you can fill in all of the things that psychologically show up. You might think these are things that are logical but they are not. To a large extent they are triggered by the underlying mechanism itself to bring up those issues about which you would have the maximum resistance. So you would have such simple issues as being on the right path, having those energies associated with love or helping others and that those things as you would understand them have allowed you to dupe yourself. You are literally not in just a level of denial, but fooling yourself as to how those capacities are valuable. This keeps the memory block in place.
Once you have sufficient commitment to your own evolution, to the level by which your visualization of your future self, the nature of what you are here for or whatever gives you a re-prioritization to the level in which you say, I want to know even if it makes me wrong, even if I recognize I’ve wasted my time for many lifetimes or even if I’m wrong about what I think I am in this lifetime, etc.
Whatever aspect of that, that you’re convinced of is the right path for you, your willingness at a core level to let that go can be an important key in today’s world to allowing some of that dissolving. The reason for this is simply because of compounding lifetime after lifetime some of these issues and in the intermissive period (the time between lives) the awareness of how important those issues were. You see, for most people when they leave the intermissive and come into the incarnation and they have some awareness of this process it is not an unconscious one directed entirely by guides. But, they are actually making conscious choices about who they’re going to be, where they are going to live, important lessons in the life, etc.
The idea that they want memory block, they want to have this shut out is very powerful for most of them. You may think it’s because they are comfortable with that, having done that in many lifetimes and that can be a part of it. But, for the most part it is because they know they will be distracted in what they’re learning and what they’re doing if as a result of working with deeper memory they are pulled off course for that which they have designed for themselves as the most powerful aspect of their lives.
But, when your commitment is, you might say, even to truth over harmony, even if it is that which produces disharmonization or disruption or various difficulties, you want it anyway. This is a very powerful tool, it is that which moves typically through two sequences; one in body and one out of body and then is held into the next life and that usually corrects the problem. The individual having at first clear memory of one lifetime. It may be your previous lifetime or it may be one further off in time. If that works out, and sometimes it doesn’t; suicide, or deep depression, various emotional difficulties, infatuations, obsessions, often result.
If this does occur the individual may typically go back in the next life to having memory block. But, if they do not have such difficulties, if they have some recognition to the benefit to this, then in the next lifetime they will typically remember more; twenty, thirty, perhaps forty lifetimes with great clarity and understanding coming to them during their adult period. If this works out for them, they will then choose so that in the next life they will remember at an earlier age and maintain that memory through adolescence and into adulthood.
This is rare. We don’t see that many individuals with this but there are a few children being born with this right now. They will have those fleeting memories that frequently pop up that are simply a misfunctioning of the blocking mechanism. They would typically forget these. But, in this case they will remember them, they will be a doorway for deeper memories and they will continue this expansion into adulthood.
In working with these mechanisms you recognize that there are many different factors but the one that is the most powerful is your own commitment. If you have chosen a committed relationship to have that memory either blocked or installed such will typically occur. As you would imagine having that memory is very rare and this is really the question. Why would people with awareness of this, which is probably about 5% of the population, that they are consciously aware of what happens to them when they pass from this life into the intermissive. Why would the majority choose to forget to have those memory blocks again? This is a very interesting area to look at.
In other words, the very idea of what’s right about it? What’s right about having those memory blocks? As you look at this for yourself personally, you may begin to uncover various interesting energies associated with how you see yourself, how you know yourself, how you love yourself, how you work with your life and the other people around you and so on and so forth. Does this help?
Lori: Yes. For me personally, I seem to only remember my traumatic lifetimes.
Hilarion: Indeed.
Lori: So, what is the purpose of that? Is that meant to help me overcome any sadness or trauma from those lifetimes?
Hilarion: No. What you will typically see is that the mechanisms by themselves are insufficient. Those traumatic energies, emotional in nature tend to push through and override. This is why when a good past life regression is done you will have some disconnect, some sense that you are not going to relive those energies to the point of pain or difficulty because those are the first memories that are typically encountered by most people. The traumatic aspect of this cuts through time and space, cuts through the sequence of lifetimes and remains with you. This is designed. It is part of the mechanism. It is the way in which you learn. You may not learn consciously but you learn anyway. Thus, when you’re around a similar situation you will be more cautious if the traumatic experience is one that is an attractive one, you will again be attracted. If it is one that draws you into balancing some of that karma you may do so, etc, etc.
With a deeper immersion into the ideas of this you gradually begin to accept and as a result just the same way you’ve learned to handle emotional trauma in this life, you apply this to the emotional traumas of past lives. As a result they shift and clear and the next level begins to appear which would of course be the motivations that would have drawn you into the situations that brought about those traumatic experiences. Just the same way you would in this world as you clear the traumatic experience you begin to look at it and say, what did I learn from that? What did it teach me? Why did I attract it? What other aspects are available, etc.
As you work through that then you eventually come to something deeper and so on and so forth. Many people would think that what you’ll suddenly have is a clear memory from nowhere, many lifetimes all at once perhaps or a sequence memory. Typically though, this does not occur. Instead, there will be small pieces of this that come back and at each level by which you work with it, it goes to a deeper level of understanding and awareness and less and less of the pure emotion driving those energies.
This is not the ultimate goal in the sequence we described previously. It is to give you a taste of this so that in the next intermissive (the time period between lives) you might decide you want to have a clearer, more conscious memory when you’re born into this world, in your next life. That is more of what you think is how this works. As if you have a memory of it in the same way you remember things from your current life, you remember those from a past life. That clear memory is not directed at all by these traumatic experiences. It is simply the matter of those memory blocks being reduced, removed, or in certain cases relieved so that some memories come through and others continue to be blocked. Does this answer your question?
Lori: Yes, very much. Wow! There isn't very much information available about this.
Hilarion: No. Why do you think that is? If it was widely known the opportunity to apply brain research and various techniques that could then be easily applied by utilizing MRI and other technologies at the same time as various past life work one would be able to have karmic shifts and powerful past life recall fairly easily. Indeed, it is simply a matter that the guides and helpers as much as possible avoid the topic so as not to destroy all of their good work in creating these memory blocks in the first place.
But, there will eventually be some individuals who see the value of this. Not for themselves personally, but for all of humanity. It would of course create a great deal of chaos and difficulty. But, eventually as it sorts itself out by the obvious possibility of greater peace, greater acceptance of those who were your enemies, greater relaxation of the karmic issues etc. would inevitably result. It is well known by guides, helpers, higher beings, even your own soul that this is a temporary condition. That it has been necessary for you to do what you need to do here on your planet to appreciate and understand the importance of love as a powerful emotion that cuts through all of this. But, at some point it only makes sense to stop the reincarnational process, to have deeper memory of your past lives, to understand the entire aspect of humanity as a whole instead of separate individuals.
The process itself might be that which is technological, but the first aspect is commitment. The way in which people decide that that’s important to them and that’s the underlying reflection of why these energies are in this way avoided. You don’t see people saying, I really wish I could remember my past lives. Instead you hear it as a little thing here and there, oh! yes! that would be nice and then they forget about it. As if it is not a great priority to them and so this is naturally reflected at the current time. But, this might shift. People might see this as important and once they do you may see many things shifting from this.
Lori: In my current life, how many past lives will I recall? How many of them have I gone through and how many more do I have left?
Hilarion: Eight in total. Three of which you have had some powerful attunements; leaving five more.
Lori: Okay, so can you tell me what those eight are? The ones I have processed or integrated or how do I phrase it, attunements?
Hilarion: Sort of destroys the entire point of the exercise?
Lori: I know that's what I like about it! I want to wrap this up and get off of this planet!
Hilarion: Why even do it in the first place if you're going to have someone come along and give you the answers, as they're called in videogames, “the cheat codes.”
Lori: (sigh) Ok. I’ll figure it out for myself.