Monday, September 13, 2021

My Past Lives Working With Intuition
 Lori: what other past lives have I worked with intuition?

 Hilarion: it would be hard not to. The difficulty is recognition. Many times in lifetimes there have been societal experiences that stop this from coming forth. It is something you see over long periods in the Middle Ages where when this would come out; even such as discussing the vision or idea that you had in a dream could threaten your life. If the information fell into the wrong hands you could be branded, burned, excommunicated, pushed out of your family and so on. In similar ways in various times people have had great difficulty in this integration. Intuition has always been there. It must be for you to survive and it often is there in ways that come in an unexpected context. A way that you weren't even prepared for. This is true for many individuals who might not otherwise pursue it. But, really what you're talking about here is a more conscious awareness of this and pursuit of it.

You were often experiencing this powerful dichotomy of the great power of intuition, the need for it, the benefits of it and so on when you were out of the body, when you were guiding and helping others and looking on your life and noted all of the difficulties and issues and the ways in which it would seem to keep you from deeper understanding when you were in the body. The result of this for more recent past lives was a bit of a conflict that seemed to coalesce for itself in some of the more recent past lives where you would muse on it.

But, in terms of actually putting it into action, not since very ancient times, since the Atlantean times has this been of much value to you in your day-to-day life. This of course was important in various times and there was a lifetime in the Middle Ages where you would work with others and understand about herbs and the nature of subtle life on the world, the devic orders and other intuitive phenomena. But, you felt it was so important to do it in a way that kept others safe. You could not easily resolve it and keep it in your life long enough that you would say or call it your, "life's work." So, it has been that which has always been helpful but not that which has been easy to integrate.

At various times when you tried to do this you've noted that even small amounts of intuition where it is shared with others was a tremendous value. So, in the last intermissive (time between lives) you began to think on this more consciously as something you might explore more in this world as something that others might find available, loving, helpful, useful and so on. But, in many of these past lifetimes the whole understanding of intuition was so different from what you would imagine based on today. It was often  seen only in ways that would be seen as superstition, as things that really were not very well understood.

The difficulty with this is that you often find in such situations, too much fear and that is the great killer of intuition. As most have experienced and where you can do this with a sense of safety and love, you would naturally be able to do it in a more formal way easily. This is not to say intuition was not important to you. You used it over and over to make decisions about marriage, about family, about all the different things that you would do, all of the choices in life and all the ways in which you were able to integrate it in a personal way.

This is of course very important but that’s not unusual. It is something many people do all the time as they make decisions moment to moment. They are not so aware of the process and they're certainly not trying to teach it in larger groups. This is done far more commonly on the other side and working with it in different ways in the intermissive helps so much when you come into the world to better trust your intuition and work with it appropriately.

But, in more recent times seeing that this could be shared, taught, worked with more consciously while you were incarnated is a relatively recent development and that which seems to be having more and more effect. This is particularly true in the Western world. In the East there has been more attention on this. But, there is still, looking in history, a great deal of suspicion, a great deal of people who were harmed for their own intuitive discoveries and various ways in which they tried to teach this to others and that were typically housed in other aspects entirely. For instance, martial arts, for instance various arts and crafts and various other things. The intuitive work was very important but not as something you would focus on all on its own.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Personal Energetic Task (PENTA) Technique to Boost Your Immune System
Hilarion: There are many practices that are quite helpful and powerful. One of these is called PENTA, for Personal Energetic Task by Waldo Vieira and it is that which has been defined and worked with by members of the group IAC, or other organizations in different ways for eternity. It is a way in which you allow your energies at the highest possible vibrational level to be used by helpers, anonymous beings, beings at the highest vibrational level. These are the guides of our guides. 

In understanding these energies, you see that they need some aspect of becoming physical, becoming real, to be used in the world. How do you do it is really very simple--you make a commitment, a deep one, at a particular time every day for the rest of your life. That is your commitment. You will open to these energies. You will move into a higher vibrational state utilizing whatever method you have learned. Remember here, you will learn new ones, you will grow in how you can do this. We would of course suggest that some aspect of the kinesthetic reality be an important part of such increase of your energy. And then, you would tune into these energies by asking that the highest vibrational energies be allowed to move through you. That is all you have to do. You don't have to know where the energy's going, to whom or why. It is not just a matter of trust, because you will quickly recognize that these energies have value. 

It will take a while, depending on the nature of who you are, the nature of how you commit to things, how you have or have not in the past, before the guides trust you enough to show up and work with you at the very powerful level often. For most people on average it would be about a year--that is a pretty strong and deep commitment for you, and it shows that you are willing to do this through all of the seasons, through all of the aspects of change that this symbolizes in your life. 

And then what you will begin to notice is that everything begins to change. Slowly at first, then faster, for the positive. All the people around you are benefited deeply. Health improves, not just of you, but of everybody around you. And various energies shift, because what you are working with in its essence is assistance, allowing energy at the highest vibrational level to assist. 

Now there are those who in their wisdom in physical bodies might choose to direct that energy. There isn't anything wrong with that. That is something many people do. As they fall asleep they pray, or they send energy to help this one or that one. But how do you know that that is the best place for your energy? From the nonphysical level, from the way we see it, you have a tremendous amount of energy. By comparison, if you were to do this as percentages, you are about 98.5% dense physical energy, and about 1.5% intelligence to use it in the most appropriate way. That is not to say that you do not have that intelligence, you just aren't putting it into action now because of practice, or lack of it. When you are nonphysical it is the opposite. You have very little of the dense physical energy. In the intermissive period you act sometimes to help others and to learn from various energies in a purely nonphysical way, by the intellect, by consciousness, by attunement, by vibration, but not by the physical body. 

So then, if in your 1.5% wisdom you decide that this person is the one that needs your help the most, yet you do not recognize that this other one whom you don't even know would perhaps have the key to solve energies that would help not only this one that you are friends with but many, many others, than perhaps you would get an inkling as to why perhaps one of these nonphysical helpers is better to work with. You must understand here that there are many examples of this in the way in which you trust your intuition. You're driving down the street and for no reason that you understand logically, you go here or there, only to find some wonderful thing that comes from this. These are simple examples that the guides or helpers throw your way, sometimes with a great deal of force, so that you will recognize this principle. But in order for the dense physical energy to have maximum effect, of maximum assistance--meaning you're effective in the most positive way, others are helped in the most positive way--it must be your free will. No one else can stand in to say "you must do this" or "it is the best thing to do" or any of the rest of it. It must be you who decides. Or again, back to belief, dogma, and all of the rest.

One of these beings on your planet who is seeking as a context-buster at the core level--"no context is too big or too small, we will break them all"--is your friend Byron Katie. Yet, this is an energy that is represented by thousands of helpers. When you engage in the inquiry process and begin to look at these issues, you draw to yourself angelic presences, beings on many levels, soothing, assisting, loving you, saying to you, "You can break through." If you can feel their help, you can be encouraged when you come to the precipice that says suddenly "All that I knew was wrong, and all that I might recognize ahead of me is new." This is scary, this is different, but it is that which you have come here to experience. 

Because when you trust that you can break through contexts, then you will apply them to the most difficult contexts, the contexts that shape life on Earth itself: Fear and Ego. The contexts that make those important to you, that allow you to be swayed by False Evidence Appearing as Real, F.E.A.R., or swayed by the energy that says "Who I am is a massage therapist - a wife - a mother - an engineer - a friend - a person who cares." These are limiting definitions, and you struggle against them. But it is in the understanding of your essence as a multidimensionality, as a being that has aspects that are not just rooted in the time constant of now, but also knowing your future and past selves simultaneously. And that the animals teach you about this, because they understand this principle, feel it and know it. That is one important reason to choose an animal body: To give yourself some extra encouragement in this direction.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Moringa Olifera Study As Preventative For Covid-19

Potentiality of Moringa oleifera against SARS-CoV-2: identified by a rational computer aided drug design method

Debanjan Sen  1 , Samhita Bhaumik  2 , Pradip Debnath  3 , Sudhan Debnath  3

Affiliations  expand

PMID: 33719855  DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2021.1898475


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created a global human health crisis and economic setbacks. Lack of specific therapeutics and limited treatment options against COVID-19 has become a new challenge to identify potential hits in order to develop new therapeutics. One of the crucial life cycle enzymes of SARS-CoV-2 is main protease (Mpro), which plays a major role in mediating viral replication, makes it an attractive drug target. Virtual screening and three times repeated 100 ns molecular dynamics simulation of the best hits were performed to identify potential SARS-CoV-2 Mpro inhibitors from the available compounds of an antiviral plant Moringa oleifera. Three flavonoids isorhamnetin (1), kaempferol (2) and apigenin (3) showed good binding affinity, stable protein-ligand complexes throughout the simulation time, high binding energy and similar binding poses in comparison with known SARS-CoV-2 Mpro inhibitor baicalein. Therefore, different parts of M. oleifera may be emerged as a potential preventive and therapeutic against COVID-19.  Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Karmic Scale
Lori: How exactly is Karma measured? When a person is planning his or her life, I would like to know more about the process. I remember once you were talking about a karmic vector and you asked, “how much karma are you taking with you? “ How is that all measured? Energetically? 
Hilarion: Oh, no. Energetically is such a vague term and vector is so specific as it refers to direction and magnitude. Karmic magnitude can be computed based on a rather complex formula that takes into account a variety of factors. Most importantly having to do with a simple karmic scale which is generally agreed upon by most individuals but can be fine-tuned to your individual consciousness if for instance you grew up in a society quite different from Western society you might have a whole different value on human life or certain specific experiences. 
For instance, in African societies, various physical body mutilations are not considered nearly as detrimental or problematic as in Western societies. But, from these a degree of karmic interaction is easy to determine based upon the experiences noted in previous individuals over past lives and based upon the emotional response, specifically how much larger the emotional body jumps when these energetics are applied and the attributes that relate to the ways in which these energetics then are felt by others. How much of this is a response? You can measure energy itseklf but this is far more difficult, it is more a measurement of responses because in any given society it is your response to the responses, that more than anything else determines both magnitude and direction how that energetic is going to be held within your consciousness.
At the same time as this an obvious sort of thing begins to appear. Because you are the ultimate governor of this, not the Lords of Karma, not an external. You are the one who is the actual determiner of all of the factors that could be utilized or you could say the constant to multiply these various energetics by. It is also then entirely within your purview to be able to release all of it. That is to truly, totally and completely love and forgive yourself at every level of your being by which as a result all karma dissolves. This is especially difficult to understand within the collective consciousness. That is so many around you who hold in their own consciousness that this is the way it should be, this is the way it has to be, this is the way it has always been, etc.
All of that continues to manifest the seeming rigidity of these aspects and makes it very easy to calculate. The formula can be utilized in order to give a number. The number typically will be a complex number meaning that it will have aspects that definitely relate to magnitude, direction, and that which is multiplied by the square root minus one. As in all solutions to Maxwell's equations, this giving the result as relating to the aetheric density. The aetheric space is that which is easily mathematically understood and that which we have spoken of at various times with those who have interest in such matters in the past.
Since the solutions to Maxwell's equations which are partial differential equations that are insoluble on their own, but the mathematical solutions are directly relevant to everyday three-dimensional existence. The solutions will yield two terms. One imaginary, that is multiplied by the square root minus 1. and the other the physical term. In all aspects by which these equations are utilized which are the underpinnings of all current day non-quantum physics. All of the secondary term the imaginary term is discarded.
This is unfortunate because it is the aetheric term. This is the compounding aspect that makes it difficult for an individual incarnate to understand mathematically their own karma. You do not recognize the nonphysical attribute. The aspect that could be seen as aetheric, or that which relates to something that is beyond your current day consciousness but it is there nonetheless.
This is what sometimes makes all of those aspects difficult for individuals to understand. When they just know that something that has occurred perhaps in the news as it seems so deeply unfair because it has been harmful to a child, or it has created some terrible disturbance that is problematic for so many, that this in itself is clearly karmic. But, the nature of the karma is not easily understood. This is indeed that which often is a powerful spur to individuals remembering or understanding or working upon this in themselves. Because, when you take it back to yourself, you’re coming back to the factor that you do have control over.
The coefficient of those terms that multiplies to show how much they are in your own life, your own personal understanding is that which is determined by you. 
It is true that part of this is determined by your experience, hence your karma, the sense it is a sort of loop. But the loop is easily broken when you ask the simple question,” How lovable are you?” This is a profound and difficult question to ask. It is so simple. You cannot determine this in magnitude or karma. 
You cannot determine it in magnitude from your experiences in the world. It is determined from something far beyond this, something to do with your essence, something to do with the example that is given to you by others who have raised you and loved you. But most importantly, that which is, that which you know is your essence as it is manifested, God's reality here on earth, the universes manifestation as you, whatever you want to call that energy.
Because this indicates to you how you have chosen to limit the love that you have available to dissolve your own karma. How lovable are you? Leads you down the path to the manifestation of that energy that can indeed dissolve all kinds of karma, all different aspects of this and most importantly no matter how much it is, the lovability is so much greater. This is even beyond measurement but this has been attempted. Quantification of this and the ability to work with love is quantifiable certainly has been an interesting process. Over and over it is by orders of magnitude that the potential love available is that which so far powerfully overwhelms the relatively miniscule amounts of karma by comparison.
So you see that there are different ways to answer your question. Those that can relate perhaps logically or mathematical, but of little value. Or that which is practical which it relates to love. 
Lori: Are you able to give me a number? 
The number is a little tricky because relative to what you can relate to. But, compared to other people yes, you could say you have less than others but certainly more than many. So, you could say that if you're going to look at other people you are going to see that you have a few issues that have been very difficult that keep showing up, you might call them chronic karma and those are fascinating to examine and look at for one purpose: that you get it and drop that entirely. By comparing to other people all you can do is fix yourself within that larger context.
You are more likely able to balance it but when you look inside yourself you can answer the question how many lifetimes is it going to take? How many lifetimes is it going to take to dissolve it? It doesn't even take lifetimes it only takes a moment. By holding it in this larger context of comparison you fall potentially into a trap in which you are only making this larger lesson of it, further away, harder to understand.
When you help others understand their karma and dissolve it by love. When you ask questions such as how lovable are you really? At your core? At the nature of who you are? When you ask “who or what is experiencing this moment now? “ You take steps in the direction that indicate  the balancing method but this is not new. Not in terms of our channelling, what you heard recently, but going way back. What would have ever motivated you to use the law of Karma? After all the law of karma is simply cause-and-effect. When something happens it causes this, and that causes that and so on and so forth.
It works very well when you want to build a machine or have an effect on your environment so you might be more comfortable or whatever. But, when you decide for your souls evolution, for learning, for growth, for making you a better person, or making you a better soul that you are going to use this law. What do you think would take you to such a place? Do you think you want to do this to be more efficient when it takes so many lifetimes and you can get stuck so easily? Really then, it is not about that at all.
It is about something else entirely which is very difficult to hear. It comes about because you tried awfully hard and you just couldn't get it any other way. So you figure the slow way was better than no way at all. You planted the seed and it is right there in the law of karma itself that once you realize what was happening you could then step back from it and do it a different way. You could do it with love. It really is that simple once you understand it and this could be a good reason in addition to the other things we said to perhaps the next time you need a lesson, bringing it to yourself a different way or forgiving yourself for doing it in that way or being fed up with it and saying finally once and for all this is too slow.
Lori: what if I don't clear it in this life? 
Hilarion: if you don't clear any karma then you will bring in some of these lessons about love and so on. Then, in the next life you will bring in both of that. You'll be working on the karma but you'll also be working even more with connecting with people who will remind you about love and energies that will teach you about this in other ways so that you'll keep working with it. 
But it's different from karma. There isn't this karma about love it is rather an invitation, a place of playfulness, a place where you get to choose.