This particular lifetime was one in which you gained a great deal of respect for each other and at the same time were able to re-acquaint yourself with many of the more profound truths that transcended anything that was presupposed by the Tibetans at the time. The result of this scholarship was a continuation of some of this learning into the intermissive (the time between lives) in which you began to look out into the world and asked the question, “Where could I have some more profound influence? Where could the use of this information have benefit in the world?” This called in our energy (Hilarion) and as part of this group overshadowing it in various ways in a very gentle or subtle level and then while you were physical we now made our appearance at a more concrete level for you.
In this way, in the intermissive, you and many others co-ordinating in different fashion were able to examine and look at all of these important issues and recognize that the potential to bring some of this forward could come through some unusual paths. Those unusual within the context of the world, such as channeling; such as the application of channelled information; such as the acknowledgement that the channeling process comes from the interaction across the dimensions of the physical and the nonphysical beings and so on.
So, in this way a more concrete relationship was established in regards to this information. How might this manifest in the world was not predetermined. Rather, you would just sort of see how it went. But, as more might show up, there would be way much more help and assistance if it seemed like it would go in a positive direction and in this way you would be drawn to look at it, to write about it, to share it and so on and so forth.
So, in this way you really can't answer this question without including the Hilarion influence, the influence and concept of the Emerald ray, the awareness of the energy of information as distinct from various other paths and other ways of understanding.
All of this leading in its own way to the more profound question: "What will you do with it?" On the intermissive side you may then form a new group and have other levels of information available and then guide and assist others in the world in various ways. At the physical level, you may choose to bring this forward in various ways to see how other people respond to it. But, you may also have at times frustration with this as if that which is ahead of its time, that which is not so accepted within the current status quo, etc.
Well, these sorts of energies, and the energy of frustration and the energy that is termed at times, “The Cassandra Complex,” that is a prophet who spoke the truth but nobody paid attention to her or believed. But, it is important to recognize here that you are working with this question. "What to do with it?" Your approach is very different and that is wonderful that each person who confronts this issue would have a different approach to it, a different way of accepting it, understanding it, writing about it, speaking about it, whatever. All of these could contribute in a way that cannot yet be seen. Coming together in some integrated whole perhaps, some deeper understanding that may come through in the next intermissive (time between lives).
But, in the meantime you all have been able to listen and learn from some of the hints, some of the things you found in Tibet, some of the things you have been reminded of in the intermissive about the consolation side of this quest for clarification. That consolation side is simply that somehow it will be fun. Somehow, you will have an enjoyment of the experience of the information seeking or the truth revealing or the new areas that can be explored technologically. That it could be fun. That it could be enjoyable. This might not seem very important but it is. Because it must be that which is enjoyable if it is that which is to be continued and an inspiration to others and of value in ways beyond that what you can see. That is the nature of what it is to be a human; that the enjoyment, the consolation and the clarification, well, they are one and the same in many ways in a unique way for humans.
Yes, there is the important sort of pattern that you’ve seen; the destruction, the struggle, the crying out of humanity in the midst of this, it doesn't stop. You have seen it with hurricanes and earthquakes and there are so many ways in which this can happen on every level at every side. The preservation of as many souls as possible continues.
But, the crying out, the struggling with these energies, this is that which bears heavy at times upon your heart, upon your consciousness as you look in the world and understand what is happening. You have the strength for this not to resist it but to allow it simply to flow through you. To cry with the victim, to release the tears of anguish in the midst of struggle and difficulty as if it was a part of your own and then to say, “this too shall pass.” These energies shift over time as people reconstruct, as they learn again, as they understand in a new way and so on.
Remembering this sometimes helps for the very simple reason that as you connect, as you have that release you are saying then by your consciousness so you too, in the midst of this struggle can release, can come to a place of peace. Because in that place of peace you will cope with the difficulties much better with more intuition, with more understanding with more love than you will if you are in a state of panic or confusion or difficulty and struggle.
No, you can't tell somebody when they're in the midst of it, “don't panic.” But, you can show them by having your own heart open and allowing those energies to flow through. So, that energy is recognized and acknowledged as a part of this too and it is the result of the intensification of rapid media coverage by which everyone in the world knows about these difficulties in a way that was not possible previously.
The result of this is simply that you are more connected. Such a connection can lead to new solutions, new awareness and new understanding. You may not think this is true. But, it is not only possible but that which is now the encouragement and perhaps even at times inspiration from your guides and helpers. The idea that you can find even within humanity's most difficult, darkest moments something joyful, something revealing, something that clears away some past karma but ultimately that which leads to greater love.