Thursday, February 21, 2019

Is Atlantean Technology For Accessing Past Lives Going to Resurface?

 Lori: Speaking of Atlantis you had told me that when I lived in Atlantis there was technology that assisted me in looking into past lives and I did not believe in past lives during that life in Atlantis. I'm curious what has happened in the intervening years, or is it just because in my current life I know it so powerfully?

Hilarion: Yes. That comes through personal experience but more importantly you get reminded, this keeps happening when you are with like-minded people. So, you get reminded by crossing paths with those that you knew then or those who you knew casually and witnessed their death or those who you guided and assisted from the other side, etc. etc.

This is a very interesting phenomena which seems to be multiplying and repeating itself even more with each passing day. That is where those past life connections particularly from Atlantis, draw people together into communities, into learning from each other and into accepting each other and seeing of these energies repeated; like being with somebody you’ve known before or having that familiarity. Yet, this does not seem to relate very much to anything going on in this life or anything that seems particularly karmic which tends to be that which is more recent lifetimes. But, that overall sense that here you are to learn and to awaken again some of the Atlantean ideals perhaps even some of the pathways in government, in economics and how people did things in various ways.

All of this as a possibility which just never seems to manifest. It can't in this reality because there are so many things that are competing for resources on the level of consciousness and yet for those with the strong attunements to the Atlantean lifetimes to come to positions of leadership or assistance for others is inevitable. They keep getting pushed in such direction and that is where you see all of this that transcends belief. You don't have to believe in it or understand it or accept it. You simply find yourself rubbing shoulders with someone with whom you have a sense of recognition. That encourages you to go further with some of this newfangled energy which of course isn't so new at all.

Lori: Is that technology going to resurface? To look into my past lives the way it was in Atlantis?

Hilarion: Oh yes. It already has. The problem is people accepting it or working with it. Influencing of this is done very easily, as soon as somebody scries, (that is the term for this) looking into the crystalline structure or amplifying it with piezoelectric effect, etc. An entity, intruder, being, whatever typically associated with that individual that brings them an important lesson from a recent past lifetime shows up. They do not have the capacity to easily distinguish between that which is of this intrusive nature and that of the more objective viewing of the past life.

As a result, the constant influence skews this energy in such a way that they simply will not easily be able to accept it. In Atlantis, the understanding of this was also easily perceived and because of the ability to perceive at the higher vibrational level with the third eye it was obvious that a protective method would need to be employed. So, various inert gas technologies particularly with the use of argon and krypton were employed and the result of this was to sweep away the energetic influences of such intrusion. At the current time these energies help but are not 100% effective. This is because there is so much greater density; meaning some of the entities push on each other to come into the space where such work might go on.

So, in addition to inert gas utilized to reduce etheric density and push away such intrusion is then the capacity of those who have learned the techniques of raising vibration of a space relatively rapidly and when these are combined, it does appear that this technology would be successful.

The piezoelectric effect is applied to a crystal is a relatively simple method to not just energize or assist with the crystals in utilization of various energies for which it is been programmed. It is also a way in which a standing wave can get started within the Crystal. This is typically done at relatively low frequencies in the range of approximately 1 to 2 Hz and for most quartz crystals the piezoelectric effect has been observed to have most benefits above 36 V. This simple utilization of various waveforms has been experimented with and those who have worked with it in different ways have gotten varying, shifting, changing results because of this intrusive factor.

Therefore, it is simply a matter of combining the technologies to see this as more consistent. The Atlantean techniques were of course more complex than those which made use of optical computers but the basis for this is already present. It is simply a matter of bringing this forward with some degree of understanding of what might be termed,  “aetheric science,” the awareness of intrusion and the effects of inert gases. Each of these could be brought together if one wished. But, how important is that? After all, the opportunity to utilize such could be misused? Could be that which allows for instance some of the significant problems you have seen with an even simpler technology? Such as the ability to perceive engrams as utilized by Scientology.

In other words, in the right hands the technology of this nature could be delightful, helpful and valuable. In the wrong hands it could be that which is able to significantly alter the path of an individual and make them quite vulnerable to such as blackmail or manipulation. Although, these are relatively small issues by comparison to other Atlantean technologies, that of free energy or antigravity where the dangerous uses of this would have even more significant impact. It is one of those technologies that is so to speak, “on the block,” for others to look at, to play with, to learn about and to see if people can use this responsibly. If they cannot, then to withhold or slow down the development of these other more powerful technologies.

This is interesting to look at when you think about how you would use this in an appropriate manner. How you would then ethically be able to share it? This is not an issue for the non-physicals, be it guides and helpers. It is the issue for you on the ground, for people here in bodies to decide how to use this appropriately and in a way in which it would be to the benefit of all.

Safeguards for this cannot be inherently technological, they must be that which are societal, whereby recognized as appropriate because of agreement and so on. This is one of the primary differences between Atlantis and today. You could say it is entirely based on population, simply having more people around there's greater probability that there will be difficulties but in point of fact this is not correct. As in fact, if the greater population decided to use this only for good then that would also be enforced by the greater population, by simply the mass consciousness about such as you have for many things in the world.

Even though you have those who would perhaps abuse, you still have with mass consciousness the greater agreement to reduce this as much as possible in various areas with relationship, for instance to sexuality and children. Where it is pretty much agreed on in your society how this should be proceeding. This doesn't mean however, that it is that which is done appropriately and that is the key here. Even a small segment that has the opportunity to harm could be that which is taken up by others as has occurred in Scientology in such a way that great harm could be done.

In order to understand this and other technologies, clearly some new shifts in consciousness need to take place because the various technologies have already come into existence on your planet. Those that can cure the effects of global warming, those which can allow you space travel, not only to nearby planets but even to nearby star systems. Those which could bring abundance, plentiful food and health to all and although these have been revealed and people have played with them on a small scale and each of them do have these potentials for misuse. This then points out the true nature of the issue, which is not about the technology and not about the questioning with regards to their abuse, but the solution. The opportunity for that which would be accepted by all is that which would be most beneficial and that which would be most helpful.

Look for some examples of this and you would inevitably come up against nuclear power. Although nuclear power has been abused it has not reached the level that has occurred in several parallel lifetimes, very close vibrationally to that of yours, very close vibrationally at the level of parallel universes to this one. Every now and then you will see this, a great sweeping of sadness, an energetic that seems to envelop your entire planet for a short time.

People you talk to suddenly with some grief, it seems to be about a personal matter but you notice it everywhere and then it is gone. It was indeed when that parallel universe was subjected to nuclear holocaust and indeed many billions perished. Yet, in this reality this has not occurred. Indeed, you have found a way, though it is uncomfortable, though you are on the precipice, there are people talking about it and it is difficult and so on. It goes on year, after year, after year, since the 1940s and the discovery of the opportunity to destroy all of humanity quite easily, you have not done so. There's a great deal to be learned from this that can be applied to some of these other technologies. Sorry for the long answer but, it was if possible to relate back to you personally rather than objectively with regards to a mere technology.