Sunday, September 16, 2018

If I Write About My Injury Will I Re-Create The Disease?
Lori: I’ve written a musical about using my intuition with the mind/body connection to rid myself of my pain from my arthritis and bone disease. I’m concerned that my nervous system and my mind won’t know the difference and I may possibly re-create the pain or disease.

Hilarion: Yes. That is sometimes a good thing. You would inevitably re-create issues until you learn them. This is detailed in our book, Body Signs. The intent is that as you learn the lesson you are then completing the cycle. The healing is complete. When you have learned it completely you actually forget about it. It has then moved entirely out of the realm of focus of your own interests.

This is illustrated in the Universal Law of Reflection. In the way in which you would attract to yourself people who have similar issues. Opportunities to help them are opportunities to help yourself. This is the more typically safe but slow way in which doctors, healers, various body workers, etc, are able to work out their various issues. The first step is becoming aware of this. Seeing how that process of attraction pops up over and over and gradually learning the deeper lesson of the law of reflection. As above so below. As within so without. You will attract to yourself, through the Law of Reflection, those opportunities for you to learn.

So the next part to this is to accelerate this. To understand it more consciously and deliberately. By working with every aspect of resistance to the Law of Reflection. Specifically, these would be your judgments. Any area where you’re holding something as less than, something that needs to be changed, something that provokes an emotion in you, etc.

There are those involved with various healing disciplines, psychic awareness, forgiveness exercises and the rest who would tell you don’t hold judgments. What nonsense. How are you to stop it when the energy shows up? Why not be looking at what it is valuable for and seeing its lesson so that then the judgment can be let go of. The intent of this is that you do so not by resisting it, not by saying," I am going to ignore that or suppress it." But, by inviting it and understanding its deeper meaning. Then you accomplish what is needed and it is no longer necessary.

Specifically, therefore the work of Byron Katie is a powerful example to work with these lessons, these judgments at a deeper level of understanding, at every level of consciousness. Then, the third level that you have already taken on, where you are working with these ideas over and over manifesting them through your own consciousness, your own body, your ability to share them with others.

If you have the capacity to get the lessons that are reflected back to you, from society, from your audience, the review of the play, the way in which other people are inspired by it, the way in which it change’s you, etc. You would naturally see the pathways from an outer to an inner that the Law of Reflection creates. But the other side to this, an inner understanding: an inner truth. You will be far more aware in the moment in which you are re-creating this. In writing the play, sharing it with others, all of those are opportunities to create your own inner awareness more and more powerfully.

Still as a result, for yourself, you would understand that you would change formation. Knowing this way in which you can express it will enable you to change more rapidly and more powerfully than you had thought possible. As you are prepared for this, as you are ready for it, as you welcome it, you will have much success and benefit, growing in many areas in your life. But to the extent in which you resist it, to which change shows up which you cannot easily work with that is where the difficulties can be.

Past Life Triggers
Lori: I would like to ask you about past life triggers. What I've noticed is that people trigger my past lives through their voice. I recently did a little experiment with someone I have had past lives with through the written word; a written letter. (this person was one of the monks I worked with in a past life). This individual was completely unaware of what I was doing 👀

It triggered emotion in me because it was beautifully written. But, it didn't seem to trigger past life memories. So I’m wondering why are my past life memories triggered by verbal communication moreso than through the written word?

Hilarion: There are two ways in which this primarily occurs. One of them is that which is the reminder by way of voice which is very easily influenced as somebody is speaking or working with you, the words they say can easily be influenced. This underlying idea they are trying to put forth that is already in their consciousness.

But, the way it comes out, the cadence, the pitch. All of these things are to some extent influenced by guides and helpers and where it is a past life trigger that it is desired, that is going to be your guides and helpers more than it is theirs. They may even do a little guide trade there for awhile letting your guides work with what they say and the person’s guides work with what you say. In this way, various energies can be shifted with the specific idea from these higher places to remind you to in some way activate. But you can also be doing this yourself.

That is, as this sort of process starts you are reminded in some way there is a powerful component of your soul that begins to come out. As if your higher self, or a higher energy begins to exert its own influence of your soul then the higher energy begins to exert its own influence. It's as if you are hearing yourself through the other person's cadence, words, pitch etc. That is an interesting sort of spirit or higher vibrational influenced aspect.

There is also however, a very basic physical component. This is the essential aspect that has been studied by so many individuals who work with sound healing. The idea is that you are going to use certain frequencies when you speak more than others. Why do you do this? There are many theories as to why this happens but you'll notice if you simply do a frequency spectrum of somebody speaking about anything that there are a limited number of pitches they use and a whole bunch of others they don't use. When you then very deliberately give them those pitches which they don't use, you will evoke an emotional state. You will shift consciousness. You will do things that in some ways may be uncomfortable or in other ways even move them into an altered state of consciousness.

This is the underlying basis of much of the study of Sherry Edwards, Tomatis and others who have studied sound healing for many years and has coalesced into a wide variety of technological advances for instance from sound energy research and others researching and working with sound to trigger past lives and trigger the various states within consciousness for people. This is more a mechanical aspect but could potentially be influenced by guides and helpers. If for instance the person speaking with you felt intuitively that they would change their voice intonation or the particular pitches they use, or the way in which those pitches were received by you was something they were more aware of then they might begin to shift.

As all of these mechanical aspects are understood you then have the opportunity to look at this yourself. To very deliberately seek to evoke these responses by noticing. For instance, if you speak into most digital audio workstation programs of which there are many free ones available such as Audacity. A simple spectrum analysis can show you the words that you speak have these unique pitches and there are so many others that are not used and in this way you can very deliberately use different sounds to see how the different responses occur within you.

Oftentimes, what is noted is that those which you rarely use are the ones that are directly associated with concepts that are difficult for you to hear. This of course makes sense because it is literally a pitch difficult for you to hear and that is why you tend to speak in the pitches you are then more easily able to hear. Similarly, you can make various assumptions about all of this.

We would say that these are the two most important factors but of course there are many others as you might imagine. For instance, if the things that are being said, that is the content can be something that can reach you on a deeper level. Oftentimes, this will go right around the intellectual mechanisms that might be present in a reading mode where you are working with the language, writing etc. and sometimes the speaking will then be that which reaches you very deeply. Oftentimes, you'll see reminders to this that can be activated such as chanting or various musical forms to help activate some of these triggers.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Hilarion on Autism

Hilarion: This condition arises in those souls who have in previous lives, failed to fully integrate themselves within society. They have, in most cases chosen to live separate and apart from other people, often leading to the life of a hermit. It was not meant that any human soul should cut itself adrift from the human family. The "cure" which has been devised by the guides of humanity is to gather the powerful thought energies of isolation and separation which the hermit soul had projected in its earlier lives and to cause these energies to incarnate along with the entering soul as part of the aetheric body itself.

As a result, any clairvoyant who examines an autistic person will immediately see the evidence of these negative aetheric energies in the aura. This behavior and the difficulty in relating to others, which are usually part of autism, stem from the influence of the powerful energies of isolation which are bottled up within their soul in this life.

Through such an experience, the soul meets itself, and sees clearly the nature of its previous tendencies. The best approach for those who must interact with with the autistic person is to constantly show love and feel love for that soul. It is love alone that can bridge the gulf which these individuals have set up between themselves and the rest of humanity.

"More Answers", Hilarion through Maurice Cooke