Please talk about the contracts we enter into before we take incarnation. Are these given to us or something that we dream up? What happens if these are not fulfilled?
Hilarion: it is for your own evolution and in many cases this will relate to something about love and the contract will be to do this or to do that. But, if you can ask, “What do I want more than that? What does this contract fulfill and can it be done in a better way, or faster? “ Perhaps at the time when you entered into it you did not see, you did not understand that there could be something more and your guides and helpers, your Evolutionary Orientor, (the one who helps you the most, figuring out who you're going to come in as in your life and how and all of that).
Well, they let you go with this, knowing that you will likely understand that in this life. It will be a very difficult matter for those born in the 40s, 50s, 60s and even 70s to entertain the idea that you could dissolve karma with love. So, you cannot say that a contract is that which is absolute because there can be a way in which the very goal, the scope of its original intent could be fulfilled differently from the way in which you saw it.
So, the first thing to understand with any contract is what is its intent? How could people be better served? How could evolution be better assisted with those involved with the contract if it was perhaps worked with in a different way? But, as a general tendency, as something to learn it will always be in alignment; you don't choose these things or jump into them unless they are in alignment with some aspect of your own evolution, of your own soul’s growth, of your karmic vector or that which you are here to experience and so on.
There is no great karma associated with this if you don't fulfill it, you will just get another chance to do it again. But, generally what you will tend to do, they call it in gambling, “doubling down.” In the next life you will have greater consequences, more karma and more important issues and more people to help you and more new ideas and it will be that much more important.
Now, there are those who would say, “With the wave of the hand or the speaking of a particular incantation your contracts are now dissolved.” There is some benefit to this, to the very idea that you can have greater freedom here. But, when they do this they do not usually also address the intent of the contract. Your contract is dissolved but the intent now manifests to you in your conscious awareness and its positive benefit on your own evolution and that of the others you entered into this contract with now becomes clear to you. That would be perhaps a better way to dissolve a contract so that then you can evolve with this and you can learn from it.
After all, if the most helpful thing about fulfilling this contract was involved in your own evolution you don't want to take that away from someone. But, in fact usually whatever others do around this is of less power and importance than with what you do. You will have value in working this out and understanding it.
Where do you know this? Well, you can certainly receive it intuitively, you can see this in dreams but the real way this show up over and over, you know. “Oh, that one again.” Then you see that person who reminds you in so many ways of the others. “Oh, that one again.” You are in that job that seems so much like the others in a completely different way than you ever imagined possible. “Oh, that one again,” is of course, a re-creation of the Law of Progress where the issue tends to come around again and again and the Law of Karma where you are creating and re-creating those situations over and over.
The ways in which these things keep showing up and your reaction to it. Why not go to the place in which you say, “Aha, I get another chance! " A new awareness of this emerges and having remembered what Hilarion said about love, well, could I bring love into this? Could I dissolve this karma and better understand the Law of Progress and better awaken with more love? With some forgiveness? A fascinating area to explore and that which is up for questioning when it comes to the area of contracts.