Hilarion: Bringing us to a question that has been posed about a good business that would incorporate or welcome some aspects of spirituality, of consciousness, of awakening. Does there appear to be a contradiction in terms in understanding this? The very nature of business itself is focused on profit, on bringing money. All of the things that you are going to leave behind. But, the very nature of awakening, the consciousness, the awareness, the love, these are the things you are going to take with you; you will learn from this and grow.
So, it would appear in learning from what has been successful in marketing, in making lots of money for people has been the promise of this awakening of this consciousness of more love, etc. All of the important spiritual ideals that you can list as important in your own life. If this is promised then it is that which would appear to engender a lot of attraction, a lot of money, a lot of possibility.
Karmically, you always recognize the problem with this. Because if it is only a promise and you don't deliver on that, then karmically you're doing a great disservice to others, you’re even fooling yourself. It is very difficult to do that which would guarantee some of those important spiritual values. Even some of the lesser ones such as friendship or listening or helping others. These can sometimes be difficult to provide in a marketing sense.
This at the core is the opportunity for new business; for a way in which this poor fit between profit and true potential or consciousness could work together somehow in the world. It must be more than a promise. It must be that which delivers. It must be the way in which an individual for themselves is naturally going to, as a result of whatever is offered, be able to enhance or bring up their own consciousness, etc.
So, naturally you come into areas of education, areas of coaching, areas in which you are communicating with others to help them to a higher level of consciousness. But, along the way it is very helpful if a continuous evaluation of oneself takes place.
Am I only promising or am I delivering? This is a very difficult place and there are very few, even of the greatest gurus and teachers that have ever done this. They bring their information forward and let it go and this is perfectly appropriate if there is little in the way of karma engendered. Specifically, as soon as money gets involved, karma isn't usually very far behind because after all what does money signify but the idea of debt and borrowing and promises and all of these things that have symbolic meaning to their reminder to you of your own karma.
So, if it is that which is being offered freely you can pretty much go anywhere you want with it, karmically speaking. But, if it is that which money does play an important role or even specifically if you are designing your enlightenment or education or awakening or consciousness or coaching business to bring in money, then the karmic issues must show up. In the sense that whether you say so or not, you are making a promise; you are loaning your consciousness to the other person in a sense and to be true to this it is important to understand two things: there are two paths that now illustrate and understand for you by your own nature what is really going on here.
This is different. It used to be the only path of the karma. You would create a promise, an issue, you would deliver or not and have to deal with it later where there was a problem or an imbalance perhaps even into the next life or into the next and on and on it would go.
But, the other possibility here is that even when you don't deliver there is sufficient love, there is sufficient forgiveness, there is sufficient energy associated with love that the karma is dissolved. This is pretty tricky because it's saying that it is possible to do business in a way that does create problems, expectations, debts, various issues and this would not have significant residue if you had enough love.
The jury is out on that one, one might say as to how this might be an application of the ability to use love to dissolve karma when you know ahead of time that you are creating karma. But, it is an intriguing one to think about for one simple reason: that at some point when the love is strong enough, when it truly does melt and reach and connect, it does something spiritually much more profound and powerful than what you had promised. It is showing your own self-revelation.
It often at such a level then would require an individual to give back any money that they had taken in simply and purely out of their own forgiveness. It might require them to go into a position of deep service or assistance to someone else. The way in which this manifests is that which people may begin to think about even more now that this idea of dissolving karma with love has been introduced.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Karma, Human Trafficking and the Victim -Perpetrator Cycle
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But, recognize the possibility that there was within you an addiction to this, that it became a powerful energy to see of the energetic influence you had on others. How you could bend them to your will and how you could bring them into a place in which you made a lot of money, or gained a lot of power, or other people looked up to you or you gained tremendous respect and eventually even rose to the top in this profession overturning your bosses and maintaining control.
If you can forgive yourself now bringing all of the love, all of the pink light to know that you did the best you could under those situations and had you known what you know now, you would have done differently. But, then you did not. You see then in that forgiveness there is a powerful energy, that it is a forgiveness that you have given to yourself many times since that lifetime, of course. But, still a little of this has hung on for you. A little of the sadness associated with it, a little of the guilt so that when you see human trafficking in this life you feel for it, it touches you deeply. Forgive that, too. Forgive every aspect within your own consciousness that allows you to see yourself as a victim, even though you have not been a victim. As a perpetrator, even though you have not been a perpetrator. It is by your imagination here as then by circumstance, as by what could've happened, go I. Is a thought about this.
This deeper level of forgiveness begins in your heart with each breath there is an expansive energy, a loving energy. That loving energy goes to everyone who has been in a similar situation, not as a pink light or a visualization or an imaginative but, as your own energy of your own forgiveness, a powerful transformative energy that says even as I forgive myself so you, too. Perhaps, this “you too,” is not yet a forgiveness. It is just a questioning, looking at it and asking is there a better way? Knowing that there has been a way for someone else. Perhaps it is a deeper forgiveness, perhaps it is a readiness to let go of this difficulty.
Now of course this sort of visualization and imaginative journey can take place with any crime. The interesting thing here is a deeper answer in some way to the question, "why do you forget?" When you go from one lifetime to the next why do you forget what has happened to you? For many individuals if you did remember it, it would be so horrifying, so frightening and so for this we give you the little hint.
Is there some issue in the world that takes your attention? Some issue where you feel perhaps there was a great injustice, something about what you feel self-righteous? You know your issues. It may be any of a thousand different things; a particular crime that really gets your goat. A particular injustice that really gets you steamed up. Guess what? That's the one that you have a sensitivity to for a good reason. Because that emotional holdover that which was not released or forgotten; the emotional side of this, it is with you. It is with you not usually from just one lifetime but from several and you can pretty much bet with nearly 100% accuracy that you were the perpetrator, perhaps as well as the victim. So, in this way the perpetrator energy is with you now in a new context with an opportunity to release it with the greatest degree of love and forgiveness and caring.
Hold a little baby in your arms and project a beautiful, powerful loving light to a person you care for deeply and imagine yourself swimming with the beautiful dolphins or enjoying the interaction with a guide or helper animal. Feel that love in your heart from any of these or any other situation you can imagine and now very deliberately turn that loving energy onto that past life as perpetrator as you might imagine it could've been.
No, you have no evidence of this but just take perhaps this moment on faith that it's there somewhere and forgive. Project that same energy, that same loving, that same embrace, that same joyful energy and experience it deeply as if that energy and that love can heal across the centuries and allow that energy now to dissipate in a new way and it touches anyone who has been struggling with this issue and enables them to perhaps look at it again. Perhaps, even in this life contemplate again their life, their actions, their crimes, their willingness to shift to a life more of service to others, than of service to self and how that might be enjoyable, might be fun, might even be loving and expansive; might even have given them more than they could have with power over others or more money or more respect not earned, but demanded.
These are difficult to do perhaps for the simple reason that you don't have the facts. You don't have the history of that life as perpetrator and it's a good thing. Because many individuals would be paralyzed knowing this, unable to engage in further relationship or understanding; seeing how far off into areas of mistakes and difficulties they were. If that's hard for you to imagine, well, have you ever thought of the dinosaurs and imagined their lives? Well, many of you have had these experiences. Your primitive soul did exist on this planet in the bodies of the dinosaurs and they were here for millions upon millions of years for so many lifetimes of violence, of the tearing of the flesh or the running away from the flesh terrors. In all of this then, all of these powerful emotional energies are with you, too.
We suggest this as a reminder because we have been speaking for a long time about the opportunity to utilize love in order to dissolve karma. Once you begin to recognize that crimes against humanity, crimes for which people are hurting people are those which can have this karmic attribute perhaps then this new energy can be introduced. This new possibility and perhaps you can go with it and take it to a place even deeper and share about this with the idea that your experiences will then be known to others.
June 21, 2017
If you can forgive yourself now bringing all of the love, all of the pink light to know that you did the best you could under those situations and had you known what you know now, you would have done differently. But, then you did not. You see then in that forgiveness there is a powerful energy, that it is a forgiveness that you have given to yourself many times since that lifetime, of course. But, still a little of this has hung on for you. A little of the sadness associated with it, a little of the guilt so that when you see human trafficking in this life you feel for it, it touches you deeply. Forgive that, too. Forgive every aspect within your own consciousness that allows you to see yourself as a victim, even though you have not been a victim. As a perpetrator, even though you have not been a perpetrator. It is by your imagination here as then by circumstance, as by what could've happened, go I. Is a thought about this.
This deeper level of forgiveness begins in your heart with each breath there is an expansive energy, a loving energy. That loving energy goes to everyone who has been in a similar situation, not as a pink light or a visualization or an imaginative but, as your own energy of your own forgiveness, a powerful transformative energy that says even as I forgive myself so you, too. Perhaps, this “you too,” is not yet a forgiveness. It is just a questioning, looking at it and asking is there a better way? Knowing that there has been a way for someone else. Perhaps it is a deeper forgiveness, perhaps it is a readiness to let go of this difficulty.
Now of course this sort of visualization and imaginative journey can take place with any crime. The interesting thing here is a deeper answer in some way to the question, "why do you forget?" When you go from one lifetime to the next why do you forget what has happened to you? For many individuals if you did remember it, it would be so horrifying, so frightening and so for this we give you the little hint.
Is there some issue in the world that takes your attention? Some issue where you feel perhaps there was a great injustice, something about what you feel self-righteous? You know your issues. It may be any of a thousand different things; a particular crime that really gets your goat. A particular injustice that really gets you steamed up. Guess what? That's the one that you have a sensitivity to for a good reason. Because that emotional holdover that which was not released or forgotten; the emotional side of this, it is with you. It is with you not usually from just one lifetime but from several and you can pretty much bet with nearly 100% accuracy that you were the perpetrator, perhaps as well as the victim. So, in this way the perpetrator energy is with you now in a new context with an opportunity to release it with the greatest degree of love and forgiveness and caring.
Hold a little baby in your arms and project a beautiful, powerful loving light to a person you care for deeply and imagine yourself swimming with the beautiful dolphins or enjoying the interaction with a guide or helper animal. Feel that love in your heart from any of these or any other situation you can imagine and now very deliberately turn that loving energy onto that past life as perpetrator as you might imagine it could've been.
No, you have no evidence of this but just take perhaps this moment on faith that it's there somewhere and forgive. Project that same energy, that same loving, that same embrace, that same joyful energy and experience it deeply as if that energy and that love can heal across the centuries and allow that energy now to dissipate in a new way and it touches anyone who has been struggling with this issue and enables them to perhaps look at it again. Perhaps, even in this life contemplate again their life, their actions, their crimes, their willingness to shift to a life more of service to others, than of service to self and how that might be enjoyable, might be fun, might even be loving and expansive; might even have given them more than they could have with power over others or more money or more respect not earned, but demanded.
These are difficult to do perhaps for the simple reason that you don't have the facts. You don't have the history of that life as perpetrator and it's a good thing. Because many individuals would be paralyzed knowing this, unable to engage in further relationship or understanding; seeing how far off into areas of mistakes and difficulties they were. If that's hard for you to imagine, well, have you ever thought of the dinosaurs and imagined their lives? Well, many of you have had these experiences. Your primitive soul did exist on this planet in the bodies of the dinosaurs and they were here for millions upon millions of years for so many lifetimes of violence, of the tearing of the flesh or the running away from the flesh terrors. In all of this then, all of these powerful emotional energies are with you, too.
We suggest this as a reminder because we have been speaking for a long time about the opportunity to utilize love in order to dissolve karma. Once you begin to recognize that crimes against humanity, crimes for which people are hurting people are those which can have this karmic attribute perhaps then this new energy can be introduced. This new possibility and perhaps you can go with it and take it to a place even deeper and share about this with the idea that your experiences will then be known to others.
June 21, 2017
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