Your responses, then, to your world would not be, perhaps, seen in a very positive light, now would they? That is, your response to war has been, frequently, more war. Your response to the gathering of power into the hands of a few has frequently been the gathering of that power into the hands of fewer still. The response to starvation, suffering and difficulty has been a minimal effort to assist, followed by waves of energy that usually concentrate in the hands of a few; resulting in more suffering.
This sequence needs to come to light. People need to understand it. This is the positive part as others viewing you, assisting you, as your own consciousness and looking at things, chooses earth. Not because the suffering has decreased, but because the education has increased--more knowledge, more awareness, less ignorance, more clarification. This is very clear and obvious across your entire planet.
It is a simple thing to see. It is a trend. It is not enough to stop the suffering. Yet, will it be successful? That depends. You already have within you, built up powerfully as a result of the suffering, one key intrinsic feature into your nature: The ability to love, the ability to love deeply, to know it on some level, that you feel it. Not just sense it or become aware of it--that is enough in itself--but you really feel it. This is beautiful. It is, of course, troublesome if such is used to distract you, which is one of the key elements of advertising, television, and many things that reuse that love aspect to pull you away from what you are here to do with that love aspect. But, as that may be so, still, it exaggerates it or strengthens it so that you know its value, and that is good.
Ultimately, though, you will have the choice to combine love and knowledge, to take what you have been educated in through your experiences on earth, in how you understand the needlessness of suffering; how you understand it at its core and choose then with what you know about what is possible by using technology, using simple means to care for others, using the spreading of more education, using whatever it takes from what you have learned to change it. That is a possible response, and it is the only response that is allowed in the sonnet as it is created. The simple reason is that never in other times has such an equal balance of love and knowledge been allowed into being as powerfully as is now occurring on earth.
Not that it hasn't been tried. Each time it was, for the most part, various disasters resulted; explosion of the planet, nuclear war, pollution to the level that the planet had to be abandoned, or other means by which the thoughtforms were sufficiently reduced that only planetary transmigration was a viable option. That means that the souls in the time between lives (intermissive, that is the definition of the time between lives) decide, "It ain't worth it anymore." They don't come to Earth, they go somewhere else. You've done this, too. In fact, under many situations and circumstances, those planets that were destroyed were planets that you were on.
In many cases, you assisted in the observation or learning about the process. In other processes, you came to understand this larger picture and saw that here on Earth, it was going to be tried again, but this time would be something a little different. There would be the manifestation on your planet; death. The body would give out and in the time between lives, a powerful emotional force could be placed so strongly into the soul lifetime after lifetime, and more specifically intermissive period after intermissive period, that in each subsequent lifetime, though the human being would not recall the specifics, they would feel the emotion. They would know that love.
How they would use that, how they would use that to draw together consciousness, how they would use that to make the world a better place--to coin a much overused euphemism--would be the choice, the response, the words of the sonnet that the individuals could write. A difficult choice. But if you think about it from the point of free will, in which the soul, having known this powerful merging of the knowledge and the love, of the clarification and the consolation, of the aspects at the deepest level to the soul of coming to a vibration that related not so much to the self or to the planet as the solution--for after all, you don't look to Earth for your solutions, nor do you look to yourselves. You look to each other. That this would bring a sort of togetherness, a, you might call it, etheric bonding. It is a very beautiful sort of energy that is possible. It is what is so interesting, so attractive, so beautiful about Earth, and why so many beings on so many levels, physical and nonphysical are interested in what's happening in this place in this next period of time.
The exact period has been described by some prophets. That's a business that has really been through a lot of changes lately. Indeed, as the expression goes, "those who use crystal balls are bound to eat glass." But you are sure to find in your discoveries of these awakenings that you are to contribute to this more and more with each passing day. For this reason it appears that a 17 year period is now being opened to you on many levels. Some of these energies to come at different points in this evolution. But it is useful to recognize that a very powerful bringing-together of energies somewhere around 2013 (perhaps as early as 2011, but most likely around 2013) appears to chart many of the courses under which your planet will respond, and the responses will be those which affect many, not just on your planet but many parts of the galaxy.
These are energies that have to do with the changing of the very nature of time and space, so the being that you will be in 2013 is loving you, communicating with you now in this moment. He or she is sending energies that will influence how this will unfold. One of these key influences must be to shift you out of the "doingness," as the answer--a tricky proposition when all around you on your planet this is emphasized. It has been called the male aspect of being. It is the female aspect that in some ways, then, gives birth, opens the beingness. But, that "doingness," clearly is done as much by women as men. Yet, at the same time it is that which men have learned to respond to most singularly. That is, you want the guy to talk to you, and all he wants is to do something. This specific response must be understood at its core, that in some ways men realize how they have messed up your planet, and they're sort of stuck in that. So, for many reasons, then, women are the ones that many will look to for the new answers, for the new ways of seeing, but most importantly, [for] the return to beingness.
This is a challenge on many levels, no matter who you are. Right now, (1999) those who are most challenged, and we do mean right now, not so much looking into the millennium, year 2000, or any of that, but this very moment, those particularly challenged by this are the animal forms on your planet. These beautiful beings in this moment of darkness, in the time of Winter Solstice, struggle at times to understand what will happen next. They do feel and know the cycles, but this is often the time in which there is maximum shortage of food, maximum difficulty in understanding what will happen next, and the shortages and difficulties become most troublesome.
This is, of course, compounded by humanity's fear, humanity's negative thoughtforms, and humanity's struggle. So, for a moment, we would ask you to reverse this trend. Go to the place of beingness in which you know a bit of your animal nature. Pick an animal as your friend. It could be one you are intimately familiar with--sometimes called an animal totem or animal guide--or one you are not. But send some energy and some love to that being. Let that one approach you, merge with you, be you for a moment, so that you might share with that being the idea that there is light ahead, that you have been through these cycles many, many times. That you know that though there are changes afoot, still, you treasure, welcome, and learn, from the nature of the animal self; the part of you that is like that beast. But, the part that appreciates the beast on its own. You see this as a fellow traveler on your planet, and a beautiful symbol or representative of the diversity on your planet.
So then for a moment, open to all of the guides of that animal to pour through you, for the nonphysical side of this to move through you as a physical, yet also nonphysical, intermediary into the physical form of the animal. So, now for a moment the deer on your planet are nurtured, the eagles are soothed, the dolphins are spoken to, the whales are praised and known, the squid are told that they belong here, too, the insects are able to know their place, the lions to know how they reflect and know the others and on and on through all the beings that co-inhabit this planet with you. Each knows that they have a contribution to make, and that that contribution comes at an instinctual level, at a level of inner knowledge.