Hilarion: There was a question about Syria which seems particularly apropos here. One of the aspects driving the conflict there is purely karmic. Over a period of time there are many on your planet who have engaged in warfare, most of them have recognized the idiocy of this, the foolishness that has drawn them into such conflicts. But, many who go through this are stuck in it, lifetime after lifetime engaging as soldiers on one side and then the other.
So, you have many of those who are left in this karmically who do not recognize the importance of love in shifting this, who are burning off the karma directly associated with being dominant, being the ones in charge, being the dictators. Not because of anything intrinsic in that simply the awareness that most, such in the position of perpetrator, they are the last ones to realize what the problem was. Usually, as you go back and forth through various aspects you have a little more consciousness, a little more awareness because you have more fear as a victim. As a perpetrator, because you then have more ego you therefore have less awareness, less consciousness and as a result tend to replay that out, perhaps as the last time through in such a long time sequence.
What do you do with such people? The ones who were the dominators? The perpetrators? In the last great war? Where do you put them on this planet to work out that karma? You make them the rebels in various conflicts in the Middle East, you bring them into consciousness as position as victim, but you have to find a country to do this and indeed the guides and helpers have reduced this little by little.
This is the real key you see and a deeper understanding of what is going on in all of these wars that as the victims, there is now a greater collective conscious awareness of how the world sees you then there has ever been before. It is through the media, it is through people's actions. But, you see yourself as a result. You have a higher point of view about it and you ask the question: does this have to be? Do I have to fight? Is this the only choice I have?
This is why of course you have refugees, people leaving Syria and finding other places to live and so on and they find that actually pretty easy and so what you're left with is the hard-core people who really have to fight this out. This is true indeed in all of these countries where you find these powerful wars continuing. But, as this is better understood by the collective consciousness, by millions of people around the world naturally then what is beamed, what is shared, what is experienced you go through your own energy on it, your own karma; what you've learned and then you come to love. You simply know that there is love available to both the victim and the perpetrator and that there are other possibilities.
Hence, you see movies that project this energy. For instance, the many that focus on various ways in which people can avoid war by the various aspects in which nuclear weapons are utilized as a pawn in the movie, only at the last second to be put aside or the gathering of force against an alien invasion etc. The involvement of violence in these movies is disturbing to many who do not understand it but it sells tickets and the reason for this is very simple: because somewhere deep in you this is ready to be cleared, to be purged, to be that which can be shifted. That energy which you are now ready to say through whatever means, in particular we are suggesting karma; but it could be the means which brought you to it. I will use love, I will choose a different path, I will understand what these people go through and I will never do this again. My soul will make a choice to something in which I will not be violent.
Now, this is very difficult of course, if you have already made that choice to see this again and again. But, it is driving ticket sales because this is coming up now in people's consciousness and the next phase of this is very simple. It is asking about it. Why do I have this? For instance, moving to the aspect of pure entertainment to that of a little bit of clarification, a little bit of questioning, so when you meet others who are entranced by such films, who awaken to these aspects of consciousness, who want to understand the violence, who buy the tickets, find a place in you that can ask about this.
For instance, who or what is experiencing this violence? Who or what is experiencing this here right now, whatever it is? In the various ways in which you can understand this you are now being given an open door. The real difficulty with making movies, television shows and many different aspects of this that can be shown as popular media in various ways that can be less violent, bringing greater aspects of consciousness, greater awareness and so on is that they don't sell very well.
But, those who produce movies base this on the history and things are changing rapidly. And in only a short time, perhaps only a year or two from now more films, more opportunities for art, to bring these aspects in of higher consciousness will sell more and that of course is going to be proven by the lower investment aspects of this, those of television shows. Witness for instance, the acceptance and interest in the television show, Sutherland's, "Touch."
As people are able to shift their consciousness, this shifts the planet and that was the other aspect we wanted to mention with regards to the way in which this aetheric body is shifting for each of you individually, so it is also for earth. The primary energy we view as being responsible for the changes that are likely to be seen around December 21, 2012 are due to this factor. These energies, not that of a collective consciousness of alien beings coming here to lift off, a cataclysmic earth change, a great shift through the galactic, there are all kinds of reasons why all of these energies shift but it is more personal. It is simply the awareness that this energy is yours, that you are here, you have chosen Earth and Earth has chosen you.