Why can't we see the flaws in treating the symptoms but not the cause?
~ The Karma Musical
Lori: Can you please explain karma as it relates to disease?
Hilarion: You'll see that disease has been quantified in various ways by different systems. What keeps showing up in the most basic of ways in looking at it is the importance and difference between what could be called, "acute" and "chronic." These have a lot to do with karma. Oftentimes, you will see that various acute conditions, though there will certainly be important karmic influence for just about anything that can happen with the body, or mind, since mental disease could also be included in such considerations. You will see that this is a very important division in that acute conditions are those which either have their karma more easily understood, worked with and dissolved, or balanced or are conditions in which relatively low levels of karma are involved.
By its very nature when such karmic impediments, energy drains, blocks, detours, many different names for these issues can be ascribed are minimal, the disease tends to correct itself fairly quickly. You cannot state with certainty that any specific amount of time determines whether a disease is considered acute or chronic. But, generally you'll see that those which tend to be longer-lasting, more difficult to clear, generate a great deal of your attention, and often have emotional connotations; often of such energy and emotions such as hopelessness, frustration and anger, guilt and so on will often be the associations with chronic. Those associated with acute often being a sense of hopefulness even in spite of the grave difficulty or seemingly intractable nature of the disease. The individual will have a sense that it is relatively temporary.
This business of how time is often that which figures into the determination of acute or chronic, naturally will correspond to time in terms of the karma. That which has been existing for many lifetimes, that which you have had struggled with in correcting and so on would then naturally tend to be that which is harder, takes longer and must have more energy associated with it in order to clear.
Disease is often present within an individual for a variety of reasons. It is a singular solution to a variety of problems and it is often that which therefore does take some degree of discernment and understanding in order to work with it appropriately. You have at the maximum level of karma, the issues that are intensely chronic, those which for an individual may be fully intractable and yet at the same time those for which you do occasionally hear of cures, or those which are seemingly miraculous, as those issues which are genetic, those which an individual has been born with, though not genetic or those issues which the individual is working with them are those which society tells them are “incurable,” or those which cannot in any way be changed.
When you understand from the point of view of karma, the underlying issues you then recognize that the observation that these would be so difficult to heal or change may indeed not be true at all and that some of those underlying issues once understood can provide significant shifts even to the level of that which many in your society would consider impossible. That of an actual change in the genetic structures.
It is true that there is scientific basis for this and to understand this you look at the study of what is called "epigenetics," which relates to the way in which the environment can change, the genetic expression and that this can be shifted in various ways. Other civilizations who have worked with this in similar ways. DNA or some similar coding techniques being those which are involved for the transmission of hereditary traits from one generation to another have noted that it only takes a small amount of energy in the correct placement in order to make a significant physical shift around such matters. Yet, if the underlying karma, if the essential lesson associated with the issue, if the sequence of cause and effect has not been understood or worked with properly the treatment will fail. Meaning, that the genetic shifts which can be asserted epigenetically will not take and they will revert back to earlier forms.
This is a difficult area to understand when you approach it from pure physicality. When you understand it from the point of view of the lesson of the soul, of the larger intent of the underlying purpose of the disease or difficulty you then can approach this a little differently. As such some permanent changes may be made.
Indeed, this is how many races have perfected their own physical beings to live for much longer periods, to work with energies in profound ways and ultimately to raise their vibration to a higher dimension and to leave the physical form entirely. Such is not unheard of or impossible for humanity. But, the embracing of the collective karma, the acknowledgment of that which comes from the relationship of the shared soul, the collective consciousness, the way in which you interact with your family, with your community, with the people you are close to and ultimately all of the others on your planet is a very important part of this process.
The first step in the acknowledgement of this is something we spoke of in the 1980’s in the talk called, “The End of Disease on Earth,” http://hilarion.com/eod.html the principle idea there is to introduce the idea in people's consciousness that they could end disease. In other words, simply the idea that it is possible to take a different path in order to learn, in order to grow and work with energies and so on. As you would naturally see, very few people were able to grasp this and utilize this. In fact, you could say diseases be they acute or chronic are more popular than ever. This is unfortunate but it is an indicator that within the collective consciousness the necessity to learn by such radical, painful, but clearly attention-getting means still would appear to be very necessary.
So, with your question this is of course the first aspect that is introduced. Is it necessary? This comes up as soon as you begin to look at karma but when you apply it to disease you then naturally bring this in, in a different way. That is for people to re-examine in the first place before they even get to the issue of chronic versus acute. Generally speaking though as you are able to identify a condition and many times it is pretty easy to see if it is acute or chronic. You'll see that the karmic lesson associated with chronic will be that which has extended over multiple lifetimes.
For many individuals this will be more than three and this means that the lessons that come from it can be confusing. They will be within the context of the life, and the cultural context of a life lived in China will be very different from the cultural context as a life lived in Africa. The cultural context lived as a female can be very different from the cultural context lived as a male and so on and so forth.
Because of these differences it is often within the soul to extract some commonality, to look at the underlying principle quite separate from any of the contexts but as soon as you do this and you are successful, it is highly likely that some of the memories associated with those cultural contexts will come back to you. This can be in a subtle almost unconscious way where you are suddenly attracted to Asians of the opposite sex or you are suddenly very interested in African mask-making for no reason at all, in the previous context mentioned.
As if then, at some subtle level the soul is reminding you that you are much more than just here and just now and that this also extends to every aspect of your life including acute or chronic diseases. But, as you begin to examine and work with this many of the aspects fall into place in the same context we mentioned before in terms of dissolving of karma.
In particular there is a tremendous push when the karmic consequence of this is not just confusion, or lesson learning but something painful, something distracting, something creating difficulty in your life. Thus, you may be urged to bring love to the situation, to understand what's right about it, to allow greater forgiveness, to look deep for every example of this into how it can be manifested, and to feel that love as deeply and powerfully as possible and then to express it in a way that is for you personally important and valuable. So, without getting into further detail you are of course bringing up a very useful and important topic and certainly future discussions could go into that.