Thursday, November 6, 2014

Dissolving Personal Karma

Lori: What other questions should I be asking about karma? Help me out here.

Hilarion: You see, ultimately the dissolving of karma is that which relates to your life, other people, life on earth and so on and so forth. But, not the dissolving of karma in the universe, rather it is a way in which that dissolving is empowering, showing you there are other places to come from. Therefore, it always comes back to practices and doing-ness.

A question such as what practices would be helpful at perfecting, improving, knowing my own abilities to dissolve karma? Often times imaginative play here is very wonderful and it is always easier with the small stuff, something around which you don't have a lot of emotional charge. But what you'll find over and over is that when the emotion shows up, which is often the energetic that makes it so difficult to dissolve karma, it works out very well. In the process of this if you can identify any holding, any energetic that is saying, I don't want to, or more powerfully, “I won’t,” or even more powerfully, “get the hell out of here or shut up.” In other words, a powerful energy that is in resistance is often a powerful indicator.

At the same time you'll note that when the energy is allowed to move freely, in a way in which it doesn't hurt anybody, primarily by various processes that are focused on acknowledgment, noticing where it is in the body, making it stronger so you really sense it and letting it go by various processes such as moving to an energetic associated with letting go. Looking at, who or what is experiencing this now? Or the phrase, “could I just let it go?” or whatever.

Eventually you come to a place where the microcosmic experience that is the inner experience just for you of karmic balancing through love, becomes more real. In this experience the emotion associated with that which has the obvious opportunity to do all kinds of bad stuff in the world by the cause and effect principle. You would just like to get out there and do something with it, that emotional impetus, it disappears because the thing and its opposite are both held in equality in your consciousness.

One process that does this is that which is described in Ardagh’s book, “Let Yourself Go,” an audio learning course where you have the thing and its opposite and all of the emotion associated with both of these, felt fully until they balance out, until finally you come to look at whatever the issue is with total dispassion, total relaxation. This does not dissolve the karma, it takes a step towards it because it shows you about the entire issue.

But, you are that close. The next step is can you love all of it? Can you love the energetic that took you into the issue? Can you love the nature of this? Can you find a loving forgiveness for all of it in some way? This cannot be done when within the emotional context, the energetics are strong because what they'll tend to do every time is pull you into some causation, some way in which you feel the effect of it, some way in which you want to do something. Indeed, it is In this place, #1 of being-ness,  and # 2 of love that the actual dissolution will take place.

The beautiful thing about it is as some might say, “it can't hurt.” Even if you only take steps in that direction, if you only do a little toward this forgiveness the karmic burden is reduced even if it is not dissolved. It is that which is helpful, gives you more insight and helps you take steps in that direction but most importantly can significantly reduce the causation in the universe, more specifically on the earth for the other people who are involved in this.

This therefore leads to the answer to this question which is: in the place of dispassion, of being, of emptiness around that which there was some strong emotion, hence the tendency, possibility and probably the likelihood of generating more karma, can you access love? How can you come to the place of a deep forgiveness of an energetic that truly, deeply loves? How can you incorporate that into your own being? By your breath, by your acknowledgment of your aliveness and the innate nature of that love as being an intrinsic part of your being.

So, the exercise in “Let Yourself Go,” is very nice, it's a great way of accessing this regularly and dismantling the thought form that says those emotions are in and of themselves that should be avoided. This is the greatest difficulty most people encounter in various ways of dissolving karma. They begin to think that somehow that which initiated it to their experience, the emotion, is bad and is to be avoided. We see this in so many places, in so many different forms of psychological or psycho-spiritual work, even if what is in termed “The Work” by Byron Katie. Those who do this regularly begin to see the emotion itself to be something avoided.

This is not true. It is a transformative process but on planet earth emotion is present. It is a powerful factor at generating all the situations and the energies which over and over lead to cause and effect. In its boldest and most powerful way on your news you see the war, the invasion of Gaza, the deconstruction of a jetliner, all of these aspects are a direct consequence of fear, of anger, of resentment, of revenge and all of the different energies so clearly associated with the karma, meaning the cause and the effect of these things which have been going for in some cases millennia, but most importantly in the lifetimes of those individuals.

So, you find by this new path that the emotions cannot be avoided, they are not to be in some way repressed or avoided in their understanding, but they are to be fully felt and then fully released. Because one recognizes that your relationship to those emotions has transformed. This is the great shift in the understanding of how the dissolving of karma works. It is difficult to experience. It is easy to explain and to say your relationship to this has shifted. So what? In terms of your own personal understanding of this, it's as if the emotions are still present but far stronger, far more relevant is the acceptance or/and the forgiveness and/or the various ways of love with which you relate now to that situation, to that cause, to that effect to that bringing it over and over into existence.

Ultimately, what this gives rise to in yourself is something simple and personal. You are already aware of this. That is simply the opportunity to magnify the love that is within you and give it away. Be it looking deeply into someone else's eyes, be it addressing an audience, be it writing it in a book, be it creating the musical movement or any other artistic form that you choose that gives rise to this energy. That says then, with all the power of your being, holding nothing back you are pouring the energy strong enough to dissolve karma and that energy says, "I love, I love you, I love this planet, I love this energy." But, ultimately in the focusing on an object, the step toward doing- ness inevitably arises and really at its core it's simply, I love.

All of this is a reminder to you of the right questions to ask when it comes to these issues and inevitably from this discussion you can find many answers to this. For instance, it is very clear from what we've stated how flexible karma is. How that which might've seen as something you simply couldn't avoid, how the karmic consequences of this or that would inevitably be thrown here or there or upon you, no, not at all. Indeed the ability to understand and work with it all of this gives rise to many, many other possibilities and many other choices and many ways of using your imagination, your love, your compassion, playfulness, to literally change the very nature of karma as you perceive it and work with it in your life and the lives of those around you.

Radical Release is one helpful tool in working with powerful emotions. Arjuna explains this emotional process so well:

Monday, July 7, 2014

My past life as Hilarion's scribe

Pavel Naumov


Lori:  I'm wondering if I've been your scribe before in a past life?

Hilarion: Yes. We had to get permission from guides about this but yes, there was a time when you were very helpful in a completely different capacity than writing down words that come through in this matter. But, yes in Atlantis there was an opportunity to write down on a variety of scientific formula, work with several important research topics, keep data and do other things that involve recording, writing and so on and you were invaluable in that position and helpful to many people later on to utilize some of the information that was recorded in that fashion.

The other side to this at a higher vibrational level, times between lives (the intermissive or afterlife period) which goes to a whole different level. People don't write things down there, it's not necessary. You can easily translate anything of a vibrational nature into something that is written if that is the best way to transmit it. Your ability to learn that, to create published works so to speak, eventually lead you to assist with guidance for other scribes.

Those at the physical level, particularly in the mid- seventh century learning monk’s life, working with various important writings, ways of re-creating them, this was all done by hand. It took a great deal of patience and bringing artistry to it made it easier for the monks involved. You often overshadowed this from the other side, guiding them, assisting them not because of its value to you. Because you could see how it could help them, assist them in their own pursuit of greater understanding, consciousness and the ability to trust some of their own writing. So that would seem to be the place where we were able to enter into it and sharing with you about these possibilities.

Lori: How many of these monks are currently incarnated? I'm aware of a few of them.

Hilarion: We count 53 incarnated currently and this may at times increase or decrease depending on a variety of factors. Most importantly, some who may choose even a new process, a sort of group incarnation process. We’ll see how that goes. But, it is very likely at the current time this may occur in France in about 2018 or so and may involve a group of 10 or perhaps 11 of these individuals. But, at the current time, intent of these is not what you would think about coming together, meeting each other, working on similar issues from the past. But, rather it is taking the idea of a commitment to a spiritual life and somehow making it a reality in the world as it is. A way of combining the energy of a powerful commitment to a sense of purpose of the infinite, of the universe, not necessarily of God, as interestingly enough some of these monks, though not atheists, certainly are not in the more traditional religions.

As this unfolds, it is likely they will be drawn together again. It may perhaps be some 10 or 15 years in the future. It will be up to these individuals. But, we see about 20 or 22 of them having some similar experiences of desiring to do some project or greater work, they will step forward. You may be called upon as a consultant in this regard. It can occur long before this manifests at the physical level. Sometimes, a simple meditation with the idea that you are seeing these people come into a place of perhaps something beautiful that is shared with the world. This can be done symbolically as a beautiful light, perhaps pure white in color that then comes forth from them and that you are adding to this, as simple a meditation as this is, it could certainly help.