Hilarion: For many years people have spoken of the year 2012. They used it as if a metaphor for change, for that which might be a rapture, or a sudden shift, or great transition, or a great culling. But know that you are in 2012, of course you cannot see it as a single thing. It is that of the entire year. So, in understanding this what gradually emerges from this is a way in which overall for human beings is a simple process relating to the law of cycles, the law of help, law of love, law of progress is now set in motion on this day. What happens is for most human beings, also many animals as you hold it in your consciousness as it affects you, be it a powerful transition or something subtle. Six months later this comes more powerfully, more deeply into the physical. This is the property of what is sometimes termed, "the aetheric body," also called, "the holochakra," and it has other names, too.
But, to conceptualize this as something separate is really not accurate. It is a part of your being, it is the nature of who you are. That as these energies gather strength then they make their way into you over a six-month period of time. This is one way in which various health practitioners in a diagnostic mode can predict the sort of physical problems that you will have in about six months or less as they recognize the way in which those thought forms, those energies are on their path to make their way into the physical and then become manifested. When you know this, you can use it to your advantage. But, when the collective consciousness is aware of all of the aspects that relate to a specific event then there is an additional energy behind this.
Many have predicted that in the time of the winter solstice of 2012 those predictions relating to all of these aspects of transition, coming into greater consciousness, rapture or whatever would be those which would manifest. What is important about that is the collective agreement. The sense that many people have that so this is going to take shape. But, quite apart from that, consider that if you are thinking of such things, if you are manifesting them in your consciousness, if they are aspects that you are relating to, it doesn't really matter positively or negatively. But, we are suggesting of course that if you relate to them in a positive way, a way that you would see them as helpful, expansive, useful, that which gives you greater physical energy, clarification or whatever.
As you begin that now it will manifest for you in six months, that is right around December 21st. When you have this understanding in your consciousness you have an additional affect that now begins because similar to ways in which energies are relating to human existence with regards to this aetheric body change is the energy which relates to Earth consciousness and the aetheric change. This actually takes place on a multiplied scale for Earth similar to that of human beings. Thus, it can be seen in a cycle that relates to about 12,000 years and those aspects that were begun at the end of the last ice age, at the end of the Atlantean epic, these energies are now coming to bear but these are not so focused as to a single day.
But, in taking a consciousness from humans and learning from people, earth is able to echo this, bring it back into the consciousness of people and so this energy that is made available to you now is amplified by Earth. So for a moment; a powerful and important question: what would you like? What would you wish for? What would you have? Start first in your physical body. What would you have in your physical body around December 21st of 2012. What sort of changes would you ask for? What sort of energies towards healing? Towards benefit, towards strength, towards appearance?
What about going deeper into the organs? Into the glands? Into the various systems of the body? The nervous system? The circulatory system? The excretory system? As you look at each of these for a moment what would you want to see there? Having conceptualized this you let go of the ideas, you let go of the words and instead focus on the feeling of it. Because it is the emotional body which energizes more than anything else for most people. It energizes the aetheric body, the physical, the mental and many different things. But, if at least now you can take a step in that direction by feeling how this change would affect you. You can also welcome it emotionally. Having that feeling in the body could you sense a warmth? A positive expression? Something of expansion, of light? Something beautiful in you.
You can imagine as if you are saying those words, ah! It worked! Or I am so grateful for this or these energies, whatever they are, are welcome. When you have such understanding with regards to the aetheric body and its overlay into this powerful collective consciousness being shared throughout the world about the nature of the culmination of energies in 2012 at December 21st, you have a greater opportunity to add to this in a positive way, in another way, a way that affects the Earth. Because as you open your consciousness, open your heart and look into the world you see these problems amongst people, you see these ways in which people struggle.
But, you see also something else, a great difficulty in which Earth struggles with so many people. So much change, so much shift in the atmosphere, in the land, in the water, in the ocean. As you see these things and you feel with Earth's grief, fear or sadness, you now have something to offer. As I see my body healing, so I also see yours. As I feel my sense of love, so also now do I feel yours, my Earth, my love. As you might welcome such an energy this is of course a powerful inspiration for Earth's energy as it relates to the six-month cycle to add to it, to bring more into consciousness, to welcome it even more.
Now, if you get this message four or five months down the road is that too late? Yes. The aetheirc body moment, the nature of the six-month energy is now. That is how you hold your consciousness, if that is the story that you need in order to accept that you can change your atheric body, that you can work with that energy which eventually comes into the physical then so be it. What we have noticed over and over on planet Earth and it is a great lesson about the universal laws is the power of love. We mean specifically the universal law of love, that which states that everything is connected and that when you hold in your heart your true understanding of this, the feeling of that connectedness that beautiful loving embrace, that beautiful welcoming, that sense of gratitude, that sense of praise.
Because it is all connected, all of these things that are rigid, held within various laws, this is that and in no other way is it possible, it all melts, it all disappears. The first example of this is with the law of karma whereby as you are loving, you dissolve the karma that requires you to act in a certain way, that dissolves the energies associated with the rigid patterns that says from cause to effect to cause to another effect and on and on we go.
But, in point of fact as you understand and work with these energies there are other choices you can make. Some of those choices relate to how you feel about it, how you could welcome a different feeling about it, how you can understand it in ways, but more importantly it relates to the way in which this ultimately gives rise to understanding, to greater connection and to more love as a result, more interconnectedness as a result, this steers you into the direction of where the love lies. Never into the direction of greater separation, greater loneliness, always to more embracing, more connected-ness, more love as it is re-created, inspired, re-created, inspired like breathing.
So, with this understanding now as you have applied it in your own lives to the law of karma, is it now possible to also apply it it to the universal law of progress, cycles, help and so on with regards to aetheric energy? Of course it is. In this welcoming you see the eventual place this goes, where the essence of this, the true gift of humanity, the awareness of humanity's real gift, that of love is applied to all of the universal laws. This is a big stretch in your imagination, in your understanding, in your consciousness. But, we speak of it today as would certainly be required in celebration and acknowledgment of the release of this book on the universal laws certainly a long time in coming. Yet, that which now enters into the Finnish speaking world first and eventually to all others in all other languages.
In the meantime. This powerful question for you. What will you do with greater love? Specifically though as you would be hearing these words at any time, even conceivably after December 21, 2012 you may understand this by having more love, by welcoming it, your aetheric body can be shifted, your own nature, your genetic inheritance, the collective consciousness that you relate to, everything from the the tiniest to the biggest and everything in between.
For indeed, the law of love is the alpha omega of all of the universal laws. Once you understand this principle and can welcome it for yourself personally you have then gone over a great hurdle and you can perhaps apply this with others. Pretty early for that for most people. In loving them, you are often surprised at the results. As if those things that they have held back suddenly are released, all of a sudden you seem to be in more trouble than you ever thought possible because that love was there, it was saying to them it is safe, you may have those things now that you have always repressed, you may welcome them if you need to now.
But, as you are able to welcome and understand this for yourself personally now answers are revealed. Why has your life been this hard? Why have you struggled to work through this or that? Perhaps it was more than you thought. More than just karma, more than just balancing, more than just the opportunity to learn, it was also timed that there would be more people understanding the way in which the law of love could be used to change your karma but ultimately to change everything and you would have a chance to bear witness to this at the very least. To take it on for yourself perhaps or at the greatest, to be able to teach it to others, to be able to share it at some fundamental way within the very nature of consciousness and the earth.
Many individuals on your planet are very concerned about all of the powerful, difficult issues; economic, political, the various wars, the struggles of various peoples all over your planet, and on and on. But we must say one little thing about this. You are all here. There are more people here that have been on this planet in recorded history and indeed in any history, the opportunities for learning, for interacting, but most importantly for loving are therefore greater than they have ever been before. This is the life you chose, not just the life of this person, of this body, of this relationship, this planet, these animals, this air, this water because of this opportunity.
You could also justify this in a sense, well, in your own consciousness you would ask yourself, I am responsible, I am one with this, I am making choices but if larger consciousness shifts this to "we" and you begin to notice what really emerges from this. For example, although there is tremendous economic difficulty and wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few there is now much greater recognition amongst more people than has ever been aware of this before of this situation.
Hence, an innate though still unconscious awareness of the sharing of the economic conditions by all the rest. It is as if then this rather silly expression the 1% and the 99%, the 1% is more aware of the 99% than it has ever been before. In another way of looking at this, there are currently on your planet wars, various struggles in which there is death, difficulty, various aspects of mechanized warfare, armament and so on. But, by comparison to most previous times, less and per capita for the number of people on your planet far less than there has ever been before.
This is not to justify that where those powerful, difficult places exist, they are mere skirmishes. Because to the people involved, of course these are terrible, horrible, dislocating, frightening, very powerful soul-searching times. But, the opportunity to connect more to the media at the very least and ultimately through this collective consciousness, this is greater than it has been before and this is one of the reasons why this sense of sharing of various aspects of consciousness is going on as it is.