Hilarion: in the Middle East right now, many powerful ramifications of what has been termed “Arab Spring,” the idea that the people in those countries relate more to each other than the leaders of those countries. This is a powerful message that has been very difficult for Israelites to understand and yet it is the fundamental message. What is coming through now in dreams, in the actions of the guides and helpers, energies of the other side,” meet your neighbors.” To the Palestinians, to the Israelis,” cross the border, become friends.”
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Karma of Arab Spring
Hilarion: in the Middle East right now, many powerful ramifications of what has been termed “Arab Spring,” the idea that the people in those countries relate more to each other than the leaders of those countries. This is a powerful message that has been very difficult for Israelites to understand and yet it is the fundamental message. What is coming through now in dreams, in the actions of the guides and helpers, energies of the other side,” meet your neighbors.” To the Palestinians, to the Israelis,” cross the border, become friends.”
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Fauci & Gates:Who? What? When? Where? Why? ~ Climate Change & Coronavirus by Hilarion
Hilarion: A good reporter will always be working with the five W’s: Who? What? When? Where? Why? This is important to understand as you are investigating, as you are learning the truth. It is pretty easy over and over to get the first four w’s and there is a great deal of evidence available if you can get beyond the media that is primarily being paid by those few people who have the most to gain from this: those in the pharmaceutical companies who are now supplying most of the revenue for the advertising for what you see on television.
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/fauci_info |
Another hint that you see, again back to the “who” and the “what,” is beginning to pop through the evidence presented by those who are looking at the vaccine, as we said before, the “so-called vaccine,” because it is a bio-weapon and the way in which it is being shared across the world and the way in which that is killing so many and this is simply not being reported.
It isn’t going to be on the news because obviously it is going to hurt the revenue from those very same companies who are pouring the money into those who produce the news.
But, if you dig a little into the data bases, into the evidence being shared you find all of the truths naturally coming out about the many who are dying from this. Some who die immediately and others, particularly with blood and heart issues, later. In particular, right now you see so many in the sports world suffering and dying from this.
But, again looking at the little hints: who, what, when? Again, so much evidence pointing to this beginning right around the time of the September 11th terrorism shifts and attacks as if to say," it seems obvious now that the fear that is generated around this is insufficient. To generate more fear we need something a lot stronger; something that goes right to the core about everybody’s fear about everything; a disease of some sort."
Then, who? What? When? Where? The “where” people are already familiar with. Right now, of course, the virus is all over the world and that every so-called “vaccine,” has this inherent bio-weapon capability and every country is being run in such a way that in one way or another this eventually takes shape. Some of it obviously, the important players; China and USA have been playing literally back and forth with each other for so long. The who? What?When? Where is quite obvious.
But, what nobody is addressing, the most important component, that which drives all of this and continues to drive it. The “why?” Yet, if you have the willingness to look you will see the little hints about this, too.
How far would you go to save the world?” That is a quote from the title of a book review of the rather delightful book, “Project Hail Mary.”
That book review is written by Bill Gates. He has given you a hint. How far would you go to save the world? Because the “why,” must be answered on multiple levels. Some would say rhetorically, that is of course the danger. They would say rhetorically, “how do you sleep at night?” What they really mean is, “if it were me, I would be awake all night.” Just as one must attempt wherever possible to avoid “nots,” and say what is true if you do say a “not.” The truth is, “I would not be able to sleep at night I would be awake all night,” as an example.
But, what they are really saying by those rhetorical statements obscures, confuses and we would recommend if possible to drop rhetorical statements and ask the truth. There are those that would say, “those people that are doing these terrible things are evil.” It may be that the results of this appear so. But, again they sleep well at night because they are willing to go very far to save the world.
So, let us go back a couple of generations and you had presented at every level so much information in the 1990s coming to light: the studies, the science and the understanding from the 1970’s. The full conclusion was that your planet was getting too hot, little by little the heating of the planet would cause many problems. There would be reduction in oxygen, increase in carbon dioxide, all kinds of weather problems, tornados, hurricanes, all kinds of potential issues and of course the rising sea levels. All of those predictions, every one of them in every way can be measured and every way it has been studied; every one of these have borne out to be the truth. There hasn’t yet been one aspect that has significantly shed any light to the contrary.
The understanding of this is particularly interesting from the mother earth point of view of things. Gaia herself, was actually heading towards a cooler period but humanity’s fascination with destroying itself seems to be the order of the day. How is this possible? How with so much warning over so many generations could people still be doing those things that are so harmful?
Oh yes, there is a lot more talk about it now. Yes, there is a lot more agreements about it now between governments. There are ways in which corporations are slightly improving but overall the significant improvements that need to be made have not been made. So, then, when Gates, Fauci, and others who you would be concerned about their sleeping habits, look to their seventh generation. They look to 140 years from now. They look to the great-great grandchildren. What do they see?
They see a world in which everyone must wear oxygen masks. They must live in sheltered areas away from the great storms that besieged the planet. They must find ways of eeking out food from hydroponics or various technologies that do not indeed provide true health and they must realize their own responsibility in this that they could have done more and they did not. That is how they sleep at night. They know that they are preparing through fear, through the utilization of a specifically tailored bio-weapon, the opportunity to change the course of humanity.
This has not yet occurred on your planet but it will eventually. There will be a gentle push and it will then get stronger and stronger for humanity to put away these self-destructive tendencies to move as painful and difficult as it may be away from everything that heats the planet.
Now, you may say, “we were going to change this anyway and there is no scientific evidence to support this.” In fact, just the opposite. An acceleration of these specific issues: the rising sea levels, the increase in carbon dioxide, the decrease in oxygen. The things we just mentioned and of course, the significant increase in all of these catastrophic weather events. These are increasing and they are increasing at a greater and greater speed.
When you understand this you may recognize the justification that others may have for this. Now, the real difficulty comes when you have the multi-dimensional point of view. Where do the non-physical beings stand on this? They mirror always what is going on in the physical.
So, you would of course, recognize the split. That there are those who would agree with Gates and Fauci and say, "humanity is changing too slowly to survive." The changes that are needed must come within a few years or the global problems will accelerate no matter what humanity does and the result of this will be the destruction of many things on earth that humans find quite wonderful and dear; as well as, of course, the destruction of much of the other life on your planet: the plants, the animals, the bacteria, the life in the oceans and so on.
But, they are not the only ones on the other side understating this. There are those who have hope for humanity. Let humanity know the truth. Let them see where this is heading so they will make these changes right now no matter how difficult this is, they will stop using fossil fuel for food, they will stop using it for transportation, they will stop using it for heating and cooling their homes.
This would be very difficult. It is a place where many individuals feel they are so powerfully addicted they can’t change and we do use that word feel very deliberately because of two reasons. One of them is, of course, your feelings can be changed if you understand the truth and they are really just feelings and not the truth of the intellect, of the technology, of the understanding of the many ways that you could make changes if you really wanted to. But, there’s another side to that feeling that opens up another entire arena that you are not going to like very much but is also, “the why?”
One of these “why,” questions is about these bio-weapons, the vaccine itself and the development of the coronavirus as it is so harmful. One of those aspects has to do with graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide and some associated substances to which a small quantity will tend to accumulate in the human hypothalamus and this will go into many different parts of the body and sometimes the liver will be able to change them so they can easily pass the blood brain barrier. Sometimes there will be a specific energization in the liver or in other organs that will create secondary substances that will cross the blood brain barrier and make their way into the hypothalamus. The result of this is not only greater fear but greater obedience. The willingness to accept that the way out of fear, the way out of this mess is to follow the specific suggestions given by those in positions of power.
But, by the way in which both aspects relating to feelings must be properly understood. You must over and over face your own addiction. Your addiction to things that are harmful; harmful to the earth, to your family, to each other. This is so difficult for people and yet on the face of it, it would seem so simple. So, now you begin to grasp the “why,” of this. The long term plan that which will eventually reach into consciousness deeply enough that it is possible.
Again here, the computer simulations paid for by those in positions of power bear this out. Humanity could with sufficient fear, with sufficient coercion, with sufficient elimination of those who oppose this and with sufficient shift in their thinking be able to make these necessary changes and get their money from the government instead of a job that requires them to drive somewhere or get their money as they would need it in ways that are good for the earth or beneficial in some way that might be shown at a later stage.
This is one of the paths but there is another path. There is the one in which ascension takes place. Many individuals realize that the hell that is coming to this planet is that which cannot be stopped and they choose not to incarnate anymore. Unfortunately, feelings will have a lot to do with this. The positive, the love, the connection with others and those individuals who would get in the way of this plan if they come onto this planet with more love and more connection. They can to some extent be reduced by social distancing, keeping you in a state of fear, keeping you from being in contact with your loved ones.
So, then in whichever way you want to look at this you see these different forces, these different possibilities. There is of course another one that might be called, “the “techno-spiritual.“ That is one that we are also specifically aiding and assisting with. A way in which humanity could have sufficient spiritual maturity to work with technology that is available to do all of the things that are necessary to bring this planet to a place of tranquility, peace, evolution, growth and most importantly, safety. Various techniques that generate huge amounts of energy that can be used to split carbon and oxygen in their form of carbon dioxide where the carbon can then be used at a purely physical level to build buildings, to grow food, to do all of the things that carbon based life forms love and the oxygen would then improve, increase and benefit all of the oxygen breathers on your planet.
But, such technologies, using and working with so much energy could, of course, be those which are abused by even a very small number of people of religious fanaticism for instance, or those of a truly evil nature. Not those saying they would go as far as they can to save the planet, but rather for religious purposes and eliminate all of the others who do not believe as they do.
This would require a greater degree of spiritual maturity on your planet. This is why the masters, the higher beings, the guides of the guides, of the guides are always focusing on spiritual maturity, spiritual awareness, spiritual awakening. and various ways in which you will truly deeply care for each other and when you find someone who does not understand the largest, but is instead focused on their own self-interest, find a way to shift and bring them love, bring them greater awareness so that they will not be the person who causes great harm but becomes the person who causes great love.
This is a difficult and unfortunately, we must say at the current time a minority group because the majority on your planet seem to still be stuck and unable to move forward. Fortunately, many of those who do understand spiritual maturity, spiritual awakening, various forms of ascension for their their own consciousness to be raised in vibration are accelerating, are working with this, and are sharing this as much as they possibly can. This is very good. One could say that this has ratcheted up 5% in the last year to quantify this. That is very hopeful.
But, one must also recognize where things are headed. Therefore, just as this preparation for the shift into greater indoctrination, into greater fear and eventually various ways to reduce, stop and reverse global warming is occurring. This consciousness, these higher beings, this pointing towards spirituality is then preparing for those individuals who are aware of this and who can move into a higher, more vibrationally, evolutionary direction to also physicalize some of this and to do what is within their capability and beyond in their own lives as examples to everyone else to stop hurting the planet, to stop using fossil fuels, to stop pollution, to stop hurting each other.
This may seem small, but if the information comes out that the alternative to this; the fear, the indoctrination, the injection and the manipulation. This is reduction of freedom, reduction of love. It is very unlikely that many people on your planet will embrace this for the purpose of saving the planet. That is why the fear will only increase and why those in positions of power will likely increase what they are doing.
The next step of this we have already spoken about in a different context; the way in which the coronavirus seems to have its little antenna particularly sensitive to the gigahertz frequencies being put out by the many satellites associated with 5G. Well, so and especially, more effectively does graphene oxide. Again, back to the “why?” As it collects in the hypothalamus or those bi-products which also have some sensitivity through their secondary and tertiary chemical processes; biological processes, which are always being stimulated. Those wavelengths can always be adjusted and attuned to greater fear; to greater seeing that you will be “helped,” by those in positions of “knowledge and power.” You will be “saved” by Fauci and Gates.
Not, “saved,” so much from global warming. Not yet. It takes awhile for people to accept it. But, rather, of course, saved from the devastating characteristics of a disease.
So, you see the process that the fear will beget greater fear if you let it. If you come to understand the “why?” perhaps you could shift.
Now, from the point of view of the soul, if this planet suffered a tremendous destruction in almost a matter of a very short period of time, say, less than a year for most human beings. The consciousness as a collective would re-locate. A new planet would eventually be chosen and people would go along that route. But, there does seem to be pretty good consensus amongst all of the non-physical beings guiding and helping you, all of the beings at the higher vibrational level that this is to be avoided if possible. The reason for this is it takes a lot of time and the need for what humanity can produce: the love, the caring, for earth and for each other and even the tiniest, the bacteria, even the viruses.
This could be a very beautiful and wonderful thing for the entire universe and especially for many beings in this galaxy who have been asking a question that many people are experiencing and tend to experience more strongly on this day in the northern hemisphere. The shortest day and the longest night. It isn’t as much a particular question as it is a series of them but they are along the lines of “why bother-ism. Why am I here? Why so much suffering? Why all this difficulty?”
Because as you move through it and you discover and work with that love it tends to be self-fulfilling. You are not the only ones asking this. Many beings who have come to a high level of intellectual understanding will ask this too, from other planets; from other ways of seeing things. Why all of this focus on life or understanding? What is it all for? The unique human perspective on this about love is a very interesting one that they simply do not understand. But, humanity is not quite ready yet to share that. It doesn’t have the sufficient experiences that it has worked with at a very visceral, a very difficult level to be able to speak from a place of total certainty about this.
Many of these beings on these other planets would want to come here and some of them do. But, they find it quite distasteful. You would ask, “why?” One of the reasons of course is the negative thought forms they encounter but it is also something else on your planet. The high level of hydrogen atoms that have a neutron in them. These are so difficult for so many lifeforms that use DNA, use mitochondria, use carbon, that these are slowing down, aging and harming and there is little in the way for the body to diffuse this.
Of course, this substance that we have talked about before is called deuterium and you would say, before choosing a life here on earth, these beings would say, “but there’s so much deuterium there.” But, deuterium just as in parallels to “Project Hail Mary,” by Weir, this can also be your savior. This can also be that which can help you not only with its understanding but the way in which deuterium can be fused to make huge amounts of energy as the individual who invented television, Philo Farnsworth found out in the 1970’s himself.
So, over and over you find that these various aspects circle back. As you have knowledge, as you let go of the pre-conceived notions about this, you find new understanding and new awareness. That knowledge is passed on over and over by the animals about the right way to eat, about the kingdom of the air, about the right way to breathe, about the earth herself and the right way to be on her, treasure her, connect with her and see the answer to this simple question: given where things are going, where will earth be in 140 years? That is in seven generations.
Oren Lyons has spoken wise, wonderful words taken from the Iroquois which is actually more of group than a single tribe, but the understanding that what you do affects everything on your planet and those who would come all the way to that 140 years, to that seventh generation have more and more say than you do now That is the fascinating aspect of true time travel. The aspect of consciousness traveling through time. We have spoken about this as a reminder to you that when you think of seven generations past, you think of your ancestors who came to this place, you are opening the doorway also for seven generations hence for them to communicate with you. But, as you are able to experience and work with these energies you must always draw your own conclusions.
We’ve been speaking about these matters for a long time and what we find somewhat disheartening, somewhat difficult or more specifically you might say towards the Gates, Fauci solution is that there are those who we have reminded to be in community, to connect to each other so they don’t have to go driving around. We’ve helped and reminded with various forms of alternative energy and yet, these people don’t use that very much. Some we have reminded about the powerful energy of your ancestors and the teachings of the animals with regards to improving your diets, helping you heal various conditions.
These, to a large extent people are listening to, they are aware of this. They are making some changes. Not enough in many cases but in many cases in that direction. That is a wonderful thing so why not take on some of these others? Why not listen to those one hundred forty years hence? Why not find a way to make the Fauci / Gates Method obsolete? Do that which will make it so your planet is beautiful and not full of the storms, the hardship, and the difficulty.
This is very easy of course, as a gentle reminder to you, you go out into nature, you enjoy the beauty that is all around you. This reminds you that nature is powerful but in that sense nature will prioritize, just as you do, the survival of planet earth even if it means humans must perish.
We know this is difficult to hear but because we are non-physical we can always remind you that it is in your nature to eventually become non-physical, also. So, the end of the suffering comes then, the difficulty with the planet over the millennia without the humans causing so many problems. Well, it will correct itself and earth will survive. There will be many cleansings, of course.
Monday, September 13, 2021
My Past Lives Working With Intuition
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Hilarion: it would be hard not to. The difficulty is recognition. Many times in lifetimes there have been societal experiences that stop this from coming forth. It is something you see over long periods in the Middle Ages where when this would come out; even such as discussing the vision or idea that you had in a dream could threaten your life. If the information fell into the wrong hands you could be branded, burned, excommunicated, pushed out of your family and so on. In similar ways in various times people have had great difficulty in this integration. Intuition has always been there. It must be for you to survive and it often is there in ways that come in an unexpected context. A way that you weren't even prepared for. This is true for many individuals who might not otherwise pursue it. But, really what you're talking about here is a more conscious awareness of this and pursuit of it.
You were often experiencing this powerful dichotomy of the great power of intuition, the need for it, the benefits of it and so on when you were out of the body, when you were guiding and helping others and looking on your life and noted all of the difficulties and issues and the ways in which it would seem to keep you from deeper understanding when you were in the body. The result of this for more recent past lives was a bit of a conflict that seemed to coalesce for itself in some of the more recent past lives where you would muse on it.
But, in terms of actually putting it into action, not since very ancient times, since the Atlantean times has this been of much value to you in your day-to-day life. This of course was important in various times and there was a lifetime in the Middle Ages where you would work with others and understand about herbs and the nature of subtle life on the world, the devic orders and other intuitive phenomena. But, you felt it was so important to do it in a way that kept others safe. You could not easily resolve it and keep it in your life long enough that you would say or call it your, "life's work." So, it has been that which has always been helpful but not that which has been easy to integrate.
At various times when you tried to do this you've noted that even small amounts of intuition where it is shared with others was a tremendous value. So, in the last intermissive (time between lives) you began to think on this more consciously as something you might explore more in this world as something that others might find available, loving, helpful, useful and so on. But, in many of these past lifetimes the whole understanding of intuition was so different from what you would imagine based on today. It was often seen only in ways that would be seen as superstition, as things that really were not very well understood.
The difficulty with this is that you often find in such situations, too much fear and that is the great killer of intuition. As most have experienced and where you can do this with a sense of safety and love, you would naturally be able to do it in a more formal way easily. This is not to say intuition was not important to you. You used it over and over to make decisions about marriage, about family, about all the different things that you would do, all of the choices in life and all the ways in which you were able to integrate it in a personal way.
This is of course very important but that’s not unusual. It is something many people do all the time as they make decisions moment to moment. They are not so aware of the process and they're certainly not trying to teach it in larger groups. This is done far more commonly on the other side and working with it in different ways in the intermissive helps so much when you come into the world to better trust your intuition and work with it appropriately.
But, in more recent times seeing that this could be shared, taught, worked with more consciously while you were incarnated is a relatively recent development and that which seems to be having more and more effect. This is particularly true in the Western world. In the East there has been more attention on this. But, there is still, looking in history, a great deal of suspicion, a great deal of people who were harmed for their own intuitive discoveries and various ways in which they tried to teach this to others and that were typically housed in other aspects entirely. For instance, martial arts, for instance various arts and crafts and various other things. The intuitive work was very important but not as something you would focus on all on its own.
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Personal Energetic Task (PENTA) Technique to Boost Your Immune System
In understanding these energies, you see that they need some aspect of becoming physical, becoming real, to be used in the world. How do you do it is really very simple--you make a commitment, a deep one, at a particular time every day for the rest of your life. That is your commitment. You will open to these energies. You will move into a higher vibrational state utilizing whatever method you have learned. Remember here, you will learn new ones, you will grow in how you can do this. We would of course suggest that some aspect of the kinesthetic reality be an important part of such increase of your energy. And then, you would tune into these energies by asking that the highest vibrational energies be allowed to move through you. That is all you have to do. You don't have to know where the energy's going, to whom or why. It is not just a matter of trust, because you will quickly recognize that these energies have value.
It will take a while, depending on the nature of who you are, the nature of how you commit to things, how you have or have not in the past, before the guides trust you enough to show up and work with you at the very powerful level often. For most people on average it would be about a year--that is a pretty strong and deep commitment for you, and it shows that you are willing to do this through all of the seasons, through all of the aspects of change that this symbolizes in your life.
And then what you will begin to notice is that everything begins to change. Slowly at first, then faster, for the positive. All the people around you are benefited deeply. Health improves, not just of you, but of everybody around you. And various energies shift, because what you are working with in its essence is assistance, allowing energy at the highest vibrational level to assist.
Now there are those who in their wisdom in physical bodies might choose to direct that energy. There isn't anything wrong with that. That is something many people do. As they fall asleep they pray, or they send energy to help this one or that one. But how do you know that that is the best place for your energy? From the nonphysical level, from the way we see it, you have a tremendous amount of energy. By comparison, if you were to do this as percentages, you are about 98.5% dense physical energy, and about 1.5% intelligence to use it in the most appropriate way. That is not to say that you do not have that intelligence, you just aren't putting it into action now because of practice, or lack of it. When you are nonphysical it is the opposite. You have very little of the dense physical energy. In the intermissive period you act sometimes to help others and to learn from various energies in a purely nonphysical way, by the intellect, by consciousness, by attunement, by vibration, but not by the physical body.
So then, if in your 1.5% wisdom you decide that this person is the one that needs your help the most, yet you do not recognize that this other one whom you don't even know would perhaps have the key to solve energies that would help not only this one that you are friends with but many, many others, than perhaps you would get an inkling as to why perhaps one of these nonphysical helpers is better to work with. You must understand here that there are many examples of this in the way in which you trust your intuition. You're driving down the street and for no reason that you understand logically, you go here or there, only to find some wonderful thing that comes from this. These are simple examples that the guides or helpers throw your way, sometimes with a great deal of force, so that you will recognize this principle. But in order for the dense physical energy to have maximum effect, of maximum assistance--meaning you're effective in the most positive way, others are helped in the most positive way--it must be your free will. No one else can stand in to say "you must do this" or "it is the best thing to do" or any of the rest of it. It must be you who decides. Or again, back to belief, dogma, and all of the rest.
One of these beings on your planet who is seeking as a context-buster at the core level--"no context is too big or too small, we will break them all"--is your friend Byron Katie. Yet, this is an energy that is represented by thousands of helpers. When you engage in the inquiry process and begin to look at these issues, you draw to yourself angelic presences, beings on many levels, soothing, assisting, loving you, saying to you, "You can break through." If you can feel their help, you can be encouraged when you come to the precipice that says suddenly "All that I knew was wrong, and all that I might recognize ahead of me is new." This is scary, this is different, but it is that which you have come here to experience.
Because when you trust that you can break through contexts, then you will apply them to the most difficult contexts, the contexts that shape life on Earth itself: Fear and Ego. The contexts that make those important to you, that allow you to be swayed by False Evidence Appearing as Real, F.E.A.R., or swayed by the energy that says "Who I am is a massage therapist - a wife - a mother - an engineer - a friend - a person who cares." These are limiting definitions, and you struggle against them. But it is in the understanding of your essence as a multidimensionality, as a being that has aspects that are not just rooted in the time constant of now, but also knowing your future and past selves simultaneously. And that the animals teach you about this, because they understand this principle, feel it and know it. That is one important reason to choose an animal body: To give yourself some extra encouragement in this direction.